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Posts posted by Diogen

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Icarus Leonida Sol'Acal


    Character's Age:

             Over 16


    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Sir Emir


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  2. 1 hour ago, Gridlock said:

    If something an internet troll told you five years ago seriously traumatized you, you should not be on the internet. 

    Kids these days have not been in enough CoD MW2 xbox lobbies and it shows.


    On a serious note, what he said is bad and all. But it's a long time ago and you decided to unban him. You should have either stood by that decision or not have unbanned him at all. Huge fault on the staff in this situation, regardles of which side of the fence you are on. It goes to show once more how the LOTC staff are set up entirely wrong. Justice should not know personal preferences and it clearly does on this server. It may be time to review the way we have this server moderated.


    then go back to ur cod lobbies freak lmfao

    wrong server for that

  3. i question your humanity if you quote squak's apology message and shit on him for it. knowing how hard of a responsibility administration is, he's done nothing but shown competency over and over again

    on another note, he should stay off the server. the moment you bring in sexual threats to the point of endangering someone's safety on the server, your privilege of being here is gone. doesn't matter how you see it, it's heinous and it's a crime, regardless of how long ago it happened.
    muna and toni having to take the brunt of it 4 years after it all happened and being very obvious as to how badly it has affected them is enough to warrant a permaban as his return makes current players in the server feel unsafe.
     refer to s.264.1 in Canadian law, and 18 U.S.C. § 875. for the Americans. section 13 in Norway. i don't think i have to explain why someone going as far as to break federal laws, on top of the safety rules on LotC, over minecraft roleplay shouldn't be accepted back?

    i can't deny that a wide majority of us were toxic in 2018 (while only a minority of that were on that extreme of a level), yet we have all gotten progressively better people as time went on. the community right now is in a much better place than it used to be. i still believe he has the potential to be a better person and reform. but not on this platform. not when players still feel unsafe because of him.

    I have been messaged that Tythus LTD is based in the UK.
    This is irrelevant as the threats are between the victim and the aggressor, regardless of the medium. Plus, this has all been said and done via Discord, a medium based in California.
    it's also illegal in the UK. under section 2 of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997

    anyways tythus ltd wasn't associated with these threats



    An offence of harassment already exists under section 2 of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 (the 1997 Act). A person who pursues a course of conduct which amounts to harassment of another person, and which they know or ought to know amounts to harassment, can face up to six months in prison or an unlimited fine. The 1997 Act states that harassing a person includes alarming them or causing them distress. It also states that a course of conduct is either doing something more than once towards one other person or doing something at least once towards more than one other person.

    Section 4 of the 1997 Act created an offence of putting someone in fear of violence. It provides that a person whose course of conduct causes another person to fear, on at least two occasions, that violence will be used against them, is guilty of an offence if they know or ought to know that their course of conduct will cause the other person to fear that result on each of those occasions. A person found guilty of this offence can face up to ten years in prison.


    They have made it very clear that they felt threatened and unsafe from such things.


  4. 19 hours ago, ReveredOwl said:

    like, a plugin that allows you to harvest mc heads that gives you a textured (with a resource pack) food item that represents the crop, like cabbages, which can then be used to perhaps add saturation or custom food crafting recipes instead of just the generic minecraft carrot and wheat farms

    +1 that would be amazing to have

  5. 16 hours ago, Islamadon said:

    I'm an elitist and I think this proposal has too much faith given to the average player. I used to be in the boat that lore should be accessible to everyone, and I encouraged the Lectors to spread alchemy as a result. While the Lectors existed I took tabs of the alchemy production on the server overall. I noticed that many players had achieved alchemy in a domino effect from us and were using our document system to mass produce it on the level that we were. We, in a sense, made alchemy TOO accessible.

    In the month of AUGUST 2022, I recorded each alchemy ST req every single day and made a total tally by the end of it. It is also worth noting that I informed the Lectors to avoid producing Blasting Potions and Tanglefoot themselves as to not spoil the sample. These were the results:



    If you take a look at the chart, Blasting Potions and Tanglefoot were heavily produced to give players an edge on CRP. This was also pre-nerf, meaning that the Tanglefoot would've stopped people dead in their tracks and the Blasting Potions would've been AOE hammer hits every 2 emotes. If you take a look at the chart which focuses on the POTIONS THAT COULD BE USED IN CRP, Blasting Potions, Cockatrice Breath and Tanglefoot made up 50.7% of all potions. This means, definitively, more than half the potions being used in CRP were cancerous in nature to deal with. This was because they were the best potions to use in CRP, and the player base which now had a wide access to Alchemy opted to mass produce the potions that would give them an edge.

    Since then, my mentality has shifted to one of Gatekeeping. I think the average player, when left to their own devices, will seldom act for the betterment of the server and will instead do anything to get an edge over others. I too fall victim to this mentality often, knowing that I can be jumped by a random bandit if I am not prepared adequately for what cancerous lore they might throw at me. I think that enabling any player to get access to any CA, Magic , etc. will lead to disaster as they will find ways to abuse the spirit of the lore in favor of powering up like an anime.

    It is also worth mentioning that Lore itself is constantly being altered due to the actions of players as is. Amendments, Nerfs, Rewrites, etc. feel like a constant occurrence because players either want to buff themselves or the ST has to step in to remedy an oversight which led to lore-looping and/or power gaming. Our lore is fragile and player written, I dread to imagine what horrid deeds we'd be forced to deal with if anyone could do anything. This is not even to mention the stream of rewrites, additions and amendments being proposed by those who just dipped a toe in.

    In Runescape RP we reached a point of saturation, given that there were no applications whatsoever, where everyone was a max level Ancient Magic user who could spam Ice Barrage, had Dragon Weaponry (equivalent to Carb), Agile Leather Armor (for dodging and absorbing spells), Hand Cannons and some level of CA (OMG MAHJARRAT?). I don't want to see LOTC fall down the same rabbit hole.

    ALSO, on PKs, I don't think PKing makes one a better RPer or not. I don't think it's wrong for people to not want to PK given the time investment; they just want to have fun on the server and may have IRL commitments that make restarting every week a hassle. For the past decade I've run on personal PK clauses and have just now learned KLONING for le immortality. If we want to see more PKs, CAs shouldn't have immortality written into them and should instead have a catastrophic off-switch like every other bad guy. Where did the phylactery for Liches go? I'm not against heroes also having some critical weakness like this if they get a Holy Magic, but come on... Most CAs are Monsters!

    okay, those are actually really good points, i might have changed my opinion on the topic

  6. +1 players should get the chance to experience the fantasy aspect of a fantasy server
    but im unsure how un-gatekeeping magics by letting someone who's had the magic for years to self-teach themselves again will solve it. we just need more magics and feats that can be self-taught to begin with.

    i also support lowering the amount of time required to master magics. voidal magic taking an obscene amount of months to get better at while the magic is extremely boring and barely useful until maybe T3 and your persona is too physically weak to do anything is honestly such a boring experience. pls lower the time required for someone to actually enjoy magic

    3 hours ago, Zarsies said:

    I want everyone to permakill their characters. I think having a PK (or otherwise ultimate shelving, you get me, sunsetting is cool too) as an option in the background of your mind for a character is good and healthy. When it comes to the state of RP I consider people being open and willing to PK to be a sign of good health; when you aren't covetous, protective, and defensive about a character you are avoiding a font of many agonies. Thus the timesink of learning magic and the rarity of player content leads to OOCly motivated behavior: unrealistic defensiveness and foresight, subtle metagaming and/or powergaming, and ultimately a resistance to PKing and avoiding or kneecapping conflict. I find that clinging to be a sort of pain and, pardon my French, a sort of RP-immaturity. I don't mean to shame those who don't PK, obviously LotC has a deeply ingrained mechanic to allow characters to endure between monk resurrection and no enforced aging, but in the end I believe it to be good to allow yourself to experience it and always expect or be open to it. There's catharsis and great satisfaction in conclusions.


    also a good idea. being able to PK a persona and provide a cool narrative. my main issue with it is that when you're in a position where your persona HAS to be alive because you're building and running a community, and getting the magic just extremely time consuming let alone extremely hard to get again because you never know if another persona of yours is even gonna get that chance again, it's just hard to actually allow that persona to PK, rather than keep running that community that you've been with for a long time, and provide events and other narratives over time.
    as unwillingly and white wolf said, building a community is ******* hard, and i've always been against the idea of gatekeeping a magic for only 3 players so long as the RPer in question is decent enough to be taught

  7. 1 hour ago, TheCelianorTribune said:

    Now, it appears that the cabbages that are grown outside the city have been taken and eaten by a bug-like creature, based on the tracks left upon the ground. Perhaps the cabbages should continue to be replanted so this creature can continue eating them, rather than us.

    Arùnia chuckled upon reading the section addressing her BUGMAN son, nailing the paper to her wall with the paragraph highlighted.

  8. bug man

    on a serious note, i thought that extra limbs with divided strength for homunculi were allowed? someone recently asked that question in ST lore questions and an ST member said that yes, it was allowed (see AsiothPosting's question 'can homunculi have multiple limbs like legs or smth if the strength is divided between them?')
    and i was pretty sure it was a thing too, unless theres either been a lore change or i've been confusing it with other lore pieces

    either way, good amendment, i +1. i understand the point of homunculi having to mimic life by having them have a humanoid form which will remain the case, but as soulless abominations a couple limbs shouldn't hurt if they're balanced out for the sake of allowing more aesthetic choices to these creatures for occult-themed RP.

  9. 8 minutes ago, Mannamannaa said:
      Hide contents

    OOCly wasn't this RP voided? if not I will be sure to keep that in mind! =)



    good question! message me on discord so we can ask a mod and figure it out LOL i'm as confused as you are

    Naele read the missive. Then grinned at the misspelling.

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