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Posts posted by Crevel





    [!] These letters would all be privately delivered to the respective Norlandic residences, only for the recipients to read. These letters would initially be among a few others, though those are likely to be delivered elsewhere in Almaris.



    Dearest Edyth, @envy


    I know that I have never been a great father for you and it is a regret that I carry with me everyday. Regardless, I am glad to see that you were able to be raised well whether be by your own smarts or with your mother’s input.. Though I do know she spent a long time tending to your brother, Týr. When I took the roles of Chamberlain and Chancellor to help re-establish our family where it truly belonged, I underestimated the tasks that would be required of me. On top of eventually being promoted to a Warden in the Royal Norlandic Ashguard, there was so much that it took away from trying to directly take care of my family.. to take care of you.


    As you’ve surely noticed my absence, I want to let you know that I have been taking a break. The stresses of it all have taken its toll, but I am soon to come out of rest. When I come back, the family will be coming first as it always should have. I will no longer let work blind me and I will ensure that our family and our clan as a whole will benefit. We will come out stronger for it. 


    The letter sent out by Alric was done with no consultation, and while I do not understand his intentions, I do not believe them to be for the good of our clan. It was because of his inability to control his own treasonous children as well as other self-admitted inadequacies that rendered him unable to be a good Chieftain. Thus why his youngest son, Edvard, was made a ward to myself, and why Alric abdicated from being our Chieftain in favour of me.


    Unfortunately, we will be unable to return in time to Alisgrad for the Chiefsmoot. The travel to bring the rest of us back will be too long so you will have to carry our votes for us and bring it to the Chiefsmoot. Týr understands the situation and will be voting for myself, and I will also be voting for myself. I hope that you feel the same and vote for me though I would not blame you if you didn’t, regardless I request of you to pass on our votes. 








    Alric, @Qaz_The_Great


    Your lack of confidence in me is intriguing. Not once have you attempted to contact me about my absence, and not once have you attempted to consult me regarding Edvardsson matters. Yet you call a chiefsmoot with concern for Edvardsson in mind and then you write to me as if I have committed treason. For you to claim that I am in exile is also concerning as to your lack of knowledge as I’ve done nothing wrong that would warrant an exile and I still remain within the Kingdom’s borders.


    Like many in our lines of work, we work hard and our effort is shown in our deeds. I have worked too hard in our King’s Council and that effort is apparent from my former and current positions as Chancellor, Chamberlain, and Warden of the Royal Norlandic Ashguard. For my hard work, I think a break is deserved with the serving of two kings - the most recent of which I voted for in our most recent Kingsmoot. 


    On my return, however, I do plan on turning over a new leaf.. to focus solely on family as I should have done from the beginning. Many plans once considered or sampled will come to fruition. All you had to do was give me some time.. and now you must give me your vote with this Chiefsmoot you have caused. If you truly have the clan at heart, I am sure you will vote correctly.





    Casimira, @AstriaS


    I know that we never had a chance to properly have a conversation together. For that I am regretful. However, I hope that you feel as obliged to assist me as I have been obliged to assist you in the past. I understand that you may feel spiteful that I had not voted for you in our last Kingsmoot, but you must remember that I directly told King Odin to replace me as Chancellor which you declined. Despite this, I would still value your input and I value your support.


    On my return to Alisgrad, I hope to focus more on the clan and I wish to have you involved in some projects if you would allow me to let you in on them. Unfortunately, Alric has been troublesome with his call to a Chiefsmoot.. which only further delays any progression of our clan by sparking a match that would attract his own treasonous sons like moths to a flame. It is important that we take care of our own, thus I deeply urge you to vote for me in the oncoming Chiefsmoot. I wish you well.







  2. I hear a lot of complaining about how people can't find roleplay despite roleplay being near them that they just don't want to partake in or are too nervous to approach, and it's the same sort of people who are unwilling to create roleplay themselves because it's boring or whatever. My Brother or Sister in Christ, this is a roleplay server. If you don't want to roleplay, leave.


    People need to start taking the initiative more often, too many people on LotC expect good roleplay to be given to them while providing nothing in return.

  3. The aging halfling, Grigory Grubb, would rub his hands together with a smile as he strolled by the pipeweed cart with his cane to have a look. Brandishing his own pipe, he would sample the strain of pipeweed on offer. It was some good stuff. He would make his trip back to his burrow, wherever that was.

  4. Yngvar Nefjólfrsson would examine a mound of Almarian rocks as he searched for the best rock. He would eventually find the perfect specimen. With his tools in hand, he would begin to inscribe his name as he giggled knowing that his name would exist forever on Almarian soil.

  5. "Hopefully the Adunian peoples are now able to build themselves up to greatness. It's a shame that they had to suffer through a poor leader who wished only to further his own ambition rather than the prosperity of the Adunian people. They may not be living within our Kingdom anymore, but I say we drink to them tonight!" Einar Edvardsson, the Chamberlain of Norland, would remark in the tavern as he was accompanied by others. Privately after his drink, he would use the moment to consider the political situation of Nyrheim before surely having to write another high-priority edict at gunpoint.

  6. It is always good to see the firsthand experience of a former Admin on the innerworkings of a team and the greater staff as a whole. There's a lot of bureaucracy and protocols, which can sometimes be obstructive for a moderator trying to enforce rules. Nepotism is rampant and people who should be removed from teams for their inactivity, bad behaviour, etc. aren't being removed because they know the right people who keep them on those teams and at times even elevate them to higher positions when there are people who should be put on teams that aren't despite easily making good replacements or additions to a team. There is some change necessary to LotC but the website is without a doubt one of the most important platforms that need updating and it's something that from my understanding everyone agrees with. Hopefully we see a new website by or during the transition to the next map whenever that may be. Good post.



    Also, what is this supposed to mean?



  7. As someone who has been a moderator multiple times and someone who has been on the internet in general for a long time, I can tell that you are speaking from a position of inexperience or maybe even ignorance for how these processes work. I have no doubt that I will be rehashing what some people have already said but since it's relevant I'll say it anyway. 


    The internet consists a vastly varied demographic worldwide which includes contrasting cultural attitudes, perspectives, and worldviews. Lord of the Craft is no different and also consists of varying demographics whether it be users from varying fantasy fandom subcultures, varying countries, varying ethnicities and so on. Lord of the Craft, in no official capacity, "desperately" tries to be 'woke' and a 'safe space' devoid of criticism and bias. Forcing players to conform to one mindset on the server would alienate large groups of players who just wish to enjoy a fantasy setting.


    Of course, Moderation (generally-speaking) on LotC does its best to protect users from hateful and harassing content present on the server's official platforms: the Minecraft server, the forums, the main discord, and the staff discord. Targeted and persistent harassment found on-platform will result in months-long bans. There are also rules against discussions of a political or controversial nature on-platform, however sometimes depending on the moderator they are more lax with their warnings and will only put an end to the discussion if it reaches points of contention.


    Community leaders of unofficial platforms (usually settlement or nation discords these days) are generally expected to handle topics that happen on their own platforms. It is not the duty of the server's moderators to enforce anything outside of the server's platforms. Exceptions are made in grievous circumstances such as predators who are considered a danger to the community if given a platform, but generally it is the responsibility of those community leaders to ensure that their platforms abide by their own community guidelines as well as ensuring that discord's guidelines are met, reporting individuals to Discord Support if needed. In circumstances where it is in private messages on Discord, you should ignore them, block them or report them to Discord Support.


    With your general demeanour, you come off as emotionally immature, antagonistic and passive-aggressive. I have personally interacted with you in the past on Discord and I have seen how you have interacted with other people so I am taking your claim that you were randomly DM'd a transphobic insult while providing no surrounding context or evidence with a grain of salt. Last I saw you in an in-depth conversation, you were upset and had a small rant which included insults in Haense's discord months ago calling people OOCly transphobic because some of those present were not RPly receptive to some LGBT post you wrote (Link includes a few snippets, conversation is publicly available in #general of Haense discord if anyone's curious). A past username of yours is also a play on the word 'Misandry' which is the dislike/contempt/prejudice against men, which seems consistent with your usage of 'cis men' in an insulting manner. If I recall correctly, I believe I've also seen your username with an infraction for slander in the infraction database. I wish you good luck on your path to self-improvement.

  8. Druk would sip the broth of a stew containing meat from a stag that he had hunted a few hours prior, his ears would twitch as he heard the yelling that commenced in San'Velku. He'd smile a tusky grin as a bit of broth would drip down the corner of his mouth, "Mi grukk thiz iz about da klomp wi lozt. Diz iz interezting azh." He would go onto eating his stew, knowing that not much will probably change.



    The Kingsmoot of 80 S.A.

    11th of Snow’s Maiden, 80 S.A.

    The past decade, upon the conclusion of the last Kingsmoot, we were led by King Ragnvald who fought valiantly diplomatically and on the battlefield. He has served as a great king, but with his unfortunate and untimely passing we have to undergo the process to establish a new elected king to serve the Kingdom of Norland for the future.


    With this missive, as Lord-Regent of Norland and as Chieftain of the Edvardssons, I call a Kingsmoot for the Chieftains of the three Rurikid Clans so that we may convene to nominate and vote for the new King. Furthermore, I will be nominating myself as a candidate for the ongoing Kingsmoot.


    For those unfamiliar with the process, any Ruric with identifiable Rurikid lineage are able to nominate themselves or be nominated as a candidate to become king. While others may attend the Kingsmoot to watch and ask questions, it is ultimately up to the vote of majority between the three Chieftains to decide who shall become King from the nominated candidates. In the case of a tie, the High Keeper shall make the tie-breaking vote. The current recognised Chieftains are as follows: Einar Edvardsson of Clan Edvardsson, Torstein Eiriksson of Clan Eiriksson, however Clan Freysson currently has no recognised Chieftain.


    Violence during this tradition is disrespectful and a duel of any sort cannot be invoked to bypass the voting process. An attempt to cause disruption during the Kingsmoot period will result in immediate removal.


    To limit the possibility of a disruption by foreign forces, the location of the Kingsmoot is being safe-kept. Chieftains and Vassal Lords shall receive a personal invitation byway of a letter. However, other Rurikid will either have to reach out to me or one of the personally invited individuals to learn the location.      


    His Excellency, Einar Edvardsson Ruric, by the Blood of the Herald, Lord-Regent of Norland, Prince of Norland, Chancellor of Norland, Chieftain of the Edvardssons, Warden of the Royal Norlandic Ashguard





  10. Einar Edvardsson, Chancellor of the Kingdom of Norland and Warden of the Royal Norlandic Ashguard, would glance over the letter with a smile. "I couldn' have put it better mahself. Sly an' deceitful, tryin' to make themselves look good while tryin' to pull the whole world into a fight against each other.." He would be proud, sharpening his blade by the Ashguard Barracks as he prepared to fight another day in defence of his Kingdom and in defence of the Horde.

  11. Einar Edvardsson Ruric would delicately scribe his signature onto the edict with his young daughter Edyth by his side as well as the King. Quietly, he would speak to Ragnvald as he passed, "Ye focus on gettin' better, lad. Ye hear? I'll make sure tha' everythin' is taken care of." He'd nod to himself before looking down at his daughter reading a book on a stool, "Come now, Edyth. We gotta ge' readeh for tha trip to tha temple la'er on when Ragnvald is feelin' better."

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