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Creative Wizard
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Posts posted by AnonymousAlexa

  1. 6 hours ago, Basil Moroul said:

    "A shame the two Romstuns have decided to forsake their oath to the Koeng and Brotherhood in favour of returning to Oren. To take up arms for another would constitute desertion." renarked Walton.


    14 hours ago, ItemVendor said:

    We have found a home in other lands


    Sofya Romstun wonders where it was said she would be returning to Oren.

  2. Welcome to LotC! Seeing as your character is a human, I’d personally recommend checking out one of the main two human nations: either Haense or Oren. That being said, there are a ton of other great communities on the server that would no doubt welcome you with open arms. Also, don’t be afraid to reach out to a Community Team member for help! It’s literally our job :))

  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Ologs are a subtype of Krug's descendants, speculated to be the outcome of generations' worth of inbreeding. Their strength exceeds that of an orc, though such comes at a terrible cost: a mental capacity akin to that of a child.


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    Essentially orcs, though considerably larger in both length and width; additionally, they are quite chubby.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  4. Rustler Retirement





    Many years ago, two young mali’ker shared a dream: a dream of enough glory and gold to earn them a rightful place in the annals of history. Such produced itself. Hundreds of raids. Hundreds of coin. Hundreds of the realm’s highest caliber of warriors united to achieve this seemingly impossible goal. Against all odds, their dream came to fruition. But as with all dreams, there must come a time to wake. 


    As of this day, I, Elsil’Ceru, herby disband the Company of the Rustlers. May our name live on to inspire and frighten the many children of generations to come. May it frighten the minds of battleborn soldiers. May it frighten even the craven who hide in the dark. 


    Relish in retirement, brothers and sisters. We made good coin and shared countless laughs. For that, I am forever grateful. 




    Elsil’Ceru, Rustler Boss



    Blair ‘Mal’Ceru’ Fester, Retired Rustler Boss




  5. 13 minutes ago, MayRndz said:

    Ayo when are you gonna release ur first album?

    real question is when are we going to release our duet???


    7 minutes ago, __Clocky said:

    when you gonna leave?

    why do you even stay

    what are your opinions on the current conflicts of the server? is it too stagnant?

    are you gonna stop dodging my clash 1v1s?

    would you give me pvp lessons if i ever came back?

    1. When I go off to college in a year
    2. Good question, idek
    3. Kinda wish cooldowns between wars were shortened, but I'm glad there's at least some conflict now
    4. As I recall, I take em and you've gotten shit on every time lmao
    5. Ofc bbg ;D
  6. 1 hour ago, GodOfPie said:

    when did you join lotc

    i wish i never did


    1 hour ago, Dogged said:

    Do you look back at Ludovar and remember the bad or good memories and what were they?

    Obviously the good memories???? Ludovar days were probably some of my most enjoyable on LotC. As I mentioned earlier, the time where we all sat around on the floor to feast with the King was pretty funny. I also had tons of fun grinding the warzone for hours a day back during the Sutican War (even though I was by no means a pvper back then).


    28 minutes ago, WonkManBad said:

    01. Who’s your favorite Rustler (other than me)

    02. What shit taste in music do you have?

    03. Given the chance you had a do over, restarted your image on this server, what would you change, do, or not do different?

    04. SMP Season 4 when?

    1. I don't pick favorites, but @__Clocky is a funny guy
    2. My favorite genres are rap, classic rock, and musical theater lmao
    3. I probably would try to just be nicer to people and chill out with the ego trips
    4. umm yes please???
    3 hours ago, xMuted said:

    When make Dwarf


    oops, almost missed this because you're kinda irrelevant (sorry)!

    to answer your question, never, because I must roleplay all my characters to be big buff tall chads

  7. 2 hours ago, GMRO said:

    Who are some people you look up to from your time on LOTC?

    What's something you did on LOTC that, as you look back upon, you regret doing, or even not doing?

    What's your thoughts on the Rustlers in retrospect?

    1. Tough question. Probably @ItemVendor @JuliusAakerlund @Rudi and @Dogged to name a few. I also admire the accomplishments of some old pvpers, though I wouldn't say I necessarily look up to them.
    2. My main regrets are the ways I treated people and how I acted in my "toxic phase". Particularly during my time leading the Rustlers, I developed a huge ego and as a result, I became a shitty person to be around. 
    3. While I do regret our often toxic behavior and hyperfocus on pvp, I can't help but look back fondly on the Rustlers. In reality, we were just a band of kids trying to have fun, and I'd say we succeeded in that goal.


    2 hours ago, Nooblius said:

    Since you're a big important staff member, what're your thoughts on how OOC based the server's politics are, and what do you think the source/problem is?


    And answer the question, what's your opinion on state of conflict? I too love itdontmatta, but I'd like to hear actual thoughts being how you used to lean a minor banditry group.

    1. Sadly, LotC is very much OOC based. While it's always been an issue, I definitely think Discord has worsened the problem. Unfortunately, I think it's a reality we're just going to have to accept, as the community has become so accustomed to OOC communication via Discord. 
    2. Conflict rules definitely aren't perfect; they never will be. Still, the rules are in a better state than they have been for years, and I'm super grateful for that. 
  8. 1 hour ago, LithiumSedai said:
    1. What are some of your fondest RP experiences on the server?
    2. If you could be the NL of any existing LotC polity, past or present, which one would it be and why?
    3. Do you have a favorite LotC military uniform skin, and which one is it?
    4. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you miss Corwin and why is it 10?
    5. What are your thoughts on the current state of conflict on LotC?
    1. Incredibly difficult question. I vividly remember a time in Arcas where the Haeseni King and his family toured all of Haense's vassals. When he showed up at Johnstown (the Ludovar's land) for a feast, we didn't have a table, so we all roleplayed sitting in a circle on the floor and eating. The family as a whole continued to exhibit "quirky" behavior throughout the feast, and we were all just laughing and having a great time in vc. Was especially funny to see the reactions of the royal family to our craziness. I also have great memories of @Xarkly's ST eventlines in Haense, such as the Skyfling and troll events. And of course, I've got to mention leading the Rustlers. Although it had its ups and downs, leading a group for the first time was an incredible experience.
    2. Uhh why would I volunteer to be a minecraft babysitter...?
    3. Totally biased on this, but I like the new versions of both the Rustler and Romstun armor are pretty cute...
    4. 10 because he killed the lady pompouralia and the young master peter amadeus (wtf is up with that btw)
    5. I LOVE @itdontmattaI LOVE @itdontmattaI LOVE @itdontmattaI LOVE @itdontmattaI LOVE @itdontmatta
    57 minutes ago, UnusualBrit said:

    Can u sing minecraft music parodies

    that's a bit too far, my friend......


    56 minutes ago, Summerisdumb said:

    When r u giving me singing lesson so I can make my own christmas pvp video?

    that'll be 1k minas per lesson


    50 minutes ago, Tabby64 said:

    Can you give me your items?


    you wish bud


    31 minutes ago, Borin said:

    are we invited to your bat mitzvah

    only you ;D


    31 minutes ago, Booyah said:

    Can I take leader of the rustlers oh wait….


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