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  1. Hey! My name is Sam/Salem and you may recognize me from awhile back when I first joined and made my first character, Mina. Unfortunately I started to go afk a lot and eventually stopped playing all together but now I’m hoping to start getting active again. Even at least a little bit. I also am returning with a new character, whose name is Valeriya Vorobeva. She is a Wood Elf and based off of my original Grishaverse oc! So I figure an elven race would suit her for here. 😌 So um. Yeah lol. I’m not sure what else to put. 😅
  2. Hello everyone! It's nice to meet all of you, my name is Raven! It's been over 2 years since I've been on here and I am so glad to be back! I am super excited to join the community again, and I hope to meet you all! I'm playing a dark elf for the first time, so if you have any tips as to where the best places to live as a dark elf, or if there are any cool groups I would love to hear about it! I'm still waiting to get accepted but I'm very excited either way! Some things about me are I am an artist and I love to write! I'm still working on some art and lore things for my character, but I'll be done soon! I hope to also contribute to the community some way as well! I remember absolutely adoring this server, and it always made me feel at home! Thank you for taking the time to read this! - Sincerely Raven
  3. Hey, I've been playing on the server on and off for a little over a year now but I think I'm finally in a position where I wanna put more into roleplaying and giving back to this amazing community. So this is my reintroduction I guess! Something to reintroduce myself to those who knew me when I started and I guess to introduce myself to everyone else in the community who doesn't yet know me! So yeah, Hello!
  4. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE BURNING OF WHITEHALL ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I: THE GLUTTONY IN DARK One hundred minas. Seax. Father’s old gambeson. Scarf. Favorite fur hat, woven by mother. Silent as a fox, the pig-nosed, chubby young lad prepared this bundle of small possessions in the dim light of the slowly dying hearth fire set by mother. Enough was enough, and Milonir of Whitehall could tolerate no more. Tomorrow was going to be the biggest day of little Milonir’s life. He would prove to his father and everyone who laughed at him that he was a real man, and a true warrior. Papa would see, they’d all see. But now was the time rest. Not without second supper, of course. See, it had been a habit of Milonir’s for the last few years to collect a second serving of supper after mother and father had fallen asleep. They certainly knew, on account of young Milonir’s drastic weight gain. Mother, at least, said little about it. Father on the other hand, was not so silent about his disdain for Milonir’s weight, and often made sport of the subject. Vegetable soup again. He had done this a million times; harking the leftovers and cleaning plates when no one was looking. Perhaps it was because it was late, or perhaps he was too comfortable with his habit. Milonir, careless as he was, had managed to knock over the pot of soup. While this alone would be cause for some small concern, the loss of second dinner was not what caused the horrified expression overtaking his visage. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ II: THE FOOL OF FLAME He had not only managed to spill his second dinner, but a number of coals too at the base of father’s clan tapestry. And to punish him for his gluttony, gods beyond his control saw it fit that the tapestry was to be set ablaze before he could act. Milonir could only stare in panicked horror as the tapestry that had been in his father’s clan for generations was devoured by intense, contagious flames. What could he do against such an enraged flame? The blaze would claim not only this prized tapestry, but now soared to the thatching of their home. The thatch house began to cough sparks in all directions like an angry blacksmith pounding away at an anvil. Growing, growing, growing. Completely optionless, despaired Milonir hurried out of the shabby little thatch home as fast as his pubescent legs would take him. It was surprising in this state that he was even able to manage that. A good distance away from the home, Milonir froze in abject, paralyzing horror at the sight before him. Everything he knew, all of his memories, and his very childhood were set ablaze in the inferno. His family raggedly stumbled outside, awoken from the commotion and smoke. Mother and father, covered in ash and coughing, doggedly made for Milonir’s side. Mother, through her infinite love, appeared confused, betrayed, completely heartbroken. Father’s expression told a different story. The bleeding emotions of righteous rage, betrayal, and a satisfying confirmation that he was right gripped his visage. The family blade gripped within his white knuckles told it all. No words were exchanged, yet Milonir squeaked “No, no,” barely mustering the words. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ III: THE COWARD'S WAY OUT Panic overtook him, and Milonir backed away from his kin, like a desperate, cornered animal. Run. All he could do was run. With his bundle of possessions under his armpit, Milonir escaped into the pale, cold moonlight. Not stopping to look back at the product of his foolishness, Milonir noticed a much brighter orange glow out of the corner of his eye. Whitehall burned. His legs carried him as far as they would. Echoes throughout the valley could be heard; panicked voices familiar to Milonir, and the thundering masses of timber that fell in on themselves. They slowly dissipated until all was silent and dark. Run. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Whitehall burns. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ IV: THE ACCIDENT It was an accident. He didn’t mean it. What had he done? It wasn’t his fault. He didn’t mean for this to happen. Young Milonir had proven to Whitehall that their words were right. That Milonir was exactly what they said he was. A useless, fat pile of shit. Reality set in. Milonir stopped only to vomit the vegetable soup he had eaten earlier. Everything he knew and loved was ripped from him that night. He was alone in the dark forest, left with nothing. All he could do was keep running until dawn broke. The bustle of Haense lie before him. A new day. Milonir would make this right. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not in a year, or even ten. But he would make it right. He swore it. He swore it a million times. Milonir would right the wrongs of the past.
  5. Heyo! Saw this was thread for some other players, and thought I might jump on it. So, my name is Lance! I’m 16- still in high school.(unfortunately...) I live in the States, although I would love to go to Scotland, or Spain!! I am CONSTANTLY drawing, it’s one of the things that is pretty consistent with me lolol. I have some pretty severe anxiety/ADHD that I have medication for, but fuels my ideas for new characters and ideas! Honestly that’s all I can think of at the moment, but shoot some questions if you have any!
  6. hi everyone! i'm may (you can also call me aldi if you want) and i'm a new player, just wanted to introduce myself on here. i'm really into writing, historical fashion/interior design, and reading (psychological horror has been the genre of choice recently). always looking to chat w people w similar interests! currently i'm rping as a wood elf. i have a little experience with dnd but nothing serious, so i'm kind of a noob at this whole thing but i'm excited to learn & improve! p.s. yesterday was super fun @ everyone i rped with and who helped me navigate! i feel very welcome here already~ ❤️
  7. Salutations! I’m a fairly new player, in both Minecraft and Lotc, but I am very eager to learn and accept the many challenges ahead. A little bit about myself: I enjoy reading, particularly fantasy and romance genres as well as various manga, I like to spend my time drawing or painting, and have a stubborn habit of being shy around strangers and overbearing towards friends. I’m a foodie at heart and will gladly partake in any conversation involving anime, food, cats, one’s interests, and video games, so hit me up anytime! I prefer she/they pronouns, currently reside in California 😁, and 16 years old. You can call me Kass, K, Ms.Lo, or whatever you’re comfortable with, I don’t mind. (What else?) Oh, and my persona is Murag Dram - the orc. I look forward to role playing on the server and getting to know y’all.
  8. Hello there. I am Tenn or FTenn. I am a 19 year old man from the United Kingdoms. I have been playing minecraft for about 8 years now and I have finally found a server where it doesn't matter as much how good I am at pvp or building but where I can build a story with likeminded people! I am currently waiting to be witelisted on the server but I thought I'd hop onto the forums and tell you all about myself. I used to play Arma where strict roleplay rules were a part of everyday life, I am always quite the military man and I love structure and order so you might see me in a group sooner or later! I can't wait to talk to you and meet you all! Have a lovely Christmas and A happy new Year. Tenn. ❤️
  9. Please leave a comment about what you think. If you do like to join my folk, please contact me on Skype. ***Lore*** On the high and green valleys of Athera, there lived a mountain folk those who called themselves " Cherkassians". These mountain men were different from the other mountain folks on many aspects, they were warriors, but they knew no barbarism. It is their code of honour and is based on mutual respect and above all requires responsibility, discipline and self-control. The Code requires that all Cherkassians are taught courage, reliability and generosity. Greed, desire for possessions, wealth and ostentation are considered disgraceful by the code. While the other mountain folks' world view was stated on "the survival of the fittest", Cherkassians focused on making the weakest the strongest. "Make the folksman live, so will the folk." Honor is the most valued thing among them, as a word of them that goes "Sell the life to purchase the honor." They had no prisons nor cells, the greatest punishment for them was to get kicked out of the society and this punishment was mostly due to a dishonoring action. Religion The religion of this folk is mainly a kind of monotheism which people worship one creator "Tha" and the thirteen helpers. Tha: The creator of all, almighty ruler Zekotha: God of wanderers Zevatha: God of war Thegelek: God of farming Tlepsh: God of smiths and fire Shible: God of war, thunder and justice Sevseres/Seuserez: Goddess of storm, water and rivers Pshimezitha: God of hunt Psitha Guashe: Goddess of water Merisa: Goddess of honey and bees Mezitha: God of hunt and forests Hipe Guashe: Goddess of seas Blevus: Goddess of games and snakes Amish: God of shepherds Xabze Xabze (Khabze) defies a proper translation, but it roughly means “law”, and commonly refers to the “laws of being Cherkassian”. One could spend days explaining the details of xabze. It is the Cherkassians' way of living, their world view; it is what makes them Cherkassian. Social Life Relations Between Elders and Young People There are certain rules that is vital to obey for Cherkassians towards their elders. While greeting or shaking hands, younger one cannot ask how is he before the elder does. While sitting, younger one cannot sit before all other elders does, and he cannot sit in a higher position than the elder in sitting queue. Younger one cannot begin speaking unless the elders allows them to, it is very disgraceful to speak if an elder forbid the young one from saying a word. When someone enters a place, younger ones who were already in the place stands up, the older ones does a move like they were to stand up, buts stays sitting. Young ones does not sit on the table of elders or important guests, stays standing and serves them. It is a very disgraceful action for young people to disobey the word of elders. Younger men cannot drink in sight or in presence of elders or girls. Elders respects the rights of young men such as requesting a speech. Elders are responsible for young people's Xabze education, if they do something wrong or disgraceful, they should act educative and calm, not forceful and agressive if possible. Relationship between a father and son is formal, son cannot sit with the father in on the same table, and father can only caress his son when they are alone. If the son were to ask something from the father, he asks the mother to ask for him. But as the daughters are more fragile, father can caress them and daughters can directly request what they want. Relations Between Men In a meeting, travel or fight, someone is either choosen as the leader or he naturally is. Age may be the criterion of this, as well as the nobility or position can be too. All the actions are done accordingly to the decisions that the group have made with the leader, which are made accordingly to the Xabze. Honesty and trust is vital. One must not act like the leader of the group aside the real leader and must not humiliate one another. No Cherkassian man shall speak negatively about one another without the presence of him. Even in a war condition, a Cherkessian cannot humiliate a weaker enemy. Anarchic actions are disgraceful and hierachy among the folk is vital. A Cherkassian man should listen to one another until he says everything he is going to and must not interrupt him. Relations Between Women Laws of Xabze does not differ much between men and women, yet some things are different for there are gender differences. As being mother to a daughter is a special condition for Cherkassian women, they are closer to their daughters than their sons, they are advisors for them, they share secrets and special conditions. Women must obey laws of Xabze word by word in their relations towards other women, for a dispute between two women may cause whole houses to become unfriendly. Woman is the most important part of the family, as a word among the folk that goes "It is the woman who can both honor or disgrace the family." Relations Between Men and Women In social life, Cherkassian women are more free and valued more than the other mountain folkwomen are valued. Beating, or even yelling at a woman is the most dishonoring thing for a man. If a woman passes by a group or man or comes near them, those who sit must stand up as a sign of respect, in return, a woman must not cross a man's way when he is passing. Men can never argue or fight in the presence of a woman, they even must not hit an animal in front of them. When a man and woman is traveling on the same horse, man must never make her sit behind the saddle, he lets the woman sit on the saddle, and he sits on behind. When entering a building and such, women must enter first. When leaving, men must exit first. When sitting in a place, women must sit in the farest corner from the entrance. If sitting in open field, women must sit in the safest place. This is done for the protection of women from a threat coming from outside. Until marriage, all girls and boyda are free to keep their social relationships with anyone they like to, and no one can limit their freedom, but that does not mean that they'd rebel against their parents about this. Not to mistake it with freedom about affections; for young ones, neither affections such as kissing, hugging nor holding hands is permitted. Rather than these, they have their folk dances as affections, which is danced as man and woman. A Cherkassian woman would never Lough out loud, smiles pleasantly. They cannot cry openly showing the suffering in front of men. They would never bend, but stay straight, either when standing or sitting; same also goes for the men. They had a different style of flirting called Pseplkhu. Pseplkhu used to done known by everyone in the youth crowd, boys would make poetic compliments to the girls, and so the girls would reject the boys in a kind and poetic way. When boys manage to beat the girls in this Pseplkhu 'game', they become Kashens. People could have multiple Kashens at once. Though this kind of Kashenship is for nothing but joy and to get to know each other better. So there is one other kind of this, the 'serious' Kashenship. It is simply the engagement as in the other cultures, yet has differences. Girl would give her ring to the boy, and the boy would give an another gift to the girl in return. These kind of engagements would rarely get broken, for the boy and girl knew each other well enough before the engagement. This is also why divorcings almost never happen between Cherkassian couples. Kashens can never see each other alone, there should at least one friend of the both boy and girl. Cherkassians get married only once in their lifespan, they rarely make a second marriage after their first wife. If a couple decides to get married but their parents does not allow their marriage, the only way left for them is eloping. Eloping is considered a honorable action and brings reputation, it is a sign of courage and stability. As the boy manages to elope the girl from her village and takes her to his own village, he does not take her to his own home, due to his respect to the girl's family, he leaves the girl to a T'hamade's (elder) house. As he leaves the girl there, girl becomes the daughter-in-law of the whole village, and the boy is not allowed the see the girl until marriage. After the T'hamade takes the girl under his protection, he sends word to the girl's family, telling them that their daughter is safe and unharmed with him, and calls them to discuss the marriage conditions of the couple. Two families meets in the home of T'hamade, in order to allow the marriage, boy's family would pay a notable price to the girl's family. After the meetings and wedding, the father has right to not let his daughter to his home ever again for she disobeyed his word. In the presence of elders and women, respectful conversation and conduct are essential. Disputes are stopped in the presence of women and domestic disputes are never continued in the presence of guests. A woman can request disputing families to reconcile and they must comply with her request. Hospitality Hospitality is one of the brightest features of the culture of the Cherkassians. Guest was offered the best that was in the house, the attention of the hosts was concentrated on him, he was surrounded by the cordial atmosphere. The foremost duty of the host was the providing of the safety of the guest and his belongings. To protect the guest and to help him was at the responsibility of the host even if the guest and the host at that time were enemies. In former homeland of Cherkassians, there was one very popular story telling about the knight who found his shelter in the family the member of which he had once killed. The knight in his turn could render a service to the enemy. If the guest got killed or was insulted, relatives of the host family and villagers were responsible for this and had to take revenge on the offender. Origins of the Tradition This custom goes deep into the history and following the historical facts it shouldn't be described only in "sweet" words. Hospitality is the direct consequence of the severe way of life of the mountain inhabitants when a man had to overcome difficulties connected with the climate conditions and with the constant defiance against enemies. That is why it was natural for people living in the mountains to count on relatives and neighbors. However, the guest was under the patronage of the host only during the time when he was living in his house. The hospitality was of small duration; as the proverb says: guest in a house - three days he's a guest, on the forth - he's a younger brother. Ritual of the Guest Welcoming One shouldn't ask the guest where he came from and why. In the guest room guest stayed in a company of the most respected man in the family, and in this case all people present in the room had to stand. Even if the host was very busy, he had to be with the guest. Host and his familiars tried to satisfy any guest's wish and that requested from him response modesty. Guest was offered the best food and if he stayed over the night a ship was killed even despite the fact that there was fresh meat in the house. Before his departure, guest was given hot food. Guest was expected to be modest and able to keep up the conversation. Place for the Guest The Cherkassians traditionally built up special rooms for the guests beyond the territory of the homestead. Sometimes around the guest house the look of the homestead was recreated. It was impolite for the guest to enter the homestead. Horses Horses are very important animals in their culture. Aside of traveling and logistics, these people considers their horses as their brothers, as the word 'horse' and 'brother' are the same in their tounge. Their horses grows up beside them, they get used to their behaviours and become loyal companions, either in battle or journey. There is a tradition that is considered to be unusual by other cultures in Cherkassian culture. Stealing horses. Among the folk, the owner of the horse can kill whoever steals the horse, the horse thief's family has no right to avenge him. As stealing a horse puts your life in risk, this is considered a courageous action, and brings reputation. If the horse is too valuable, owner steals his horse back. If not, he only wishes safe travels to the thief with the horse. Cherkassian saddle is unique, and made by talented craftsmen. It's designed to not tire both rider and the horse on long distance travels, both comfortable and functional. The filling material of saddle's pillow is gazelle hair, making it soft and preventing it from matting, and surprisingly, the weight of the whole saddle equipment is no more than four kilos. Three craftsmen takes place when a Cherkassian saddle is being made. Leatherworker for the pillow and ropes, woodworker for the skeleton, and jewelmaker for the silver makings. T'hamades T'hamades are the elders who are being highly respected and obeyed to. They can either be men or women. They are wise, patient, honest and justful people. Disobeying their words without an important reason is a major disgrace among the folk. They are chosen by the crowd without an election, anyone that is respected enough can automatically become a T'hamade. But as there are many T'hamades among the folk, if an issue that concerns whole village or house needs to be solved, all T'hamades comes together and does a meeting that is called "Wunafa". These meetings can last for hours and even few days, but in the end, the best decision is made. Governing The crowd used to be gowerned by a council called "Xase" (Khase), consisted by T'hamades (Elders) and Pshis (princes). Xase would rule the crowd by Xabzism, but they would only appear in certain conditions such as Wunafas and battles. In some cases, disputes could not get solved by the Wunafas of Xase. In this condition, they usually decide on the righteous one by arm wrestling. But in the disputes that would affect the personal honor of each one, they prefer dueling. Dueling is done blindfolded, with a small bell hanging on each of the participants' chest. Last standing wins the trial. The family of the one who does in the trial has no right to avenge their relative, for he died in a sacred trial combat. Weapons Made out of Mountain Steel Each boy are considered a man by the age of fourteen, since they could start walking, they train themselves to be hasty, strong warriors and skilled horseback marksmen. Cherkassians has two characteristic weapons: Sashko (Sword) and Qama (Dagger). Qet is a 90cm, one sided and slightly curved sword. Its scabbard is made longer so that the hilt would sink into it, for hiding the blood on the sword after a recent clash. Sashko is being used in certain occasions, but the blade, Qama always stays with the folksman, wherever he enters. These razor-sharp weapons can only be smithed by professional blacksmiths, for their balance, consistence and weight is crucial. And in order to complete crafting an original Cherkassian Sashko, it must be placed on a high peak and get struck by lightning. "Never pull out your sword from its sheath unless it is needed. But if you ever pull it out, put it back to its sheath bloody." Cherkassians never leave their dead behind. But as carrying the whole body in long distances is impractical, they have found a solution for it. All shave their heads bald, they only leave a small amount of hair just enough to grab it on the ponytail spot. And after death, as if it is needed to travel long distances, they chop the head off and carry it back to the home. Abreks When heavily dishonored, been banished or sometimes suffering of loss of beloved, folksmen often swears to live the rest of their lives as Abreks. Meaning, they will abandon society, live in wilderness, hunt the enemies of the folk, and join the battles to do their best to die hard. They feel no fear, for they have already lost what they truly value. Their honor. They seek for it in death, coming from the cold steel of the enemy. Language Cherkassians speaks a unique langue that is incredibly hard to pronounce for other peoples, which is called "Cherkassbze" by them. Albhabeth Simple daily words: Wo: You I/Me: Sa Him/Her: Yi We: Ti Them: Mo You(pl): Sh'u Yes: Ari No: Hao Okay: Hun Welcome: Phesapsh Good morning: Pshediy sh'u(o) Good day: Mafe s'hu(o) Good night: Shesh'rahat Good bye: Wogumaf' Thank you: Wupsow/T'hawupsow You are welcome: Woriwupsow Give me: Q'sat Give me (kindly): Q'saptina Take: Mah Bring: Qah However, home of these mountain men were destroyed by Reavirians due to religious reasons, they scattered all over the land, looked for a home for themselves in small groups, but the traveling is not without trouble, most of them were killed by bandits or died because of plagues. Most are still wandering, looking for a home. Yet, a larger crowd of Cherkassians, led by Janberk of house Kuad'je found a place to call home in the north, with the Golden Crow. At first, Cherkassians couldn't easily fit into these barbaric peoples, but they got used to each other in time. Long before the Janberk of house Kuad'je joined the Golden Crow and introduced the Cherkassian culture to the Northern folks, a few Cherkassians were already laying in wait up North; the Tiberans. Time ago they were a major Cherkassian house in the past, but after they destruction of their home and much of their kin, they were forced to hide their identities due to Akovian influence. Now, seeing Kuad'je Janberk freely walking as a Cherkassian, and the exile of the Volik traitors, they uncover their identity too. Regular Look in Minecraft Skins Male Night Ambush Outfit Golden Crow Outfit Female
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