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Everything posted by Goblinmancer

  1. In the Age of Fire all will soon come to an end, for every flame that is burning within our soul will be united as one. The stone room was damp and littered with growing fungus and bacteria along the cave walls within the depths of the Uzg on this particular night. Within this prison of disease and filth of a meeting room there would be two individuals across the table from one another, the Rex, and the Elder. As they exchanged words and guidance with one another the candlelit within the room would extinguish and all went dark. “Do you hear me Rex?” a voice whispered within his ear. The Elder sat silently with a grin, before speaking a simple phrase “He is here.” At once the darkness would go corrupt as a pillar of fire emerged upon the table before the Rex. At this moment a deal would soon be proposed and shortly thereafter a deal would be accepted. Throughout the entirety of the Uzg all the fires and flames would beam a pillar of bright light and a loud scream would erupt through the jungle as flocks of birds swarmed out of them in utter fear. The Fire before the Rex would enrage and form a passage for him to enter, and so he did. From the skin of the Rex two horns would begin to tear through his flesh as they spiralled around, emerging to form a crown upon his skull. “Through fire and war they will come. So it is and must always be. Never will this crown fall from your head. Never will your destiny not be your own.” He spoke.
  2. “The Great Titan came upon an orc about to be executed. He asked Krug “Why is he to die?” Krug responded “So others will know it is a wicked thing he has done.” The Great Titan said unto him “It is good he did it, then.” Pillars of smoke would emerge from Jungle ahead of the duo. As they set through the lush environment they would make a path of fire and ash as they walked through it. Their flames would scar the sides of trees and diminish what foliage was set before them as they made their aim towards the capital of the Iron Uzg. Arriving the two proceeded into the palace where they had found their destination before that of the orcish Rex. An alliance was soon to be proposed. Through time similar alliances had been made. When the hells of Moz-Strimoza unleashed their horde upon the world it was the Urukin and the Nephilim who stood side-by-side against them. When the void set out to plague the world it was the Urukin and the Nephilim once more who made an aim to cleanse it and release it’s grasp upon the world. And once more, when the time of the orcs is now upon them, it will be the Urukin and the Nephilim standing side by side as they unleash the wrath of Fire upon the world. The following is sent to the Azdrazi and Heralds and is bestowed only to them rply, do not metagame. “The fires of the world are soon to grow strong. For just now, had an alliance been proclaimed, an alliance between Uruk and Draconic. An alliance that will go down in history, should our flames not engulf ever last scribe and library upon the face of our World. The time is now Zeymah, for we will unleash the wrath of fire and the world will soon be reborn. We will start within the lands of the urukin and engulf their jungles in flame and we will make Freygoth weep as they wage their spiritual war. We will set out and soon unleash our wrath upon the World as we know it.” The Age of Fire has begun.
  3. His eyes would gaze across the pillaring towers of smoke rising from the monstrous forges recently put together for the new advancements. Stepping out of his blarg within the deep wilds of the jungle the uruk nodded in approval. “The spirits of the wild will look down upon our advances, as will the druii, as will herbologists, and many others. Who dares to challenge the raging fires of SKATCHATH and halt the advances of orcish races?! They too will burn.” Grabbing his weaponry he would set out to clear the jungle of life before him of life. The time of fire has come and lives of the flora and fauna will be taken, but no longer will they inhibit advances. They will coexist.
  4. “The destruction of the world is an inevitable one, but something that all must look forward to. Who will be the ones who are the last to fall? The ones that utilize the oncoming crisis? Or even, who will be the ones who cause it.” - Fanzra, the Greater Elemental Spirit of ChaosSkathach, the Greater Elemental of Fire Making their way through the dense jungles of Almaris a robed figure had found themselves at the gates of the Iron Uzg. Stepping inside past the hulking beasts of men, commonly referred to as Uruks he had scoured the city gracefully; passing by each hut and stable that plagued the street. Continuing on the cracked paths covered in rubble and dirt he soon found himself staring before wooden shrines, empty slave pits, and barren forges. “What had the Orcs become? For this is not the son’s and daughters of Krug spoken about in tales? The enraged beasts cursed with bloodlust meander through wooden halls and huts who’s roofs would cave in at a moments notice.” The figure continued their way throughout the nation, their eyes that had once been calm and collected are now wreathed with rage from what such a historic race had become. Change is inevitable. “For fire is the essence of growth. Whilst it destroys what lingers around in the present it sets a tone for what is to come in the future. It is the cycle of life, fire-then-rebirth. Take these words into consideration, do not ever forget them and when the time comes you will use them wisely.” - Skathach, the Greater Elemental of Fire A decree issued onto that of the Rex of the Iron Uzg, Skaatchnak'Izig would contain the following. . . Throughout history the orcish race has served as Guardians, Bulwarks, Sentinels, and Warriors of descendent kind. They had numbers which soared unto the millions as their leather-like skin marched into the battlefield. They had utilized the resources of snagas, vassals, tributaries, and many more things. It appears the world has not been so kind to the urukin. Whilst such tales and stories of what once existed before will soon lay to rest, it is time for you to create your own. What is to become of Skaatchnak? Will he be the Rex who serves as a placeholder of a King? A mock ruler who will only be at rest existing as he was when he began his reign? Or perhaps, will he become something he had never dreamt of becoming? Your nation exists in shambles which can barely take upon the name “huts” and your soldiers are weak and fimble fighting wars and battles for other nations too weak to hold their own. When will this cease? When will the race of urukin place their true grip around the world? I call upon you Skaatchnak. For your reign is cowardly, it still holds a great deal of potential. Inches from your gates lies a lush, resource filled biome. When will you claim it? When will the gears and the bolts of the Uzg claim the very forest that is before them as the Machine that it was born to be? How much longer will the Empires and Kingdoms surrounding you continue to grow higher and higher above the status that is known as an Orc? How much more? What will you do? When will we rule what is our’s given to us as a birthright? When will the world be ours? How will you grow? How will we conquer? What will you do to show the world the true might of the orcs? Burn it. “Through sacrifice we become stronger. Through hard work and labor we will only go forward. Even if we fall we will stand back up again and persist against our hardships.” - Jevex Greater Spirit of Order, Hard Work, and Self-Sacrifice Throughout the Western Hemisphere of Almaris those near would hear a loud, rumbling noise coming from the direction of the Firelands. Looking towards the western horizon a massive, black pillar of smoke would begin to blot out the sky and that very same horizon would begin to churn clouds of ash that would litter the skies above. The forges of the Iron Uzg have been set aflame as the first rounds of timber had begun to smolder into embers. A change is coming, the land of the orcs will soon be reborn.
  5. 100% agree I hate that people will sometimes just walk up to you and try to do romance rp out of nowhere or try to get you to ftb its gross asf
  6. The Mionlach, the most Sacred and Prestige Positions to hold within Daelish Culture. THE MIONLACH The Mionlach are the most prestigious of soldiers within the Daelish Isles. Serving as a guard directly for that of the Righ’s they are tasked with very secret, yet effective work. Each Mionlach is picked specifically for their specialties whether it be espionage, alchemy, combat, or even architecture. Each of these aspects will have been proven to be extremely valuable and useful as they will be used to get the Mionlach through their trials and are sought after by the Righ’s to form an effective team of soldiers. Outside of their duties to the Righ’s, the Mionlach are tasked with the sole purpose of defending the Daeland Realm and her citizens. Their actions are always justified unless spoken of differently by the Righ’s and should always be taken with caution. They have free-will over themselves when outside of Daeland and are sometimes even encouraged to participate in acts of chaos or even experiments upon group’s outside the Realm to gain experience and effectiveness that can be used within their work. The Mionlach is a family, and will can only be separated from within. The pact between each and every Mionlach is sacred, and must never be looked down upon. ORDAINMENT To Join the Mionlach the first task one must undergo, is one of recognition. Only a select few recognized by the Righ de Daeland even have the opportunity to undergo such trials to join the rankings of the Mionlach. After being recognized by their past and prior accomplishments, and offered the opportunity one may undergo the Cuairt Bàs. Should they complete it they will live a life of Service within the ranks of the Mionlach, and will forever be known and respected within the lands by their prestigious title. THE CUAIRT BAS The Cuairt Bàs, known as the Walk of Death, is the trial that aspiring Daelanders must undergo to achieve the title of Mionlach. This is a multi day trial that must be completed, with each day exponentially harder than the next. The Cleansing. entails the stripping of one’s belongings and cloth that would protect them from the harsh desert that lies north of the Daelish Isles. Seeresses and Priests among the isles come together to paint the body of the aspiring individual with blood and paint as they etch in runes and other blessings or even curses to create a challenge for the next task. After a celebration is held the aspirant will set North as they venture into the Desert Basin known to the Daelander’s as the Gleann a ’Bhàis. Should they survive such a long trek north their next trial will begin. The Scavenge is arguably one of the most important parts of the trial. It is here that they will spend their time hunting fauna and flora of the valley with an aim to survive each and every day following their arrival. Before this stage is to occur, many gatherings of beasts and monsters will be released by the Daelish Beastmasters to give opportunities for growth, but with the slightest mistake such opportunities could easily lead to death. The Hunt is the final and most fatal of all trials that an aspirant must complete. Following the completion of their previous stage, The Scavenge, they must face in combat the very forces in which they are wishing to join. All current Mionlach will set out containing any gear or weapons that they see fit to slaughter the aspirant. They may choose to work together or traverse the Gleann a ‘Bhais alone to find their prey. This will persist for the duration of the Mionlach’s choosing and will only end when all forfeit their hunt, or the life of the aspirant has been claimed. Should an aspirant live to see the end of these three trials, they must survive the journey to the Iron Thrones of the Righ’s de Daeland where they will then receive their garments and armor, serving as a gateway into the life of a Mionlach. The Cuairt Bàs is a self-enforced PK trial. APPAREL The apparel of the Mionlach is a sleek, well-fashioned one. Their faces are adorned with a well ventilated mask allowing for proper cooling and breathing within the southern biomes of Almaris. Their vitals and organs are protected by steel plating that is covered with a very thin gray robe. They are often seen hiding weapons and potions within their garments and are sometimes spotted wearing jewelry and other pieces of decoration significant to each individual. TRADITION AND CULTURE To go with their prior Daelish culture, the Mionlach also possess a culture of their own. Being able to bond over their trials and experiences that they endure together whilst serving the Mionlach have developed a culture that is very specific to their everyday tasks serving the Righ. This culture that they possess is often divided into different “Traditions” that the Mionlach participate in respectfully. The First Tradition that a Mionlach will experience once appointed will be the forging of their first weapon. Using the tools and prior weapons from their trial they will further be enhanced by the most experienced of smith’s within the lands. Such an act is an honor to be the one who enhances the weapon of the Mionlach. This weapon will serve as their guide through the rest of their life and is the most sacred attachment that one will ever own. Another Tradition that is often taken up upon the shoulders of newly made Mionlach is the Celebration of Victory. Riding alongside their fellow Mionlach, the newly appointed will often set out within the night for either a journey of celebration and pride or for some they may choose to set out upon a grande raid or heist to show off such strength that they possess. Each and every celebration is different. RITES The following Rites are one’s that a Mionlach must choose from to partake in. These are Rite’s that serve to guide the Mionlach in their work and serve as a self sacrifice to tone their presence among the world into a pristine balance. For example a Mionlach who is well versed in combat and war, may find themselves taking a Rite of Silence so that their work cannot be inhibited by their self pride as an individual for first they are a Mionlach, before they are truly themselves. The Rite of Silence The first of the five Rites is the Rite of Silence. It is within this Rite that a Mionlach will choose a life of silence that will guide them through the rest of their livelihood. To take upon silence throughout their work they extinguish the possibility of failure within their work in many ways. Often when as successful as the Mionlach soldiers will find themselves proclaiming their victories and battles across the streets of cities and among the townsfolk, amounting a following that will then inspire them to commit acts of treason or other heinous sins against their people and themselves. By taking the Rite of Silence a Mionlach chooses to never speak whilst performing their duties or some choose to never speak throughout their entire rest of their lives as they will forever be a Mionlach until death. It is known by few, but not uncommon for Mionlach to even remove their tongue to ensure that this Rite is never broken. The Rite of Sacrifice The Second of the Rites is the Rite of Sacrifice. A Mionlach may choose to remove all personal claims and belongings that they hold within their personal life so that they do not distract themselves from their work. Some measures are as simple as leaving a family or giving up a title, or as extreme as destroying their provinces, or killing their loved one so that they may act out of rage within battle for such horrid acts that accompany the life they chose to pursue. The Rite of Eternity Arguably one of the most controversial of Rite’s, a Mionlach may pursue the Rite of Eternity. It is this Rite that a Mionlach will use methods to damn their lives to a state of Immortality or Eternity. Each method contains a large amount of sacrifice and cruel methods which alone could destroy the mind of an individual. However this state of Eternity will be used so that the Mionlach will forever serve the realm of Daeland. Their flesh will never rot, and will always persist even when their comrades will cease to. Such a Rite is looked down upon, and has even been banished by some Righ’s in the past, however each Rite is sacred and often only known to that of the Mionlach. The Rite of Passage A Rite often sought after by many is the Rite of Passage. This is the Rite in which a Mionlach will dedicate themselves to not only the training and teachings to the newly appointed but also towards that of the citizens in which they protect. The Rite of Passage is the teacher role within the Mionlach, and is a very sacred path one may choose to take. With that being said this is often a Rite that some take up alongside a previously chosen one as the most experienced Mionlach have a capability to teach their comrades how to perform effectively. Some rare cases of the Rite of Passage even include prophets or seers who seek to guide in a more spiritual or religious way. The Rite of Solitude The Final Rite a Mionlach may take upon themselves, is the Rite of Solitude. This is one that is a very heavy decision to make as it would distance the bond between the Mionlach and their comrades. It is in this Rite that a Mionlach will permanently take upon a task given to them or one that is self-assigned. The Rite of Solitude is enacted when a Mionlach removes themselves from their forces entirely to achieve a mission or goal that is given to them at all costs and is often extremely dangerous. By removing themselves from the gatherings of the main Mionlach they are preparing to sever all connections as they pursue something that will likely result in their death or will continue until such comes. An example of this Rite being enacted would be if a newly appointed Mionlach were to set for the firelands to slaughter the Nephilim and their forces; for such creatures are immortal and will always exist the Rite of Solitude would ensure that the Mionlach would never return as for the rest of their life they will spend fighting this threat until their very last breath escapes their body. OOC : If you are interested in participating in the above roleplay, please join our discord via ( https://discord.com/invite/SgwV6xxfF2 ) and feel free to reach out to me on discord via (Qizu#5409). We are aware that we listed that the trial is a self enforced PK clause. This is stated solely due to the fact that these events will involve nearly all individuals of our nation and your character dying in front of the entire nation is not really something that goes down well in roleplay so please respect that request should you choose to participate in these trials but alas only admins can enforce PK’s so do as you so please.
  7. Nothing like asking someone to just assume you had a kid together instead of them telling you that you have to do the roleplay with them. Really awkward, weird, and not needed and downright inappropriate to be quite frank. Removing this would solve so many situations and help crack down on repeated popular topics that take over the server, I'm sure anyone can piece together what i'm getting at.
  8. TO THE NATION OF ELYSIUM, let it be known that we have captured the Heir of Elysium and he is for sale for a sum of 4,000 coin or he will meet a swift death. That is all, come swiftly. Signed, Gowther Douglas of Daeland
  9. [Repost from Sapphires thread so it gets recognition] I am unsure if this has been covered yet, but how were the players from the Urguan side able to make a plan to rush the Oren spawn because we didn’t have walls before the warclaim even started? It was but hours before that that information was leaked that we didn’t have walls and only after it was leaked to our side were we able to do something about it by contacting staff? ((keep in mind I was not directly involved in this specific part of the warclaim merely a spectator of the frustration on behalf of oren))
  10. A bloodied coast within the vassal waters of Savoy. THE 18TH OF THE GRAND HARVEST, following the recent endeavors of aggression from the Jade State of Yong Ping the Daelish people set out to take captives from the Jade State in order to collect their debts from the Easterners. Following this a missive was sent out regarding the events taking place on this cold winter night. Following such missives an army of nearly a hundred human soldiers from the North raided the Daelish Isles resulting in a bloodied battle. Let it be known that the Daelish people are allied alongside those of Norland, Haense, Urguan, and Savoy and these men were no easterners. Once more the Daelish Contract between Haense has been fulfilled. The Tavern of the Daelish isles is littered with the blood and gore of these human’s hailing from the Northern Kingdoms. Once more we lost soldiers and shed blood, this time more than others. Let it be known that these northern soldiers are stronger and elite compared to other men and women within the battlefield. In the coming battle within the next few months, do not underestimate them. We will be expecting our payment, King of Haense. Signed, The Lone Titan of Daeland, Bunk
  11. Gowther would sit down before the two hostages as he lit the three of them a cigar. "Now tell me, why is it that your entire nation of the Jade State cannot come and save you lot? We warned you, we threatened you, you made laughing stocks of us. And NOW after we capture soldiers, your nation is silent? You were so keen to drag our names through the mud and spin lies-" the man's head turned towards a banging sound at the gate, "It seems one of you get's to leave to go home."
  12. TO THE JADE STATE OF YONG PING, I am delighted to inform you that you did not take our warnings and words to heart, however we have honored ours. As it stands we currently have two of your soldiers captured, some I believe to even be high ranking ones. If you do not come hastily and meet our requirements of 4,000 minae; they will die. You have 1 saint hour to come and pay your debts, and they will return to your arms safely. Mark my words, and do not mistake them for a second time. P.S. Feel free to bargain. Signed, Malcolm de Chlann (of Clan) Douglas, Hound of Daeland and Chlann Douglas, Sionadh of the A' Ghàidhealtachd Gowther de Chlann (of Clan) Douglas, Stag of Daeland and Chlann Douglas, Sionadh of the A' Ghàidhealtachd
  13. Best of luck to you! Can’t wait to see what comes from these changes!
  14. “Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows. That’s what sunflowers do at least.” The fields of Almaris were golden and browned from the harvesting season. The wheat and weeds had dried up, shriveled from a lack of water, the streams grew shallow, and the birds soon left as they dared not to embrace the coming cold weather. Life had come to a halt for the lands, and soon would one more. Basilio Taliame’onn, a renowned name in the books of bards and poets who cared for battle stories of the past. For this name is one of the few who took arms against Gudour alongside his teacher Lefkos. “I remember I saw myself in a tale once - it was about how I had slain Gudour together with a few other of my friends within the paladin initiates.” Basilio spoke to the druii before him with a warm smile. The clouds above would send droplets of rain onto the plant-like flesh of the Epiphyte; a smile would adorn his face. It was at this point in which he began to speak tales of his life to Miven. “Oh! I also used to be a dedicant, and I was a ranger in Siramenor within the father circle. Me and my friend, well - well he was more like that competitive cousin Eir’thall, were a good duo whenever he wasn’t griping about something. There was also my family, Skylar and his daughter. They were good t0 me- they were my family. Will you find Kaelwyn for me? Will you tell him I said hello?” the Epiphyte would start acting sheepishly, now choking upon his words. Perhaps the reason he had come would now be revealed. His time has come to an end. The Epiphyte had led the druid out to a nearby field that had existed near the father circle. Amidst the center of it would be a lone sunflower. It’s leaves would be wilted, and it’s stock would be bruised. The petals from the plant would not be around the seeds of it as a healthy one appeared to be, but instead they would litter the ground below. With each step that they took a flurry of fireflies would fly up into the dark sky above, twinkling as if they were stars. Finally reaching his destination besides the sunflower Basilio would smile. Slowly the sun began to peak over the eastern horizon, grazing his face with it’s rays. “Will you keep some sunflowers for me, I want to be remembered. . . Please?” As the woman spoke to him, the words would grow muffled as the man collapsed to the ground below. The now rising sun would glisten upon his flesh, his leaves would sparkle, and his flowers would shine with what few petals remained upon them. This sunlight would fill the man’s body as a golden mist took over him. This mist would not contain itself to that of the Epiphyte as soon it grew to encompass the sunflower that stood besides him; it too would wilt and fall over. At last, the life of Basilio Taliame’onn had come to an end. “"Flesh to soil, blood to water, bone to dust.. Ahernal ito." This death would not be like those that normally fell upon Epiphytes, for a rebirth can only happen for as long as the body before would allow for such. The man's body would begin to shrivel up next to the decaying sunflower, the mist soon began to fade as the fae energy within the man soon returned to the forests in which it had derived from. Miven Caerme'onn desperately rapped her knuckles against her thigh in thought. The innards of her cheek were raw from the chewing and she'd quickly connect with her gifts, causing amber eyes to illuminate in an inferno of light. “Where is the oem'ii..” She asked the dead plant. “Where is the oem'ii?” And akin to a pleading mother, would Miven attempt to bring life back to the sunflower having no avail. Amidst the shining sun and the crashing of waves, a wind would pick up as it glided across the oncoming waves of the nearby beach. Such a force of nature would easily make it's way towards the location of the Druii and the remains of Basilio. Gliding over his body it would pick up the seeds that had come as a product from the plants passing, casting them around to the nearby soils. The area was soon littered with what had remained of the man. After some time, the Bruin rose to her feet glancing angerily around. She felt that temptation to withdraw her polearm, to harm - yet found peace when her passive communion allowed those seeds to bud from the earth. Little sproutings of green surfaced in the vicinity they once occupied and with that, she was content. Alas, Basilio’s final wish had come true. [Thank you @WestCarolina <3]
  15. "Alas my heralds had caught the wretched cow of a paladin." grumbled an old man. His words would only a reflection of the anger that has been building up within the man as of late. After such a long walk through the Southern Desert's he would finally collapse against the stone wall behind him, letting out a breathe of air filled with smoke and ash.
  16. [!] A Depiction of the recently destroyed Orenian bridge. [!] THE FOLLOWING IS ONLY AVAILABLE TO @Xarkly TO SIGISMUND III, I write to inform you that we have upheld our contract. Should your scouts find themselves upon the Orenian lands you will soon be able to find the remnants of my Warriors. We have destroyed their bridge, and we have destroyed their monument before their city. We have won two major victories upon our aforementioned agreement, and we will expect payment for such battles to compensate for our fallen soldiers and for their families. I will soon ride to your lands for the payment of 1000 minae, we hope that you honor our agreement. We do not disappoint you as we continue to fight in your name, and such victories will confide behind it as well. May your Kingdom stand Forever. [! ]Below would be a quick sketch of the building in question. It would once be known as a memorial to James II. What once was there, would now be small piles of rubble. Beannachadh Dhè, Malcolm de Chlann (of Clan) Douglas, Hound of Daeland and Chlann Douglas, Sionadh of the A' Ghàidhealtachd Gowther de Chlann (of Clan) Douglas, Stag of Daeland and Chlann Douglas, Sionadh of the A' Ghàidhealtachd
  17. A Daelish warrior standing over the deceased body of an enemy soldier. Let it be known, that the first victim of the Daelish people have been claimed and are now on their righteous path back into the Metaphysical prowess of the World. Today those of the Cingedoz tribe have shown the force of their francisca axe and struck down the enemy. A bounty is to be made and Oren’s banks will soon be our’s to claim. To those who find themselves drawing blood from the Daelish Axe or Sword, I heed you a warning, come find us and give your offers or more bloodshed will persist. As for those of the Cinged your valiant efforts will not go unnoticed. The Sionadh’s of Daeland will soon meet with you to provide your necessities. Hail Daeland. "All men. All thoughts. Every Stone. Every sea. Everything that is and will be; and even beyond. The will of Cruthaiche is beyond us.” Beannachadh Dhè, Malcolm de Chlann (of Clan) Douglas, Hound of Daeland and Chlann Douglas, Sionadh of the A' Ghàidhealtachd Gowther de Chlann (of Clan) Douglas, Stag of Daeland and Chlann Douglas, Sionadh of the A' Ghàidhealtachd
  18. "Now now friend, it's was upon your spirits and our need for money! IN FACT" the man would look towards the gate as a transaction was made, "An honorable urukin just paid the ransom!"
  19. "The Urukin are so weak to even turn away saving their own kin, a shame of a race these ones are. Where are the might Raguk when the uruk need him, perhaps they are whitewashed still." Gowthur would call out into the Daelish isles.
  20. TO THE REX OF THE UZG, I gladly inform you that we have captured two of your citizens and returned them to the Daelish within the oceans of the south. This is your one and final warning to pay compensation of 500 minae for both of their lives. Should this not be met within one saint’s hour, your people will pay for the crimes you commit religiously by making a mockery of the World’s spirits. Should you wish to fight for them instead, may Cruthaiche bless your decisions and that they are blessed with haste. We await your arrival, Gowthur Douglas
  21. Gilaethor Visaj would wander across such a missive and his eyes would fill with tears, "Finally someone appreciates me! I can leave this hell hole of yong-ping which is covered in icky spooky necromancers! The fishing here is horrid too!" he called out into the night sky as he sent a punch up into the air! "I must return home at once!"
  22. An artist's depiction of what had occurred within the Sewers beneath Providence. The night was long and dark within the sewers below the slums of Providence. At the entrance one could hear the howling of the winds stirring up within the city, distant voices echoing off the concrete walls of the stone jungle outside as a story was about to be told. The so-called “beast” of the lands had found a child lurking below after hearing of his arrival, a very unfortunate child might one add. Once led down into the deeper part of the sewers the beast would withdraw a story book, one certainly meant for the young humans above. “Picture this-” he said as he began to read. “There once was a houl heard by the children at night. The older folk would say that it’s stray dogs or lonely animals out of sight, and perhaps even if these words were true a child’s imagination is often to be dramatic and led astray. Perhaps. For the few that would believe these “childish” accusations of monsters they might even live to the next day. Scouring the sewer walls as a trio ventured into the sewers below, there would be lush vegetation, plants and flowers of all types that have washed down the city streets and into the basin down low.” The beast would look around the room, a smile on his face as he looked at the various plant-life around them, maybe it wasn’t a coincidence that they were in this very room. “They searched long and hard for this beast that the children spoke of, that is until they went through the plant covered room and there he was. Standing seven feet tall standing over them he would begin to shriek horrid, ear-piercing words that struck fear into the hearts of those who heard such even choking their vocal chords. In the dim light there would be flashes of green and black flames, accompanied by laughter that echoed to even the streets above surpassing the pouring rains.” The child in which the book was being read would point towards a lone body in the corner of the room. The beast would nod towards it with a snicker, “Look! There is the Man in the book!” he said going to turn the page as he continued reading. “Piercing yells would sound out in the night as the beast Hont’Algzok had made his strike. The men would run out of the tunnels that lay below and their skin would be scorched black and some would even say it glows. For a child’s story is not to be mistaken, everything said is certainly true. Find the beast and be prepared, - “Boo!” he screamed and forever would the child remain downstairs. [!] Such a book would find it's way to the many shops and bookstores amidst the city of Providence, the title of it would state "Dead Men Tell Tales Part 1." This book would be a blank, leather one stained green with algae with the title carved into the leather cover with a blade. Upon reading the name within the book "Hont’Algzok" the reader would find that their eyes feel as if they were set aflame. If read aloud they wouldn't be able to speak the word themselves, and they would find it impossible to re-write.
  23. A Depiction of the Beast lurking in the corner of the sewer [!] The following would be a torn page found in the depths of the sewers below Providence. It’s edges would be torn and there would be droplets of blood accompanied by stains from the local algae population. “T-the monster! I. . . I have been hearing groans of the monster throughout the night. They have been keeping me awake I- I just had to explore. Everyone in the slums couldn’t sleep at night, we are all tired of such ruckus and interruptions I- I just had to. Make them stop.” Accompanied by this page there would be multiple drawings and sketches of monsters. These monsters would contain gigantic mouths and large tentacles adorning their body. Nevertheless, the writing continued. “I had ventured into the sewers and found the- the monster, the beast! His name I cannot understand - it’s words burnt my chest. He- he. . burned me. I need to get help, where is this thing from what? Is this thing. . . His name oh what was his name it was H-” The page would end abruptly with a splatter of blood, perhaps the author’s nose had hit the table too hard. Throughout the nights of the slums there would be numerous screams of pain erupting from the entrance of the sewers. For those who ventured deeper into the depths below they would find puddles of blood and organs covering the stone walls as if they were paintings. However there would be one large display of such, perhaps a message to those who could understand such a language written in a black ink. Notum Za'vutir Tiv dag'Zkaat Hont'Algzok Horzol–ka [!] Upon reading this message on the walls, it would feel as if looking painfully into a bright flame. Your eyes become dry and agitated. Written runes in Ilzakarn may be uncomfortably warm to the touch, though not enough to burn an individual directly. Only those studying associated magic lore may replicate such words through writing or mouth meaning you cannot copy it or read it aloud.
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