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Creative Wizard
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Posts posted by Crevel

  1. Einar would lament the passing of the Luminary. A tear in his eye as he pushes a hesitant glance to his newborn son in his arms, a show of weakness. "Ye will grow old, mah son. Ye will restore our faith as it was when ye are a man grown.. as it should be. Ye've a burden to rest on yer shoulders lad, an' I hope I'll be there to help ye through them. Sleep well... Týr." he would lay the now-yawning newborn next to his sleeping mother, unknowing of the burdens decades to come. Meanwhile, Einar would rest downstairs by the door before finally setting off into the city to finish his rounds.



    I'll miss seeing you around Draiden, I know we haven't got to see each other as much since I've come back but I'm sure it won't be the end. You've spent quite a long time on the server, and your influence will still be felt for a long time to come. Nevertheless, it'll be a shame to see less of you around.


  2. Einar Edvardsson Ruric carefully drafts his signature onto the parchment before giving a thumbs up to Alric, "Aye, this looks abou' right. Our legacy will be cemented in success an' I will make sure tha' ye son Edvard is well taken care of when ye are no' around. He will grow strong, an' he may even have his name cemen'ed in historeh." He would smile, knowing that the future was beginning to look up for the Edvardssons.

  3. Einar Edvardsson Ruric, once he had settled in his new home, would think to himself: 'Now tha' I have established a home of mah own, it's time tha' I sang for mah supper so to speak.' He would take a piece of parchment, before scribing over it with charcoal.


    "Hello, my name is Einar Edvardsson Ruric and if my count is correct, I have recently entered my 50s and I am as sturdy as stone. I am a Highlander, but most importantly a Norlander in my heart. To fight for my home gives me purpose and a respectable living as I defend my kin. For most of my life, I have lived on my own and I have learnt to survive which is something that I will bring with me to the Ashguard. Thank you."


    He would fold the parchment, bringing it to the barracks close by his home.



    MC Username: Crevel

    Discord: Crevel#9266


  4. Spoiler

    Idk if you thought you did something with this cringy attempt at a got-ya post, but it's an incredibly bad post. It was only made worse when you made a separate comment praising your own post. Just letting you know for future post-creating ventures to not do anything like the one you did here. Thank you.


  5. Perhaps it is time for Einar Edvardsson Ruric to make his debut. Or at least, that's what he would think to himself. He would remember the time when he was just a lad, where he attempted to challenge Vane to a duel for the Kingdom. While no such duel did happen due to Vane declining, it only cemented that he was out of touch with the traditions that had come to be that he was never properly taught due to being an orphan. The feisty youngling, now a man fully grown almost reaching fifty winters, may be able to see who would be the new successor to the home he once knew.

  6. I will link my post (which is now locked) pertaining to this thread that was started before this thread was unlocked:


    I highly recommend you read the official thread here, maybe take a look at my thread, and then post in the comments of this thread if you have anything to add.

  7. Spoiler

    When I first came to Haelun'or, I came with the intention of exploring a roleplay community that I'd never encountered before. I mostly played a Human for the ~3 years that I've been on the server and I thought "Hey, a High Elf would be a new experience and it is something worth trying". I dabbled in other races here and there, but I never fully immersed myself into a non-human's community before. Suffice to say, it quickly became apparent to me that Haelun'or's OOC community was rife with issues. Conveniently, I came around the time that Kiwi popped back into Haelun'or.


    Both toxicity and sexism was blatant. These weren't behaviours that were only exhibited by some of the general playerbase, but it was also something being displayed by upper leadership, including the Silver Council and Nation Leaders. When there weren't individuals in leadership who acted in these ways, they did not seemingly make any effort to speak out against the behaviours.. some of them even encouraged it and the idea of breaking server rules. The interactions that I've seen between some people in voice chats and in text channels is absolutely horrible. Nobody should be treated the way that people are being treated.


    While I did not take as active of a role as others, I contributed to helping Kiwi become Sohaer and it is something that I'm proud of. She has a real potential to shape Haelun'or's future, and I think that it's important that Haelun'or is changed fundamentally so that its core elements that hold it back can be addressed.


    This whole ordeal has been tiring, and it's why just the other day I gave in a notice of resignation from Moderation to itdontmatta and it's part of the reason that I'm taking a break from LotC.


  8. Leithedir An'asul hears of the spectacle abroad in Elysium from passing travellers wishing to see the Eternal Library and its amassed collection of literary works. While he cares not for either side, he could only hope to himself that the Elysians would just kiss and make up already since he already has enough on his mind.

  9. Einar Edvardsson Ruric would, from his tundral cabin, peer down at the city of Alisgrad's construction and observe every now and then. Even at night, he could hear the distant hammering away of the Norlandic labourers as they saw fit to rebuild their city. Growing up in Varhelm for a short time in his youth, he couldn't much remember what was there due to living a self-sufficient albeit hermit lifestyle for most of his life. All he grew to know was the local ecosystem that he found himself living off.


    He would take some timber that had been previously set aside by the small fireplace that he had fashioned for himself in his cabin, seeing that it was now dry and unaffected by snow, he would use it to carve a new axe handle as he made habitual glances down to the new city of Alisgrad. Aged by small scars and the constant sweat from his brow, he would ponder for just a moment, "Soon's t'a time that I should see wha' is going on over t'ere meself.. maybe." As he continued to carve, he would accidentally graze against his thumb just enough for a drop of blood to stain the snow below. He'd grunt, taking a break from his carving as he looked down at where a pinkie finger used to be on the same hand from decades prior, "No' yet. They've no place for me. Aftah all.. why shoul' I leave when I'm foine here.." He would continue to carve, peeling away the strips of wood that were not needed for his axe to later use as kindling for his fire.

  10. Leithedir An'asul hums from within the Eternal Library after hearing of his loss, "No matter. Tiuthwyn was perfect for the job before and they shall continue to be now. As long as the position is filled, there is hope for the mali'thill."


    He takes out a book, strumming against its dusty spine before thinking to himself, "Perhaps I should ask them if they are willing to allow me to assist with maintaining the library."


    Leithedir would then comment on the other parts, "Ayliana should make a quite a good Sohaer, hopefully they break the status quo of our awful leadership. I am already quite proud that they, and the rest of elHeial'thilln have declared their opposition for the constitution... it is quite frankly a mockery to consider it legally binding." He'd begin his trek home so that he could dwell in the An'asul Library.

  11. I will not forget the time during Atlas that you farted in a voice chat and laughed maniacally while alone with me when we were both strangers to each other. Your lovely antics will not be forgotten regardless of what happens.

  12. The An'asul would ponder Elarhil's question for a moment, it was a predicted question but did not expect it to come so soon, "We, as Mali'thill, pride ourselves on our abundance of knowledge and our collected pieces of written works; whether it be Valah poetry, ancient history, guides, and so forth. There is so much more that we have not yet uncovered and stored in the Eternal Library because we have not been proactive enough in recent times to seek it out. It is important that this is corrected, or else we may see a gap of history missing from the Eternal Library that could have otherwise been learnt from for future generations. Expeditions and learning from foreign scholars are two examples of the many ways that we could be proactively seeking out knowledge. I also believe that returning to our roots in our scholarly ways is what is most demanded in elCihi'thilln.. after all.. isn't that part of the reason why we are here, lliran?" he'd end his answer for Elarhil's question with a brief joke before moving onto the Tiuthwyn's question.


    He would look to the Visaj before looking out to the audience, "In terms of teaching and spreading maehr'sae hiylun'ehya, I have admittedly not done as much as I would have hoped. However, it is something that I intend to work on and correct. I plan on publishing a collection of essays on topics that I feel are most important at the time, last year I published an essay about 'thill'iyat'.. that was quite well-received by Mali in elCihi'thilln and abroad.. even in the Ebonwood Principatus where their 'saneyir' Minuvas Melphaestus wrote me a letter about it. For an Okarir'maehr, I think that it is important for a scholar who has an aptitude and is passionate towards collecting, organising, and writing about scholarly topics to hold the position - and I believe in that way, it makes me qualified.. not as qualified as you perhaps, but still.. qualified." the scar on his cheek would contort as he smiled.

  13. Leithedir would look over to his fellow candidates. He did not agree with the idea of candidates asking questions to their 'opponents' in an attempt to slander them with a rebuttal given that they were all equals serving a common purpose, when compared to the Valah who will slander for political gain. Thus, he would ask innocuous questions:


    The An'asul would focus on Elarhil Sullas first, the youngest of the candidates, before beginning to speak, "Elarhil, I was quite impressed by the restoration of elUhieran. It certainly shows leadership capabilities and I applaud you for that. However, my possible concern lies in whether your age or leadership of the elUhieran may overwhelm you or make you less effective for the position of Okarir'maehr. Do you think that your age may affect how effective you would be in the position of Okarir'maehr where you will be handling knowledge, some from before your own lifetime? Further, do you believe that leading elUhieran may cause you to have less time for the position of Okarir'maehr, and if so how would you accomodate for that?" he would leave an airy pause before turning to the Visaj.


    Out of all the candidates, he was most mind-boggled for a good question to ask Tiuthwyn, but he would try his best regardless, "Tiuthwyn, you are very likely the best Mali for the position. However, I must ask. You served as Okarir'maehr for quite a long time, but you decided to resign, what was the reasoning for why you resigned?" he'd hum to himself. Thankfully, his lips were not as cracked anymore so he didn't feel the need to lick them again.

  14. Leithedir would peer out at the masses, looking at the Mali of varying ages and varying experiences. He would clear his throat before speaking, "We are Mali of logic and reason, of the arcane and the sciences, of the known and the unknown. Larihei pioneered our endeavors into these vast terrtories, and it is for that we are different from our cousins. With this.. destiny.. that we've been put on the path on, it is important that while we as Mali'thill are equals, we require those who will rise above and do their part for Maehr’sae Hiylun'ehya." he pauses for a moment, licking his exposed, cracked lips.


    "There is a fierce urgency in the Silver State.. for our knowledge in the Eternal Library to be maintained.. and for our youth to learn of our past and the ways of the world, so that we may progress further. It is with this urgency that we on this dais are here to do our duty as Mali'thill to serve our home. For us, not only is this an opportunity for our future, but it is a service to Maehr’sae Hiylun'ehya and all Mali'thill who follow it. With that, it is I, Leithedir An'asul, who hopes to take the mantle of Okarir'maehr." he would conclude his opening statement at that, rubbing the edged point of his right ear as he awaited the opening statements of the others on the dais.

  15. Leithedir An'asul would make his way to the dais in the Silver Citadel first out of the Okarir'maehr candidates, where he would look out amongst the gathered mali'thill populace that arrived for the debate. Those looking back at him at his scarred face would hopefully be put to ease when he would offer a warm smile to them in reply. Inside, he knows this is a real chance at bringing change to not only the elHeial'thilln, which has had vacated seats for too long, and the Silver State, of which all Mali'thill reside, but also to bring change to one of the places it matters most, the Eternal Library- one of the most important institutions for Mali in all of Almaris. He would rest his arms by his side, as he awaited for the rest of the Okarir'maehr candidates to come to the dais.

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