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Posts posted by Callum

  1. 22 minutes ago, Ankan said:

    "The Syllar carry the heavy legacy of the Mali'ker on their shoulders now. There is plenty of work to restore what once was, to heal the wounds caused. The former faux-Prince Xavis Ashwood married a Mali'fenn, remember."


    Sohaer Dimaethor Visaj commented to his Dark Elf servant while she made his make-up.

    Varan hopes if he was to ever hear this... that it wasn’t used in a way to insult his fellow Mali’Fenn. For the ‘ahereal’s sake.

  2. This is posted on behalf of premiumroleplay (Harold) who is unable to do so...







    Not good at this, but i’m gone.


    I’ve done everything I can.


    I started talking to the Administration privately, discussion took place surrounding the issues I could foresee, but then they ignored me. I offered help, I did everything I could. I even tried to join the GM Team to train the new GMs up to an acceptable standard. I was told I wasn’t going to be allowed to join the team because the GM Team wasn’t comfortable with me being on the team, due to my attitude. I went public. This was the only way I could get the message across.


    A few days ago, I was content moderated, and then restricted from posting entirely on the forums, because I have been telling the truth. A content mod is where your posts have to be approved by a Moderator. A restriction from posting means you don’t even have the possibility of posting.  I wasn’t even given a message as to why and what rules I broke for my content mod, and when speaking to Telanir himself later, he cited community guidelines violation and that I was creating a disheartening environment for staff. 


    The community guidelines are an Administrations last bolt hole for a quick removal in an emergency. They are not there to protect the community, they are there to protect the Administration from issue.


    I’ve lost all hope in this administration, but most importantly Telanir. 


    This is a targeted attack on those who disagree with staff. Instead of fixing their problems, or listening to the community before making sweeping changes to the very core of LoTC - they are censoring the players who disagree, those who have a voice in this community.


    I served as an Admin twice, most of that time spent managing the staff, in an operations director role, all Team Directors reported to me. Not once did I content moderate somebody on the forums, and not once did I ignore a player who had a genuine issue - or even an ex-staff member who wanted to discuss an issue. To be treated with such disdain, brings me to a conclusion that this server really isn’t worth the time or effort - even if I love it more than most. 


    Goodbye until things change. 


    #FreeNarthok #FreeMed #FreeAeldrin #FreeGGT  #FreeHarold



    I will be posting my thoughts about this here. Harold has been part of the community for far longer then anyone I know. He is one you should trust if he says there is a problem with the moderation team and he isn’t the only one who thinks this. But he has been forced away from voicing his opinion and telling them how it is. He was pushed away when he tried to help. How is this a community where people want to be when players that have given SO much time to the server and helped it progress so far and even seen it through the best times of the server, but the Admin team just push him away and completely silence him because he spoke his opinion. Yes the opinion he gave was against the moderation team but that opinion is shared by hundreds of players that just won’t voice it. Harold is a great guy and his leaving actually sucks, and this is all because of the poor staff teams that have become so annoying. Things need to change before we lose even more big people of the community.... #FreeHarold

  3. [Ooc]

    Username: Sweathz

    Activity Rating (How many days/hours do you play per week?): Literally 0 a week

    Discord: Sweathz#4106

    Timezone: GMT


    Name: Varan Atmorice

    Gender: Male

    Place of residence: Atmorice Manor in Tahu’lareh

    Race/Sub-race/Culture: Mali’Fenn

    Do you swear obedience to the Princedom of Fenn and the Grand Prince?: Sure

  4. 4 minutes ago, Telanir said:


    The policy for moderation at the moment is not to accept such requests (technically there is no such concept as 4+ people). I’m down to review it in the future though based on the roleplay we see in-game. The 3 bandits limit is for settlements only (and perhaps if you were to bandit the direct entrance to a settlement).


    If everyone agrees though there’s no need for us to get involved and you and the settlement can figure it out for yourselves.

    Ok so. HAHAHHAHAHAAH. **** this is stupid, so banditting continues as normal with no cap. But 3 people to raid. 3?!?!?! Kinda looks like a blatant attempt to get rid of raiding and PvP goons because nothing comes from the roads. Almost as stupid as my ban

  5. 3 minutes ago, ABruhhMoment said:

    If you read the first two sentences of what you quoted I believe having 3 or less is the min/max of not needing staff present. If you want more just modreq to supervise over it, easy enough. That’s at least what I took away from it. 

    Austin, it literally takes 2 hours to get a ticket answered for a tiny thing. I was waiting over an hour for a pugsy ticket. What Mod is going to take a ticket that says “Off banditting for an undetermined amount of time”

  6. They just want to get rid of the PvP goons. Can’t believe you would lower the bandit cap to three. Thats going to **** the bandits and you know it. Also you say we can raid with three whenever we like but then give the people who get raided the chance to report them and get them a “Conflict Blacklist”, like hello? Anyway on a side note, unban me ?

  7. “Three down, one to go” The Mali’Fenn would mutter from behind the bars of the evil Red Tag prison. Varan would get to his feet only to be whipped down to the floor as an evil demon would begin reading off a series of names. Varan could only assume these to be more victims of La Punisher Regime.

  8. image.thumb.png.dbff47ae29b797520e5bff483d729f9c.png 

    I would just like to point out that this is the only communication i had from the staff regarding this matter prior to my ban. He didnt even respond to my response. Left me in the dark for a week then bans me for 2 months. Its like i wasnt even given a chance to defend myself. PRIVATE IMAGES. Banned for 2 months. These things dont add up – This means i didnt actually release her pictures by the way. I gave a snapchat name, no pictures

  9. 2 minutes ago, Harold said:

    My biggest gripe is that if this was truly doxxing, the ban would have been 6 months+ to perma, rather than 2 with appeal, the leniency in the ban leads me to believe that the staff themselves do not think this is doxxing but wish to punish Callum.


    Callum and Punisher were together RPly, then it ended badly. I am not one to judge others for what they do in their spare time, but this smells like abuse of position and Pex to remove Callum from LoTC and from somewhere Pun is likely to RP (and hasn’t because of Callum being there.) 


    Youngie was one of the best moderators in the team when he did his service, and I would trust him to make a fair and equitable judgement on the situation at hand. The further proof outlined above is more than enough to warrant suspicion into the actions of both @Fireheart and @Pun



    @Telanir please pass comment, I think this warrants a full investigation into how this was ultimately handled by administrative staff – also considering that this is a full week or so, after the event occurred. What changed between when it happened, and now? 




  10. Just now, SubscriptShark2 said:

    This is abit different then a LoL account tbf

    Point is that it doesnt Doxx her in the slightest. Does not give away any information and as for her getting attacked because of it, she accepted them strangers. I agree it was a stupid thing to do but there was no intent for her to be attacked due to it and I wasnt even the one who sent it to the attackers. I sent it to one person who lied to me about the intentions with the account. I didnt give it out hoping she would get attacked as we were good friends for a while. 

    But the main point is what im accused of, Doxxing her, I did not do.

  11. 1 minute ago, AGiantPie said:

    Want me to rephrase it? Account information is private information. If you share someone’s account information without their permission that violates rule 1.3. Ask Pun before giving out her snapchat to someone, especially someone who wants to harass her. This goes for discord accounts, mineman accounts, snapchat accounts, everything.

    These are all examples of Public information...

  12. 3 minutes ago, AGiantPie said:

    Someone’s non-LOTC affiliated snapchat account information is 100% private information. Just because some LOTCers know Pun’s snapchat username doesn’t mean it’s ok to give it out to people who want to harass her lol.


  13. 7 minutes ago, LordVoop said:

    Let be honest for a bit, this ban is unnecessary ban, and by looks of this leaking someone snapchat account username isnt doxing, for thoes who doesnt know that is doxing let me explain that it is (Doxing Leaking someone personal information in internet, these information can like Medical records, IRL House address, just basic personal information), What would happen if you Dox someone and would happen.
    First Off, you can get charged a fee for it, but in a worst case also depanding how much info was leaked, and if it a huge leak, that can lead to jail time


    About leaking Snapchat username – That aint Doxing, that is called a leak, and there is always a button called Block button in Snapchat.

    I know that Me and Callum arent in good terms, but however he is smart enough not to dox people.

    ❤️❤️❤️ Love you now Vooper. Need to stop arguing

  14. Didn’t want him making the post but as he’s made it I will comment. Apparently I shared this information with Ghazrial which caused Pun to receive abuse from said person. Now Ghazrial has been attacking her for months in every server she’s been in where he is. If she was attack it certainly was not caused by me as I didn’t send the information to Ghazrial. If I’m being accused of sharing any other information, Which I doubt as the ban is only 2 months, then it’s bullshit. Ghazrial has had her pictures for months. All her information is out in the public. Like Youngie here was able to find her snapchat simply by looking at his recommendations for friends. And in the end Pun can just deny any request from people she doesn’t know. The is an undeserved ban, but I don’t expect it to be lifted because for the whole time I’ve been on the server the staff have showed incompetency 

  15. 6 hours ago, Maury said:

    Not my opinion, but PCSwift is just a bad pvp goon. Legit made a bandit group to ‘Make banditing great again, and encourage more CRP.’ Was in that group for less than a week before being kicked for being ‘a D&D kid’.


    What a joke.

    Maury stfu you piece of **** ?



  16. 10 hours ago, Moribundity said:

    Vexalia Lothryne, the lost Atmorice gave a simple smirk. “That was easier than planned.” She chuckled as she sipped on her glass of red from her secretive estate. Retrieving a quill, the woman joyously scratched off a name from her grimoire; now most of the names were scratched off.. “Deaths are so much more satisfying when you don’t get your hands dirty. Isn’t that right, Estrael?” She asked her daughter, who stood before her, clad in plate armor over a fine dress. “Fetch me his head.” She grinned, pointing to the many skulls that sat upon her mantelpiece. “He can join Aelthos and the Drakon girl as a trophy.”

    You have literally killed... no one in Fenn. Every attempt was a failure and that is why you lost all your support.” He would say with a huff due to having to deal with this insane woman for over three elven months “Even when something isn’t against Fenn you always come in with your murder talk when you are unable to do so. For once in your miserable, traitorous life, move on and accept the fact that you are worthless” He would utter moving over to a shirne to Wryvun doing a little pray for the former Grand Prince “You have served your nation for countless years llir... I was proud to have fought by your side through many battles” The Mali’Fenn then rose to his feet uttering one final word “Rest” Before returning to his post beside the new Grand Prince

  17. [OOC]
    MC Username: Callumhz
    Discord: Callum#4106


    Name: Varan Atmorice
    Gender: Male
    Place of Residence: Tahu’lareh (Atmorice Manor)
    Race/Subrace/Culture: Mali’Fenn
    Type of Magic: Arcanism and Water Evocation
    Are you applying for licensing as a full-fledged user? : Yes
    Are you applying for licensing as a student? (Highlight): Yes
    Who is or was your Magic Teacher?: Celia (FlemishSupremacy (Arcanism)), Nilth (UgBrainHurty (Water Evocation))
    Why do you want to use magic within the Princedom?: To do my job

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