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Posts posted by AnonymousAlexa

  1. 4 minutes ago, UnBaed said:

    “At least their purpose isn’t just to kill whatever they don’t immediately agree with,” Celiasul idly commented to a grandfather clock, mistaking it for an actually sentient creation of her own. 

    Elsil’Ceru ponders the countless lives she has spared. If only more people would give in to her demands…perhaps they would be spared too!

  2. The Holy Matrimony of Norlander and Rustler



    The bells would ring throughout Stygian Keep in rejoicement! A wedding! A wedding! On the 15th of Malin’s Welcome, year 39 S.A, a beautiful ceremony shall bind the two flowers who have pledged the rest of their life together in love and harmony!

    The scrawny 5’4 manlet Northguard Lee Sun has declared his undying fidelity and love for the beautiful, young, Rustler Astrid Boulivert and proposed to her within the Rustler fort! A true tale of two young lovers who by all means should not be together but fate has made it so!


    “I know I don’t have much, and I know we haven’t known each other for long, but will you marry me?” Where the words that were so romantically ushered out from the Northguard’s mouth as he dropped onto one knee, stating: “Till death do us part” 

    An invitation would be extended out for all of Almaris, those who wish to watch the two young lovers bound together are more than welcome to watch.


    The citizens and royal family of Norland would be personally invited to watch one of their own Red Faith guards, sacrifice his religion in the name of love and undergo a Canonist wedding!




    11:15 PM EST TONIGHT!
    Rustler Keep in Stygian Hollow

  3. The Ceru Family

    "Strength from Unity”



    The Ceru family is comprised of mali’ker renowned for their combatant abilities. Though they have existed for centuries, the name rose to prominence decades after the migration to Almaris when Ceru siblings--Elsiimah and Elsil--founded the Rustlers, a dangerous and infamous bandit group for hire.


    The Ceru Family Members

    Living Members:

    Elsiimah’Ceru [Xhawn / __Clocky]

    Elsil’Ceru [AnonymousAlexa] 

    Arbane'Ceru [BluSensei]


    Physical Appearance

    All Ceru's are mali’ker with ashen gray skin. Their hair is tinted shades of white and black, and their eyes vary most commonly between purple, red, and orange. Most Ceru's stand at heights between 5’10 - 6’7 and are naturally bulky due to their ancestors’ laborious past. 


    Family History

    Ancient members of the Ceru family worked as various laborers, primarily employed in the fields of farming and ranching. While the vast majority of the family participated in honest work, a few opted to become “rustlers” in its literal term--cattle stealers. While the lives of most ancient Ceru’s were taken from them due to poor living conditions, these “rustlers” lived on to procreate and live modest lives on the outskirts of society.


    In later generations, the Ceru’s largely abandoned their malicious practices of stealing cattle and instead, trained in combatant roles. Many Ceru’s found themselves fighting in the armies of various nations in order to receive a fair living wage. Despite their proficiency in combat, no Ceru ever reached a high ranking military position.


    While most Ceru’s took to honest work, a small minority of the family continued stealing cattle and eventually, began banditting the roads. Nevertheless, few family members partook in such activity, so the Ceru’s never became prominent or feared brigands.


    Decades following the migration to Almaris, siblings Elsiimah and Elsil'Ceru rose to prominence after their founding of the Rustlers, an infamous and dangerous bandit group for hire. The siblings had not descended from a branch of Ceru which had participated in cattle stealing or banditry--in fact, both their parents were guards of Vira’ker. Nevertheless, they had grown up hearing stories of their distant and ancient relatives. Though such accounts were told with disdain from their parents, the siblings’ pure greed and lust for power drove them to follow in the footsteps of their misaligned ancestors. 


    In search of riches and power, the siblings abandoned their work as Goats of Sedan, and instead founded the Rustlers, named in honor of their ancient cattle-robbing predecessors. Quickly, the siblings rose to prominence as the Rustlers became feared by many across Almaris.



  4. "Krusae zwy Kongzem!" cried a weary and aged Aleksandra Ludovar as she polished her trusty blade in preparation for the imminent bloodshed.


    Meanwhile, a young Ludovar boy retrieved his wooden play sword, thrusting it about as he ran along the grounds of Kazstadt. "DIE, ELVES!"

  5. A bedridden Elsil released a series of pained cries, which she attempted to cover with coughs. Although Legolas had officially been nothing more but a slave to her and the Rustler brigands, in reality, he was much more. He was a friend, a comrade, even. He would be missed by the entirety of the Rustlers.

  6. A bedridden Elsil’Ceru chuckled faintly, before delving into a brief coughing fit. “Luckily Legolas is a servant, ne a slave!” she affirmed to her brother, who had also suffered a similar illness delivered upon the pair from the sky gods themselves!

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