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Posts posted by Islamadon














    - 1 Thanhic Steel Mace

    - 1 Star Steel Longsword

    - 1 Star Steel Ingot Ingot
    - 1 Ironwood Longsword

    - 2 Lightstones




    (Unless it's a voidal or dark enchantment, you weirdo!)


  2. Lair PRO MC Name:



    Lair Name:

    Ugokoyama 動山


    Lair Members:











    Proposed Lair Locations (Highlight/draw at least three on the map):



    Lair Lore (supply link to an existing creature or other lore if being used as basis for this lair) (1000 words minimum):


    Yong Ping was once a thriving land. Originating from humble origins, those Farfolk of Yong Ping dedicated their sweat and tears into carving out a home for their peoples at the furthest reach of the continent. A community was built, and through mandatory service and a dedication to their culture, they succeeded. This success was not to last.


    The founders of Yong Ping retreated from the spotlight, for they had completed their duty. Times were good, and as the saying goes, good times fostered weak men. Yong Ping traded its homogenous society for one of international interlink. The polity became more focused upon reaping taxes for the Li Ren hegemony than the maintaining of cultural works. Noodle bars were replaced by Nordlandic banks, and property was devoured by outlanders. Requirements for citizenship became null - if you could afford property, you were made equal. What once made Yong Ping distinct was now only represented in the architecture of its shacks rather than the spirit of its people. 


    Too did the Darkspawn of the world seek to reap blood crop upon the population. As the state of Yong Ping grew weak, those nefarious actors found opportunity. Vampires and Mystics had infiltrated the government and plucked the strings of power. Civilization itself had become compromised as the citizens who remained were corrupted into serving venal masters. Great patriots began to fall one by one to the dark, and a shadow was cast over Yong Ping.


    The loss of cultural identity and the embrace of darkness doomed Yong Ping. Noble citizens began to emigrate, for the magic that once made it a home for the eastern Farfolk had faded into the wind. The grand city was wrought with decay and eventually ruined, its original population scattered across the continent in whatever miniscule niches they could carve.


    Two of these citizens chose the path of Virtue. The Oyashimans Kato Oijin and Dodaitose Danzen, who had become brothers, opted to serve the Creator as spoken of in the Holy Scrolls. Where others of Yong Ping were enveloped by darkness, they embraced the light. Through gainful service in the Lectorate, Oijin and Danzen mastered the alchemical arts and were marked with the blessing of the Aengul Malchediael.


    When the Lectorate opted to dissolve amicably, Danzen and Oijin took to the roads as wandering Ronin - the Rising Sun Templars. They used their aengulic blessing to enforce holy wrath upon wicked creatures; though their service to the Church had ended, their mission had not. Yet, the needs of their sired families fermented. Beyond the glories of war, the brothers found a need to provide a home for their descendants and those toiling away at the behest of gaijin governments. 


    When the duo discovered that the ruins of Yong Ping had been taken over by a kaiju of interdimensional origins, both understood the path laid before them. Together they used their wits and skill to rally a host, and through combat worthy of song they slew the bold and blue beast GORIJACHAN. With Yong Ping’s clay liberated from the horrid kaiju, Danzen decided that now was the time to resettle.


    The concept of their civilization was simple. Oijin and Danzen would utilize the alchemical arts to enable their peoples to move their home freely, so that famine, drought or tsunami would never herald the doom of their tribe. Thus, he planned out and constructed MArt 138, “Ugokoyama 動山”. Such a technological marvel would be the ultimate testament towards Oyashiman ingenuity and cultural superiority - a symbol of a brighter future. 


    Too did Oijin and Danzen agree upon the cause of Yong Ping’s destruction: the Darkspawn that were allowed to ferment. As a result, the lair of Ugokoyama would seek to house a dojo where Oyashimans could learn to become a samurai blessed with the power of Malchediael or an eastern monk who had specialized in Kani. Those who were competent, yet undesiring of these two boons, would instead find themselves employed in the Ugokoyama Corporation and could possibly find themselves being educated in the greater forms of alchemy.


    Lair Build and Infrastructure (photos required, give dimensions):

    Dimension: Approximately 50x50. The build itself is around 37 x 41.




    Why can this group not fulfill their roleplay niche in an existing settlement or nation? (Give a detailed answer and examples of how this has not worked in the past.):

    To be honest, it probably could exist very easily in Aaun. That said, the ST compilation of the MArt requested that a Lair Application be made for ease of paperwork as well as to provide a basic region for implementation. Further, one of the main points of this MArt and the overarching goal of the lair is to re-civilize the ruins of Yong Ping and eventually form a new settlement there known as Yopinawa. If it was anywhere other than the immediate Yong Ping area, I think the project and intent would lose a massive amount of SOUL.


    How does this lair add to the greater world around it? How will its existence benefit its roleplay group and the server at-large?:

    Ugokoyama would act as the first stepping stone of a potential Oyashiman cultural revival on the server. Ever since Yong Ping perished, there has been a lack of unified home for Eastern players. Given that most of the people involved in this project are working heavily behind the scenes to update and provide greater depth of lore for Oyashiman characters (Dingo sanctioned), this would also ferment a new take on Templarism and Kani as it would be given a Samurai and Eastern Dojo theme. Further, the Ugokoyama Smogger Corporation would provide a yakuza-flavor to the Smogger and Animii community, akin Araska from Cyberpunk, and thus would see plenty of interaction with those two feats. If the project gains interest, we would likely seek to upgrade to a settlement.

  3. I haven't read any of the abilities since I'd be saving that for the eventual lore review, but I think calling this "Chi" is a bad move. At least to me, Chi was meant for East-Asian inspired Chinese Kung Fu Monkeys on Aeldin. Suddenly giving it an Indian theme when there is practically no Indian-inspired cultures on the continent of Aeldin (IK :nerd:) just feels very off and against the spirit of the original lore. Chi was originally shelved because it was hardly used and not spread; I think giving it an even more niche subculture will lead to the same problems ultimately. I HIGHLY recommend giving this magic a different name given Chi's pre-existing lore connotations.

  4. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    When an Tawkinist reaches the peak of their craft, they are able to cheat death by taking over the duty of the Monks themselves. In order to do this, numerous steps must be taken...


    The first step is to create a substance known as Vitae of Rebirth. Using the four humors of the desired kloning subject as a base, the Tawkinist will add a plethora of symbols and add the liquid, oily substance to a vat that has been treated with life and growth symbols. The humors act as an anchor for the soul of the desired subject; that said, only 3/4 are truly needed from the subject as the blood used in the base will dictate the final physical appearance. In this sense, a human could use the blood of an elf and their bound klone would look like said elf.


    The second step of the procedure is to utilize an anatomical fetus shaped from Bogodan's Clay. Once bathed within the aforementioned Vitae of Rebirth, a lid will be placed securely atop the amphora/container so that it might be able to brine and mature without the influence of outside contaminants. The process of maturation normally takes 6 IRP Years (6 OOC WEEKS), but can ultimately be accelerated to 3 years (3 OOC WEEKS) via the use of Swiftness and Vigor symbols.  This said, there is a risk of mutation given that the process is not infallible. A roll of 1/4 would dictate mutation and, if accelerated, the risk of mutation spikes to a roll of 1/2.


    The severity of the mutation varies by a secondary roll of 20 if they previously rolled for mutation. Minor Mutations (1-5) are ultimately only cosmetic alterations, such as skin tone, hair color or freckles. Lesser Mutations (6-11) are a tad more severe in that the skin might be afflicted with stripes, spots or scales and perhaps altered bone density. Major Mutations (12-17) are notable but not fatal, often resulting in albinism, weak bones and other unpleasant afflictions. Lastly, Critical Mutations (18-20) could result in the loss of senses altogether and general weakness of the body, respiratory issues, tumors and other depilating physical ailments.

    If the Klone is disturbed whilst maturing (movement or exposure to the outside elements), it would surely perish. Too would the Klone perish and become unusable should its container be shattered prior to a soul occupying it. 

    Should the bound Tawkinist perish after the Klone's maturation, either from the use of a Juliet's Potion or other means of death, then their soul would be anchored and ushered into the klone. they would emerge from the vat blinded and disoriented and it would take a few narrative days, or atleast 1 OOC week, to become accustomed to their new body. If healthy, they will be practically indistinguishable from a standard descendant. If mutated, well, they would have to deal with the consequence of whatever affliction they were treated with.



    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    Given that the Klone's Physical appearance is dictated by the blood used in the base of the Vitae of Rebirth and the Mutations, the 2 Healthy Danzen Klones would practically just be a carbon copy of Danzen in a younger, natural state. Further, the Klone body that is chosen by the soul would be the healthiest one existing at the present time. This means that, in the immediate future of requiring a Klone, I would simply RP Myself... But Younger...  And minus the greater mutations I currently hold.

    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.



    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  5. "Who could have predicted that the Dragonmen would whispah' sweet nothings into the ears of weak minded men? Who had envisioned that they would act with selfish, heretical goals in mind? Who foresaw that they would continue to ignore the corruption of their master, and make weak justifications for their loyalties?" inquired a glowing Easterner. "I also want reparations for threatening to remove the fire altah' in Minitz, but no one can hear me..." he wept.


    Issued and Confirmed by His Imperial Majesty the Holy Orenian Emperor Leopold I Francis, 20th of Godfrey’s Triumph, 1907.




    His Imperial Majesty, Leopold I Francis Horen, seeks to ascend to a power not yet seen upon this mortal plane. Two living dedicants must be offered to the benevolent master, Iblees, so that the House of Horen may never fall again.


    Those patriotic servants of the House of Horen will be rewarded with honors perpetual. They who pay this tithe will be made Knights of the Imperial Order of the Red Dragon, their names inscribed in the Hall of Heroes for generations to come. Further, these zealous loyalists shalt be risen from the grave and offered a place within the Emperor’s host as a member of his Nauzican Regiment. 

    Those most of noble hearts and dedication to the House of Horen may deliver a letter to His Imperial Majesty's personal aviary, where the quality of the servant shall be judged. Those deemed worthy shall be delivered instructions for further steps when required by the Imperial Crown.



    His Imperial Majesty Leopold I Francis of the House of Horen, by the Grace of IBLEES, Unholy Orenian Emperor and rightful Emperor of Aeldin, forever August, Apostate King in Oren, of Savoy, Aaun, Haense, Westerlands and Salvus, Destroyer of the Faith, Duke of the Crownlands, Avar, Frederica, Krajia, and Cascadia, Margrave of Greater Kreden, Count of Johannesburg, Louvain, Beauclair, Sundholt, Estavar, and Wett. Sovereign of Humanity, Suzerain of the Elves and Protector of the Dominion of Malin, etcetera.


  7. Name of the Artifact:

             UGOKOYAMA 動山 [SMOGGER]


    Is this a combat related Artifact? If marked as “no”, it will not be usable in combat situations:



    MC Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact:



     RP Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact:

             Danzen of Dodaitose


    MC Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable, e.g. for event items):

             Islamadon, Gundam_Engineer


    RP Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable):

             Danzen of Dodaitose, Oijin Kato


    Screenshots showcasing the attempted creation of the artifact (use an imgur album or a spoiler please | if an event item just screenshot the item itself | If you're resubmitting an old MArt put N/A:



    [I understand that the smogger engine wasn't constructed over the course of 1-2 Weeks, but given the fact that MArt reviews could take a month or two, I did it early.]




    MC Item description (the exact description that will be used for the MC item if this MArt is accepted):






    A six inch steel key that is intended to activate the Ugokoyama walking fortress’s mighty gear stomach. When twisted into Ugokoyama’s control panel, the store of red oil would begin to flow through the piping and valves of the enormous mechanism. This enables the motion of its titanic legs.



    Effect(s) of the Artifact:


    Ugokoyama is a walking fortress of Oyashiman aesthetic, and is little more than that. When its mighty engine is turned on, the immediate environment will become afflicted with a hazy smog that results in nature itself crying out in pain - such is the price of technological superiority. Druids within 10 meters of the Gear Stomach will discover that there is a disruption to their spellcasting, and thus the strain necessitates an additional emote to commune. The voices of Nature will writhe and spread out in a 50 meter radius from the fortress as it moves.


    Should the engine remain activated and idle in place, a thick pall of smog would linger in the sky and result in nature's continuous loathing. Breathing would become difficult and the smog would act as an irritant for those unaccustomed. This lingering smog would remain for 3 OOC days after the deactivation of the engine due to the sheer amount of pollutant released; nature can ultimately find itself recovering should the fortress settle quietly and the winds dispell the smog.


    Ugokoyama possesses five total stories. The basement, carved from sturdy stone, is equipped with a medical facility, a storage unit, an alchemical laboratory, a forge and an animii workshop. The second level is the dojo; within exists a guest room, a shrine, a sparring mat, a tea room and other domestic decorations. The third level is the lounging room; it contains a dining table, a kitchen, and a comfortable mat that one can sit upon. The fourth level is the residential suite; it contains a bed and further storage. The fifth and final level is the balcony and attic.


    Ugokoyama also possesses four titanic legs wrought of steel. They are designed to provide a stable footing for the smogger walker via its wider base, as well as to support the weight of the fortress. These legs may lock in place for a sturdy base. Three exhaust pipes protrude from the flank of the castle so that the buildup of corrupting smog might be expelled away from the entrance. Due to its size and stature, it would easily fell trees if walked through.


    Ugokoyama’s gear stomach is prone to sabotage and may be destroyed. Destruction will ensure that the Fortress cannot become operable for atleast 1 OOC week and will necessitate repair by those who possess a Smoggers FA. Destruction of the gear stomach may occur following 5 continued strikes with bludgeoned weaponry or other concussive means (Blasting Potions, Concussive Voidal Spells, Boomsteel). Too the fortress’ legs be scaled and tampered with if one manages to adequately reach them; the removal of pulleys from the legs or their connecting pipes will also disable the fortress for a period of 1 OOC week until repaired in a similar capacity though will not result in the toppling of the fortification.



    Red Lines of the Artifact:


    - Ugokoyama cannot be weaponized unless given explicit permission by a presiding ST for an event. In this sense, Ugokoyama cannot be used in war claims to circumvent walls or defenses nor can it be used as a cannon platform for attackers.

    - Ugokoyama cannot continue to expand upwards. Further attempts to add to the structure in a significant capacity will cause an imbalance in weight and ultimately cause the supports to fail.

    - Ugokoyama cannot be physically destroyed by most mundane means given its size and sturdy construction. Thus, the only method to effectively destroy the fortress would be through the use of siege weaponry or a large creature during a warclaim or event. This ensures that raid TNT and midnight raids will not insta-gib the MArt.

    - Ugokoyama’s gear stomach is prone to sabotage and may be destroyed. Destruction will ensure that the Fortress cannot become operable for atleast 1 OOC week and will necessitate repair by those who possess a Smoggers FA. The same repair cooldown applies for mechanized systems within the legs of the Fortress, albeit the replacement of its pipes and pulleys does not necessitate a Smoggers FA. Ugokoyama can also be disabled via the draining of its red oil vats.

    - Ugokoyama’s gear stomach will find itself jamming and stalling should a voidal connection be formed within a 5 block radius of the engine. The stalled gear stomach will require an individual with a Smoggers FA to swiftly unjam it before it can become operable again.

    - Ugokoyama is incapable of traversing mountain ranges; the terrain would be too steep for its legs to operate functionally. Further, Ugokoyama’s profile would be too girthy to traverse narrow passes.

    - Ugokoyama is incapable of traversing stretches of water deeper than 9 blocks (shin level). If water were to submerge the gear stomach or the joints of the mechanisms, the structure would be unable to move.

    - Ugokoyama is incapable of traversing most stretches of swamps given their mucky bogs and unstable/soft terrain. That said, should an adequate path or road be cleared to facilitate the movement of the fortress then such may be permitted.

    - Ugokoyama, given its height and weight, is capable of trampling most trees. Those with abnormally thick trunks (5x5) cannot be felled so easily and may require numerous attempts to crush or uproot at the discretion of an ET if during an event. Trees cannot be destroyed unless given permission by the RO or a presiding ET during an event.

    - Ugokoyama, while in motion, can move only at a moderate and steady pace. Though unlikely to be engaged in CRP, the fortress would be able to move 5 blocks per combat round or mechanical walking pace during free movement scenarios. There is only one speed pace.

    - Ugokoyama can only be activated by a custom key, WHICH CANNOT BE SOULBOUND OR HIDDEN IN AN ENDER CHEST, when it is inserted into the ignition chamber of the basement’s control panel. Only an individual with a Smoggers FA would possess the technical know-how to pilot the walking fortress. Repairs pertaining to the mechanisms of Ugokoyama too would require an individual with a Smoggers FA.

    - Ugokoyama possesses a gear stomach with an area of 12 meters (12 blocks). Activation would require a dosage of 6 liters of red oil to consistently operate for 2 OOC days; it is noted that the cost of start up is immense and thus once activated and settled, it cannot be-initiated without 6 further liters of Red Oil. The flow of red oil into each individual leg enables pistons and pulleys to move the legs of the machine.

    - Ugokoyama’s control panel is located within the basement of the fortress, and may be operated via an array of levers and buttons that dictate the movement of the machine.

    - Ugokoyama’s gear stomach will fail should a voidal magician cast their magic within its immediate vicinity, as all smoggers would.

    - The destruction of Ugokoyama’s gear stomach would not result in the destruction of the fortress overall, but instead the prevention of its movement.



    Explanation of the effect(s) (i.e. how it does what it does - slight bending of magic lore is allowed):


    Ugokoyama functions from the burning of red oil and the released byproduct of smog. Through the power generated via this fuel, the mechanisms of the fortress are able to output kinetic force towards simple tasks such as pulling, pushing and turning. This allows the fortress to move across stable terrain with its gargantuan legs, albeit clumsily. Piping enables red oil to circulate throughout the base of the fortress as to ensure that it does not clog or overheat. A series of gears and pullies internal gears, pistons and pulleys exist within each leg that enable it to move, all connected to the central core. Once movement has ceased, the legs may be locked in place to provide sturdy support. This is essentially a scaled up standard smogger.


    The control panel, located beside the ventilated gear stomach, possesses an array of levers and buttons that dictate the movement of Ugokoyama’s legs. Each level corresponds to one of the fortress’s legs respectively and the motion of the lever will dictate the direction and movement of the leg. When a leg’s corresponding button is pressed, a locking mechanism will activate and hold the leg firmly in place as a safety switch. This ensures stable footing and protection against saboteurs when at rest.


    Ugokoyama’s base was originally planted in the earth before being torn out by its colossal legs. Such was made possible via the carving of sturdy stone and the installation of smogger core engines. After a crane had been installed within its base, supplies purchased from Blue Aengul Supply Co. would have been hoisted upwards towards automaton laborers, who would have been able to construct the remainder of the fortress.



    Number of duplicates of this Artifact:

             2 [Key]


    Do you understand that there is a three-month cooldown between posting MArts per-player, and that cooldown begins upon acceptance? (Denial does not trigger a cooldown period.)



     Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  8. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Danzen of Dodaitose


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:

             EchsDeee (Spoon)


    Teacher's RP Name:

             Wees de Gamagoro (Aurelius)


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


    Stacking this magic, with no survivors



    ADDITION: Cleansing Clap - T5

    A Templar who wishes to expel a curse upon another may do so with righteous fury. Upon swelling their very beings with holy wroth, the Templar would send the back of their hand towards the face of their desired target with the force of a hammer. Upon striking the individual, the aura would transfer into the individual with the sensation of purgation and fire. Wretched dark afflictions would be expelled from the target's body as the raw and erogenous touch of Malchediael batters their very soul for but a moment. 

    This spell takes five emotes to cast: the first emote is to concentrate upon the courage within a Templar; the second emote is to draw Malchediael's light about the Templar's hand; the third emote has the Templar verbally perform a litany pertaining to the expulsion of curses and the opposition of evil; the fourth emote has the Templar wind their body back in preparation for the slap; and the fifth and final emote is to deliver the divine clap upon the target's cheeks.

    Redlines -
    - Cleansing Clap is capable of purging any and all curses, including those wrought upon by Djinn and Druids.

    - Cleansing Clap will strike a target with the force of a swung hammer and is capable of cracking skulls, breaking jaws, etc. 

    - Cleansing Clap is incapable of affecting most Dark CAs given that they do not possess souls. Dark CAs currently unaffected include: Nephilim, Siliti, Frost Wtiches, Werebeasts, Kharajyr, Inferni + Naztherak, Undead [Dark-Stalkers/Liches/ETC.] Epiphytes. This said, Wights, Haunts and other spectral beings would perish in one hit if touched by the Cleansing Clap.
    - Cleansing Clap will shatter the Templar's hand if struck incorrectly or used in a punching capacity. Only a backhand constitutes proper form.

  10. "It is no surprise that Iblees would take the guise of one of the FALSE GODS." mumbles a retired Lector, satisfied that he was proven yet again that Xionists and Darkspawn were all hypocritical weirdos in service to the Deceiver.

    The Lord is the Lord GOD without peer, but you have divided his infinite authorities among many beings, and in such you profane what is holy. This is a grevious sin, for in parting holiness, you destroy it. You have traded one GOD of infinite power for many of little worth. And more so, the Denier is wicked and he takes many guises. Soon, for their weakness, he may creep into the idols of your temples, and into the vast halls of your false gods, and little by little take many roles. Scroll of Spirit (3:8-12).

    "KA-KA-KA, I hope they all kill eachothah' and save us the trouble."

  11. Johannian Oren was the golden age of Human RP and it has yet to truly recover since the downfall of that era. It was a time in which vassal RP was encouraged and distinct; the crownlands fostered RP for would-be Game of Thrones bureaucrats. It was the era of Felsen and Johannesburg. There was a niche for everyone (inb4 muh Courland) if they wished to put in the time. There was quality intrigue and the stories from the era are still told today. Ultimately, paranoia brought the Empire down as distrust between its biggest players became irreconcilable. The most damnable lesson learned from the Johannian era was that one could effectively destroy Humanity by using global alliances.

    Renatus, despite being a war powerhouse and having Mog as a fantastic NL, left a legacy of PTSD for most Human RPers that weren't in the Renatian circle.  I've noticed that the remnant Human factions have since adopted measures to significantly reduce the influence of any single warlord. Oren shifted from vassal loving warriors to tea RPers who lived in a single city. In order to get anywhere in the new Oren, you had to partake in the new rigid system - vassal risk was not worth it. PVPers and ambitious war guilds were frowned upon, and ultimately feared. Renatus was also the ultimate doom of House Horen's prestige as characters were pawned left and right to those who would bid. 

  12. Nice. As for the Cloud Temple, I would just say keep it in the center of the map as it always is. Keep it sandstone-based like the Cloud Temples of old and have it attached to portal hubs if the map is too big. No farms or bar!

    I like the idea of adding regional lore for portions of the continent. Just sprinkle in ruins and provide guidelines to ET to foster stories in those areas. Archaeological sites and what not.

  13. I think the concept is interesting and could be used by noble courts mostly. It can reduce meta by simply having a redline that states: "Transformative Magical Creatures (CAs) will render no discernable relation from the test."

    I would also reduce the complexity of the results and instead just have it be GREEN for related and RED for no relation. The only tricky part about this test would be testing rofl-characters that manifest suddenly and claim to be of some noble descent - who is to say who is legitimate and who is just an impostor?

    A possible solution to this would be to simply have it be a relation by 1 generation up and down (Grandparents, Parents, Child). This way, cousins and extended family will not come up for potential metagame. I think it would be funny to do Maury Povich RP amongst the elf community to see who the real baby daddy is. 

  14. 8 hours ago, Aech said:


    The most schizo experience I've seen was a halfling continually misrepresenting and malding about a completely kosher RP scenario for months with the intent of appearing as a victim so that they could gain sympathy points from the ComicD fanclub.

    Am I shamelessly dogpiling like one of the bloodhounds from Chateau Cheverny? Yes.

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