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Creative Wizard
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Posts posted by Crevel

  1. Spoiler





    “And as I have created for you the struggles of the world, so too do I create the struggles of the spirit. And as I have created the struggles of the world and the spirit, so too do I bring their remedies. For I have given you the pains of the world, and I have given you their cure. And you shall know the trials of this theater of virtue, and know that they shall strengthen you.”

    Virtue 5:5-8



    As Petyr walks the streets of Karosgrad on his lonesome, a vivid echo of hymns echoes from the entrance to the great Basilica of St. Henrik catching Petyr's attention. Drawn to it like a moth to a lantern, he enters the Basilica to a troupe of Ruskan Monastics chanting in Raevir that a trained ear would recognise as hymns that include verses from the Bogdani Scrolls. 


    Placing himself on one of the pews, he takes in the scenery while the monastics and clergy perform their daily sacraments. Blinking, Petyr allows a tear to trickle down his face in silence. After a moment, a priest approaches him from the side before placing a hand on his shoulder. He begins to speak, "My son, would you like to make Confession?” Petyr pauses a moment before nodding.





    “In the name of the Father, and of Horen, and of all the Exalted.” the priest speaks from within the confessional. “Is this your first time making Confession?”


    “Da. This is the first.” Petyr nods.


    “How have you sinned?”


    “A few weeks ago.. a close friend of mine was killed. I left her alone when I should not have, and she was killed…” 


    “How was she killed?”


    “I left to get a flower for her.. I left her on the road for only a few seconds. Two horses ran over her on the road.” Petyr sniffs, before heavily exhaling, “I am full of hate, Father. Hate for myself. Hate for those that did this to her. Juliya did not deserve that.”


    The priest hums, “You know, we can never fully understand the Lord’s plan for us. Even the Exalted were never certain of His plan. However, the Holy Scrolls do help us to understand how the Lord works in our lives. He tells us that He breathes life into all of us, He tells us that He has brought us comfort and love, but he also tells us that He brings us struggle and pain. We see in the Gospel that even the Exalted, including Horen, went through struggles of their own which tested their moral fortitude and their resolve. The Lord never gives these struggles to us out of spite or hate... these struggles are trials - opportunities to overcome our adversities virtuously and become closer to Him so that we may come to love Him as He loves us. While you go through your own struggle, those others will face their own struggles from their mistakes where they will find strength from God.. just as you will.”


    “-and Juliya?”


    “Juliya has played her part in God’s plan. She would be gathered among the other virtuous in the Seven Skies now. She will have no more struggle and no more pain. Juliya is close to the Lord now. You need not worry for her anymore. Do you understand?”


    Da.. what should I do, Father?”


    “You should learn to forgive, and love those who may have hurt you. The potential for virtue and salvation is in all of us, especially in those who have done wrong. After supper during your evening prayers, take a moment to pray for others and pray that they overcome their tribulations with God’s help. I think that will suffice.”

    “Spasiba, Father.”


    The priest then formally ends the confession, “God, the Father of mercy, hath, through the authority of the Prophets, instituted a sacred priesthood for the administration of the Sacraments and for the remission of sins. In union with the Exalted, Saints and Angels in the Skies, and all the faithful departed, and on the authority of said priesthood, I do absolve thee from thy sins in the name of the Father, and of Horen, and of all the Exalted. Thy sins are all forgiven.”


    As the two left the confessional, Petyr would feel more whole and at ease despite the confession being rather short. Staying in the Basilica a little longer, he would soon make his way home.






    This post is the third in the series regarding Petyr's backstory. This post is intended to put a little more emphasis to Petyr's faith, how he views himself, and the tribulations that he internally faces as he comes to terms with the harsher aspects of life. All art used in these posts are generated and sourced from an AI-generation website by the name of mage.space, and used for the purpose of storytelling. For any Church players interested, I took a portion of the confession template from a post that Totus made. I recommend checking out his other posts regarding Canonism, because he was a fantastic Church roleplayer with numerous amazing forum posts under his belt.


    First Post: 


    Second Post: 


    Third Post: You are already reading it!


    Fourth Post:




  2. A Kharajyr is not transformed from a human. It is its own creature lore, and you are meant to explain the Kharajyr lore in the section that explicitly says "explain the lore behind the creature" to show you understand the lore. Story Team are going to reject this application, but since you're still new to the server I'd like to make the suggestion that you continue playing with the persona you applied with to get a good grasp on the server and how it works. Furthermore, I recommend that in your next application that you look at other accepted creature applications to know what you should include in a future creature application if you are still interested.

  3. Just now, rukio said:

    To be fair, right, you're not really going to see All-Fatherism outside of Norland, whereas Canonism is everywhere else for humans in some form or another. 


    This is true. However, if they're going to mention more obscure topics whether it be a religion, culture, etc. they should at least be putting in some extra work behind the scenes to ask the people behind that stuff for an accurate summary so that people have a chance to accurately learn more and decide if that is something they would be interested in.

  4. Petyr wonders why the author felt it particularly necessary to provide a portrait of themselves in their "study"; which he felt like was more so just an observation rather than an actual study on the buildings. Regardless, knowing of these other churches now, he would lightly consider the possibility of going on a pilgrimage of sorts to these places when he is older.

  5. Petyr hears of the conflict abroad. A nasty bit of business, but he hopes that it is resolved swiftly. After recently hearing of the elevation of the 'von Draco' to Haeseni nobility, he wonders if that would cause any complications. Messy wars aren't good for anyone.



    Hogo, please refrain from editing my posts. Especially when it's calling you out for reserve-posting when it is against the forum rules. Thanks.


  6. 4 hours ago, VoidandNull said:

    I have no idea who this is mentioning, but I find it funny that it has quadruple the amount of rep than the original post


    It's mocking you for your lack of self awareness because you have a persona named Sigmar which happens to be very rare in real life but is very commonly associated with Warhammer Fantasy. There is the joke explained for you.

  7. Roleplaying as a French person in the past has made me realise that they shouldn't exist and yet we continue to tolerate their existence. How can they speak like that and expect to live life without consequence?

  8. Minecraft IGN(s):


    Crevel, AvoidRP (Alt)






    Ban Selection


    In-Game Ban


    Ban Reason




    What circumstances led to this ban?


    I’d like to preface for contextual reasons that prior to my ban, I was actively a member of Norland’s RP leadership and had been for months at that point on my Norlandic persona. I had gone to Norland using a different persona, affiliated only to the Skavik clan which is by its very nature RPly conflictual. Around the time when I was messaged by my friend, it had been around 8am after pulling a heavy all-nighter which was something extremely unconventional for me and I believe the lack of patience that came with my lack of sleep is why my responses were grouchy.

    Up to a day before my ban, I, with a few others, had gone to Norland with the intention of performing some Villainy RP. Approaching the main city’s gates, we saw that they were closed. Therefore, we collectively tried to find alternative ways into the city - including myself. After a while of searching, I eventually came across a small tunnel on the outskirts that led to a lift sign into the city behind the temple. At the time, I did not think that there would be anything amiss about this tunnel and I originally thought that it was a hidden tunnel created by the NL (the topic of hidden ins and outs had been mentioned in VCs and leadership chats before but we, or at least I, were never shown the location of them). I would find out much later from mods that the tunnel was supposedly made by an alt of a banned player, but I haven’t been told who. With the group, we snuck around the city with /sneak and came to the main square only to see nobody except one or two AFK players. Not wanting to harass AFK players, we left the city and began preparing for a planned set of major raids that was to happen a few hours after.

    A few hours later in the midst of the first raid, I had received a message from a friend of mine who was also in Norland’s leadership and they told me that three key members of Norland’s OOC and RP leadership, including the NL, were accusing me of letting people in through Norland’s citizen doors to raid. This, of course, was not true so I told my friend that it was wrong before vaguely explaining that there was a weakness in the walls. My friend asked if I had told the others I was with about the weakness and I told them I did, when asked why, I told them that “I’m not a complete Norland shill”.

    While I do stand by the general message of what I said, I will agree that the way I conveyed it was rude. After experiencing being in many groups and playerbases, I’ve grown disdainful of those who immaturely think that people should only “belong” to one group or playerbase.

    I was told that the three key members mentioned prior were all mad at me, and that one of the people have a hard time trusting me and that the NL thinks that I’m a jackass. After hearing that, I told my friend that I’d leave Norland if the others were going to make such an issue of wanting to have fun on another persona that happens to go against Norland, I also remarked that “I am not any playerbase’s *****” before also stating that the NL was already aware of the villainous nature of the persona that I created and that I had already told them I’d still write posts for them (my RP position on my Norland persona). Around 20 minutes later, my friend messaged me again asking what the weakness was and I refused to answer. Again, this was because I had thought that the NL made the tunnel, but also because Alisgrad was already quite impenetrable as it was and it seemed unfair for those who might want to do villainy against Norland to tell the leadership about the weakness so that they could patch it up. They would then tell me that the three key members want to remove me from the King’s Council (Norland’s RP leadership).

    I don’t think I need to explain how infuriated I was after being told that I was being removed from my RP position over OOC issues. I also found out around the same time as I was messaged that I had been banned from Norland discords, evicted from the regions, my RP properties (with no appropriate 3 day notice at the time which I was told ended up being given out after my ban so it is pointless to me), and the citizen doors. At the time, I was quite grouchy and brash, and (I would hope understandably to an outsider perspective) infuriated, so I thought at the time that it would be right for me to remove all the content that I had personally written for Norland from the nation’s forum account after they had made such an effort to make it impossible for me to interact with Norland in any capacity both OOCly and RPly despite my at-the-time recent contributions and overall contributions over the years.

    It was for this mistake that I had gotten banned. From this point on, I’m going to make an effort to avoid Norland with its current leadership on an RP and OOC level. I will instead be putting my focus onto other personas that would be unlikely to have a reason to go near there. I will also do my best to avoid participating in joint forum accounts to negate the possibility of an occurrence like this happening again.


    Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


    For the first fortnight or so after my ban, I was still quite brash and furious. As the duration of my ban went on however, it gave me some time to fully consider the role of my own actions in the situation. I do think that my ban was very much justified - after all I did heavily escalate the situation into a negative direction - and I think that the two month length was a good amount of time to reflect. While I am thankful that Moderation later corrected some inconsistencies regarding my punishment when it came to the forums, there are some criticisms that I have about the overall situation.

    Moderation never came to me about the situation before they banned me. In my past experiences as a Moderator where for a time I was also a trainer before resigning, it is a well-known policy of Moderation to reach out to both sides where possible.. especially in a situation like this so that they are able to make a proper verdict that is not partial to one side or the other. Nobody from Moderation reached out to me prior to my ban to hear my side of the story for a verdict, it was only until I reached out to Moderation myself after my ban that I learnt anything about it.

    Moderation, from my understanding, has not actually pursued any action against the other party for their part in the situation. If the situation was appropriately examined, it would be able to be seen that what I did (while bannable in its own right and as stated before was completely justified) was in response to something that was well and truly against the Community Guidelines of which LotC’s rules are modeled upon. The same definition of Major Toxicity applied to me is the same that could be applied to them: “being incredibly disruptive to a player/group (not sustained)”. It seems that a major part as to why I was punished by Norland’s leadership is because of my indirect affiliation to individuals that they hate, namely Orlanth and the60th, by being in the same cultural roleplay group. Regardless, the Moderation inaction is also despite the private report that I made to Rilath’s DMs regarding the situation (which he himself said was okay) in which I’ve heard nothing back.. not even a message of acknowledgement.


    What motivates you to return to LOTC?


    LotC has generally been the main source of my enjoyment when it comes to video games for the past few years. There is no denying that the server has a much higher degree of quality when compared to similar counterparts. I’ve dabbled in numerous niches and communities throughout LotC, and most of which have been enjoyable. I intend on involving myself in those that I have found enjoyable and turning myself away from those that are just troublesome.


    Attach other relevant information.


    After reading all that, here is some music that I find relevant to my appeal but it should also serve as a reminder to watch Transformers.



  9. Spoiler





    “All love comes from God. Without God’s love, we would not know how to love. Love your family as God loves us. Love your wife as God loves us. Love God as God loves us. Without love in our hearts, we cannot hope to be virtuous. It is important we recognise that.”

    Venerable Anders Cardinal Jorenus, 390 E.S.



    Dawdling towards Karosgrad’s sturdy eastern gate, Petyr turns his head to a young woman about his age. “Petyr, why do you look at me like this?” she smiles before peering down at her own feet as they walk. He hums before smiling as well, “You do look good.” he pauses speaking for a moment until she looks back at him before reaffirming, “Beautiful.” her face blushes pink, hiding some of the light freckling on her cheeks. “If you’d like, I can take you home.” he offers her, hoping to have some extra time to spend with her. Still blushing, she hums for a moment before nodding.






    As the two follow the path, the young woman tells a story about her village and her family. They share stories of what they have in common, making jokes at each other’s expenses before joining together in laughter. Petyr stops, holding her on the shoulder before pointing up towards the steep hill on their left. Atop lay a purple wildflower, he puffs out his chest a little before he speaks, “Stay here, I am going to get it for you.” He goes towards the hill, grabbing onto a thick root exposed near a rock to pull himself up. Petyr ventures further up, a distant sound of galloping drawing nearer. Picking the flower, he turns around to look down the hill before waving it in the air to show that he got it as the young woman cheers for him. 


    Distracted, the distant galloping soon became heavy hooves but it was already too late. The horse, ridden by a hooded figure, turned a curve that galloped directly into the woman, pushing her back before tumbling over onto its side a few metres ahead, trapping the figure’s leg against the floor. Petyr, seeing her still moving, slides down the hill, letting go of the flower. Just before he could reach the bottom, a guard chasing after the first horse with his own horse tramples over the young woman a second time. “Juliya!” Petyr lets out a voice-cracking scream as he hovers over her unmoving body. 









    This post is the second in the series regarding my new persona, Petyr, and his backstory. This post is a bit deeper than the others will be, and the main reasoning for this is to use the senseless death as a plot device for Petyr to realise how harsh the world can really be. However, I do think that in general not too many people on LotC touch on how gritty life would be in LotC's setting. Tragic deaths and mistakes like this would be frequent but nobody is there to tell their stories. As stated in the first post, these posts are intended to be short so that they are easily readable by anyone who is interested. All art used in these posts are generated and sourced from a AI-generation website by the name of mage.space, and used for the purpose of storytelling.


    First Post: 


    Second Post: You are already reading it!


    Third Post:


    Fourth Post:



  10. Spoiler




    “As a farmer reaps his harvest from the fields through hard work, so does Man reap his destiny from God through virtue.”

    Venerable Anders Cardinal Jorenus, 390 E.S.



    A bead of sweat rolls down the youthful farmhand’s brow as he continues to scythe a clearing by some steadings, the smell of culled grass floods his nostrils as the sun above begins to make its descent on the horizon. Holding his scythe upright as he observes his hard work, a caring womanly voice calls out from behind him, “Petyr! You have done enough, da?” Taking note of the voice, he lays his scythe against a timber plank before making his way towards the woman with a smile, “For today, Mamej.”






    As Petyr lay atop his rope bed to rest his legs, late noon turns to dusk while a bubbling of a cauldron perpetuates a meaty aroma throughout the home. After a time, footsteps patter across the floor towards him accompanied by the sound of ruffling cloth before a knock interrupts his rest. “I’ve got something for you, Padrevar.” a familiar gruff voice emits before a full bearded man comes into Petyr’s view. The man juts out an arm to offer a necklace with an aurum-encrusted Husariya pendant attached. Petyr takes it delicately, examines it before looking up at the man, “Thank you, Papej.” He’d clip the necklace around his neck as he made his way towards the stewing cauldron where his mother would hand him a bowl of the delicious stew. Yum yum.






    This post will be the first in a series, likely a trilogy, detailing the backstory of my new persona who I plan to focus on once I'm unbanned. I'm hoping that these posts will help establish a solid foundation on which I can properly expand on the character. They are not intended to be long-winded; they are purposefully short so that it can be easily read and referenced if needed. All art used in these posts are generated and sourced from a AI-generation website by the name of mage.space, and used for the purpose of storytelling.



    First Post: You are already reading it!

    Second Post: 


    Third Post: 


    Fourth Post:



  11. Petyr would receive a copy of the report alongside the transcript from his merchant father. The next few weeks, he would read over it in parts to help improve his literacy skills in Common to complement his native New Marian. Through his learning, he would learn more about this new kingdom. While he felt a devotion to his own kingdom, he had this unshakable feeling to pursue Aaun to learn more about it and its people. Alas, he still had to help provide for his family and he wasn't going anywhere any time soon.

  12. I have an Orc that I created to diversify my roleplay with the initial intention to become a Shaman, which I don't play anymore when I began putting more focus into other personas with more responsibilities. In the end, I only actively played it for a few weeks. People in this thread are making out Orcish culture and lore to be some extraordinarily complicated thing, but in truth it really isn't. As with any racial lore, it takes a little bit of effort to learn and wrap your head around. 


    If you do some reading about Blah, keep a forum post to the side while you roleplay, you will quickly learn the basics and even the advanced parts of Blah. If you make a mistake or can't figure what to do, the other people you roleplay with tend to be pretty lenient. After all, you're new and you can't be expected to know everything at the snap of a finger. To an outsider, of course it'll look intimidating because it's not something that you're familiar with. Elven communities use the Elven language, how heavy the usage varies heavily depending on the community you're in, and it's something that people will eagerly learn so that they can understand better. Weirdly, there are Elven players on this thread pointing out not being able to understand Blah when there would have been a point in time where they didn't understand Elven. Effort is all it takes. Personally, I think Elven is much harder to learn but everyone is different.


    I'm not a good skinner, but by using third-party websites and advice from Krugmar's community, I was able to mishmash a skin together that was actually good. The community is generally very receptive and welcoming. There were roleplay opportunities being passively advertised and offered to any who were interested, and I was able to learn more about the lore (especially about the spirits, which are much simpler than people think) just by engaging with other Orcs in roleplay. For outsiders, yeah... it can be troublesome to engage in some activities. Orcs are generally played as being quite tribal and homogeneous. Despite the scepticality, there are still opportunities for 'foreigners'. The honourary system is something that opens up much more opportunities intended for Orcs to people who don't play Orc personas. Orcs are not exclusive in this and there are multiple communities that try to stay culturally homogenous and will often mark their outsiders in some way, the Halflings (improper Halflings) and Haelun'or (impure High Elves) are the first to come to mind. 


    I will agree that Orcs do fit a certain niche and it would be difficult to escape that niche. However, I do not think that it is entirely by fault of the community itself. Orcs in most fantasy settings are villains because of their very conflictual and bloodthirsty nature, and it is an idea carried over and brought to LotC as well since its inception. In the very racial lore for Orcs (Core Race Lore - Orcs - Racial Lore - The Lord Of The Craft), it is heavily emphasised that from birth they engage in a warrior lifestyle which is encouraged by their curse of Bloodlust with an uncontrollable urge to kill. New, even older, players will read the racial lore and use it to mold their persona. Of course, this is going to encourage villainous archetypes because it is in their very racial lore to be what we considered villainous. Naturally, people who want to engage in Conflict RP are going to see playing an Orc as the ideal option because of that racial lore.


    I will also agree with Rukio, the Orc community has historically been filled with toxic players. It's very well-known of their toxic past, but there are still some toxic players involved. I remember one of the first Orc VCs I joined around the time of the Elysium War someone straight up dropped the n word. It's unfortunate, but I think every community has some level of toxicity established within it, but the extent and manner just vary from community to community.


  13. Petyr, a young Haeseni farmhand, would hear of the news from his father's mouth. A new wayward power in the East that wishes to unite Man under a common cause. Still in his late adolescent years, he could not fully comprehend the history and the effects of such a movement. Regardless, he would find it interesting, and it will likely be an idea kept with him for quite some time.   

  14. Grigory Grubb strolls to the polling station, with each step his walking cane would jostle the soil below until he finally made his way. He'd peer at his fellow weefolk before performing his Knox-given right as a voter. After filling in his ballot, he'd take a moment to set pipeweed into his smoking pipe before hobbling back off.


    The Ballot:

    ((MC Name:)) Crevel

    Name: Grigory Grubb
    Vote for Proposals:
    Proposal I (Hal’s Proposal) ()

    Proposal II (Cyris’ Proposal) (X)
    Neither ()

  15. Petyr, a proud Highlander of Hanseti-Ruska and a proud Canonist, applauds for His Royal Majesty Karl III - the protector of all Highlanders. He would personally see this pact as a means to slowly convert the pagans to the one true faith and a tremendous display of prowess and honour for his beloved kingdom.

  16. Grigory Grubb weakly smiles, pushing some pipeweed into his pipe before lighting it. Going over to his aviary, he'd retrieve his letter from Mimosa, "I stand bah da Applefoots.. shame dese bones uddawise I'd be dere. Ter t'ink da Peregrin called dem sour apples.. I luv apples.." he shakes his head as he would stumble home with his cane to meet with his relatively unknown son.

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