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Posts posted by MailC3p

  1. glad i saw this  post because  i went to check out the arcas FB world because of it and  found  some pretty interesting things.


    y'all should  go  check out -2365 142 2238 and -2504 141 2085 as well as the surrounding areas, reminds  me of the current Almaris w asteland to the west of Krugmar but like 100x better imo

  2. Miryaris he was worried  as  he was  running around Fenn and Nor'sarath unable to find Cailian. Worry began to spread "Where could she be? Where could she be?" He thought to himself as he  paced around his small house that he had shared with her,  it was the longest he had been  without Cailin ever since he had met her, he reached into his back pocket and removed a flower that she had gifted him when they first became friends, long before the two considered eachother brother and sister. "Perhaps she's in Celia'nor? she's probably there" And with that he departed Fenn on horseback through the blizzard of snow, his mind was temporarily put to ease thinking she had just been  at Celia'nor, about mid way when he had arrived  to Urguan a bird landed on his back  carrying a letter. "oh good, it must be Cailian" Miryairs said to himself,  once he had opened the letter and read it terror would befall  his eyes, "it can't be" he thought to himself, his  eyes scanning  the paper over and  over again to make sure what he was reading was infact real, it was. Miryaris' hand clutched  the paper which  crumbled it slightly, shortly after a tear fell from his cheek and onto the page below "no... no that can't be real, it can't be" He repeated that line for a few minutes  before grabbing the  flower from his bag again, he turned back  to the path that he had walked, he knew what he had to do for the young elfess who, despite being in his  life for not that long, still had a huge impact on him.



    4 hours ago, Salvo said:

    Whoever decided on 1.9 combat needs to be hanged by their halluxes from a tree until they reconsider, look at the pathetic display in the video

    the person who decided on 1.9 combat has since quit the server.

  3. I have awoken since the last time i posted on here, I would like to continue talking here though, anyways, this civil war has nothing on the Halen’our Civil war in terms of OOC toxicity, i mean look at them, they had to get admins to intervene and oocly stop an irp civil war because of the absolute scale of shit being thrown at both sides, whereas, minus day 1 lf the war, the admins have stayed mostly out of the war and just lettting irp actions be irp actions.

  4. 9 minutes ago, rukio said:

    If you've been here ten years how is this your most toxic war? Oh no...friends r mean to each other OOC over RP? Lal 2017 they were ddosing and doxxing each other one war and friends the next. People are just way more sensitive now. . . 

    me, in the last war trying to purposfully annoying to Urguan and ended up leaving the war with 2 new tripartite friends

  5. 1 minute ago, Shmeepicus said:


    based Eli take


    also shmeep, since you're clearly awake rn, mind hoping onto lotc rq and help me break into the remains  of Reutov? i need a mod to watch me lockpick chests.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Shmeepicus said:


    Vuillermoz was RP my man- as I said, we keep that shit IRP. o7

    yes of course, though i will be real with you Shmeep, 3-4 hour CRP is not my thing man... not my thing


    but still, i was told people where OOCly upset, not your guys, mainly just Vuiller people.

  7. i've seen jack shit in  terms of ooc, the most heated i've seen it get was  in the  wiki discord earlier today when i said "L, one man house" To Grnappa, obviously day 1 of the war was the most heated, i had 20 people in my DMs  asking me what the  ****  was  happening and people  from both  sides  asking me to join them, and with the sacking of vuillermoz  i know  some people got upset at that becuase  Vuillermoz had yet to pick a side in the war, but besides that i've seen practically nothing in terms  of  ooc,  most of my friends are  still my friends, though some people  have left  my discord server because  i support Lion  and  they  support Jay. as  well as  what Shmeep said in his  response, i was also pretty dissapointed when  i saw people from my own side calling jay supporters  'peterphiles' it just seems really tasteless, especially considering the 2nd to last Emperor we  had.


    also, to people like @Shmeepicusand Ave, and just anyone who was my friend OOCly before this war but are now on the other side, i'd just like to  say that i do not care for your IRP position, because i find it really silly to suddenly hate your OOC friends  because  they  IRPly like another guy who you do not like  is just next  level dumbassery, but at the same time if you are someone who  suddenly OOCly hate someone you where  friends  with because they IRPly support another guy, perhaps you should just leave lotc and go touch some  grass, maybe learn how  to allow friends  to have opinions that aren't the  same  as yours.

  8. An Oath Of Fealty



    On the 12th of Owyns Flame 1868 the Barony of St. Lothar swears fealty towards the rightful King Fredrick I. It is with this oath that we, the lords of St. Lothar swear to protect the King and Country with our lives. That we, the lords of St. Lothar swear to uphold the laws of the Kingdom. And it is with this oath that we swear to pledge loyalty towards the King and take up arms against those that wish to harm him. 


    And shall it be henceforth known that the Barony of St. Lothar shall uphold this vow until the end of times.


    Long live the Kingdom of Oren

    Long Live the King!




    TH. Arthur Komnenos, 1st Baron of St. Lothar

    TH. Primrose Komnenos, 1st Baroness-Consort of  St. Lothar



  9. Arthur Komnenos looked over the missive of Savoy declaring war, a chuckle came upon him “besides the men of the Daelandic, who’ve been in this war since the beginning, my shitty little barony can rally more people then that of Savoy, especially after their capitol was destroyed, they maytry but in the end they’re just a canonist version of Norland”

  10. Arthur Komnenos looked over the missive from his office in St. Lothar, as he read it over he looked over at his wife, asleep in her bed “I suppose you can no longer say you have ferrymen friends dear.” he whispered to himself in a voice that she could not quite hear “goodspeed ferryboys, we fought many battles against eachother, i wish you luck wherever you may go.”

  11. Arthur sat in his office inside of his keep at his barony, he thought about how his family was born that of commoners, now his brother owns a baronet and he himself has been knighted, has been gifted a hereditary barony, as well as being given the privilege of running an army of his own.

  12. Arthur Komnenos would be sitting in his office reading one of his favorite books as he rested from the siege when a man in full plate knocked on his door 


    “Who is it?” He asked, he got up from his seat and would walk over to the door “it’s me, a messanger just arrived with a missive.” The armored man said, he would be wearing the Komnenos family colors on his armor, Arthur reached out and grabbed the paper from the man “thank you” He gave the armored man a nod before closing the door on him, he would walk back to his seat, as he read over the missive a frown would come over his face as he let out a dettered sigh “truly shameful, I was just getting to know the man as well, I hope he lives well in the 7 skies”

  13. Arthur would run around the battlefield after the fighting had  ceased and victory was  assured, he removed his helmet as he looked around for his free company men, sweat dripping from the mans  face as he attempted to catch his breath, after a moment he had realized he hadn't seen his wife in a while, as worry grew on him  he would begin to shout as he ran around the city.


    "Primrose? Primrose?"  The old baron ran through the entire city, he would check every body he could find "Tripartite, Tripartite, Orenian, Tripartite" After hours of him not being able to find his wife Arthur would hear an ISA Private yell out "Dr. Primrose!  We got another Injured!" coming from the siege camp, Arthur's eyes would immediately look over to the siege camp and would run over to it, the blood on his  blade and armor now dry and  crusted from the battle, as he entered the siege  camp he  would see a make-shift clinic surrounded by men all getting  treated for there wounds, Orenian hero's  and Tripartite Prisoners alike,  as he entered his eyes would immediately lay on that of his wife and he would let out a sigh of relief  "There you are"




  14. [!] This missive  would  be found  across  almaris

    St. Lothar is open


    On This day, the 18th of Godfrey’s Triumph in the year 1860,  the Barony of St. Lothar has finally been completed and is open for the public to view. Located in the Northwest region of Oren, it resides further down the road from Arichsdorf. It rests on the border between Oren and Haense. All are welcome to visit during this joyous day!

    [!] Underneath the missive would be a painting of the building, as well as a map on how to get to it.






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