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Posts posted by ImDrippedJr

  1. MC Name:



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    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Golems are sentient creatures made of rock. They are powered by a “golem core”, which is iconically carved with runes, also called sigils. The core is the most vulnerable part of the golem, requiring a mechanical item kept in the golem player’s inventory, which can always be broken or stolen.


    The body of the creature is made of rock & as such, is resistant to slashing, but weak to bludgeoning. The golem’s external rocky body can be marked with sigils as well, sometimes up to two. These sigils augment a golem’s ability, for example the lighting sigil, can provide ambient light. Another sigil is the laborer’s sigil, which allows a golem out of combat to raise its strength.


    If the external sigils are damaged, the Golem cannot use them without repair. If the internal sigils are damaged, the Golem has a chance to begin catastrophic failure. Catastrophic failure is often called ‘going red’, but can also entail the complete collapse of the golem into a burst of rock. Only golemancers can repair golems of their damage, at anvils that are marked specifically for this purpose.


    Golems are thinking creatures. Unlike their old lore, in the most recent write they are capable of thinking for themselves, and only regard their “Impera” (their creator) more as a trusted ally. Such ties can now be broken, or even betrayed! Still, Golems do not think like normal minds. They are build for the ages, and so they have more narrow ranges of emotion. They think logically, and the most extreme expression of emotions would come from the negative range - if the golem has “gone red.” 


    Otherwise, golems are goal-oriented, and drawn to collect materials that last. Books, artifacts, items of great renown are all likely to attract a Golem’s mind & once they have set their mind upon a goal there is little that will dissuade them.  


    There are a few types of golems, determined by the nature of the core. This golem is a BRUTUS core, or a brawn golem in common terms. This means the golem is larger, 10 feet tall specifically, takes seven strikes to the stone to breach the core & four or three strikes to break external sigils - depending on weapon used.
    This golem is marked with the laborer sigil, which means that it can temporarily boost its strength outside of combat scenarios.


    All golems are weak to attacks from null arcana, which temporarily disables them. In addition, golems are not immune to large scale damage due to their construction. A slashing attack made by a dragon would likely still damage the golem extensively, for example, and event only resources that disable sigils might altogether destroy a golem. 


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    The golem is chiseled out of gilded blackstone, and as such has spots of golden vein that run through. This is wholly aesthetic, and does not change the vulnerability of the golem.


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    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  2. MC Name:



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    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Going fully against the laws of GOD, the creation of a Homunculi is the creation of life itself via pure alchemical ways. Whether it be via flame or alchemical solution: Creating a homunculi is combining parts to create something new.  



    Homunculi are made to recreate what is, and not what isn’t. They appear humanoid, though typically with a gold or silver glint in ones’ eyes, standing for them not bearing a true soul. When created to be strong they will be less delicate and friendly in turn, balancing them out. They regenerate incredibly fast, for a homunculi needs one IRL week to regenerate after death, with three IRL days after to fully recover from it. Homunculi have an easier time learning alchemy and are capable of more fluently melding with organic grafts and mutations of alchemical design. 


    As they are of the material realm the Homunculi are weaker to voidal magic, as it is the antithesis of the material. Use of the void upon a Homunculi will cause extreme pain and thus an homunculi will do everything in their might to avoid voidal mages. 


    The only way to PK a Homunculi is giving them a Juliet’s potion, which will permanently stone them. This does not require OOC consent. 



    Material Contrivance:

    Homunculi are quicker to adapt to Alchemical mutations, and may learn to use them way faster than others. They will also easily heal from wounds, with moderate injuries taking up to twelve IRL hours and fatal injuries taking a week to recover.

    Ingrained understanding:

    Due to their alchemical birth an Homunculus will curiously want to learn what created them, and will have an easier time learning it. When something is closely inspected an Homunculus may see the alchemical signs from it.


    Homunculi possess no soul and are thus unable to learn any magic requiring one.


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    Sylvir is a tall creature of statue, about 7 feet, with the body built of a male, granted with the strength compared to that of an orc. However he has one odd feature: he has the head and paws of a wolf with white fur. His eyes are a gold color, and on both sides of his head he has small wolfish ears. His mouth is  wolf like, filled with sharp teeth. He wears silver with gold armor with a blue cloak over his shoulders and back.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.



    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  3. MC Name:



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    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:

             Akdmae za'Dralguna


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:




    When someone dies their body remains in the world and their soul departs to another realm. However, not for every soul is this passing so easily. Some get disturbed on their way over to their forever resting place, and will be forced to remain in the mortal realm. Commonly they would wake up from a, in their eyes, slumbering sleep, and go on their way as if nothing happened. Inevitably they will once find out that the world has continued past them. 


    Composed of a mix of life force and mana, ghosts, be it a fresh revenant or a forever specter, consist of ectoplasm. It allows them to appear as slimy liquid, to dense gas and even a flame bearing no heat. The nature of that substance allows them to influence their form by their own will, allowing them forms of telekinesis, changing their own form to that of a spectral animal, or even making them invisible. However, that same ectoplasm is also impalpable, making most regular substances go through it. And much as their mortal form has been stolen, so has their mortal needs been stolen. They need no drink, no food and no rest. They do not bleed, and with an exception of fatal injuries, they will feel little to non consequences

     from attacks. 


    As any other creature, so too do phantoms have weaknesses. Aurum, a commonly known metal to slay undead for example, where it can conduct unique energies like life force. It will cause a specter harm as if they were physical, and may even allow a mortal to demanifest them, akin to dying.

    Similar to that void magic and in the same way enchanted weapons may too harm a specter as if they were physical, given that ectoplasm consists of mana. 

    Sunlight will too make a specter feel weak, giving them the preference to remain in the dark. However, this sunlight is not lethal for those made of ectoplasm. 


    With the nature of their existence phantoms typically suffer from mental illnesses. Depending on the type these illnesses may vary, but overall phantoms suffer from symptoms of depression and anxiety. 



    Revenants are phantoms who are newly woken up from their violent death, or just those who refuse to pass on. It's the first stage, coming before being a Specter or Poltergeist, of being a ghost, typically marked with the confusion that comes with the first time of everything. 


    They appear most like their appearance as mortals, however they are grayed, unclear and transparent, often having marks of their death visible on themselves, though more subtle than poltergeists. Their voices are distant, hollow, as if no soul was there. 


    Revenants are confused about their state, unsure of what they are, and can thus easily break out into anger, sadness or pure rage. they usually seek out normal tasks, thinking they are still their mortal form, to later find out they are in fact dead. 


    Revenants are the most vulnerable ghost type, and have the lowest pain tolerance. They tend to easily be thrown into a mental breakdown by even the slightest bit of pain. They require 2 ooc days to regenerate from non-fatal injuries. 


    Some abilities include but are not limited to:

    Invisibility: Existing of only a thin layer of ectoplasm, allowing the Revenant to become fully transparent. This may however be forcefully changed via an attack of Aurum, making the Revenant visible again. 

    Weak grasp: The Revenant can touch and move small objects, not heavier than 3 pounds. This allows them to, with much struggle, open doors and extinguish lights. 



    Poltergeists are Revenants who passed on to deny and reject their form, absorbed by the trauma of their death. They are unable to be at peace with their new state and driven into the deepest of mental illnesses. 


    Poltergeists are the least recognizable of all phantoms, usually donning black or red. Their cause of death is clearly visible on them, with a stab wound for those who got stabbed to death, ashed skin for those who burned etc. Their voices are nothing like their descendant voices, their new ones being unpleasant, varying from high shrieks to low growls.


    Their emotions are 99% of the time negative ones, easily shiftable between sad and rage. They are not particularly evil, but they do possess some evil tendencies, as well as hatred for everyone and everything around them. 


    Poltergeists will respond with more anger and violence to pain and attacks, rather than fear. They may thus continue their attacks where specters or revenants might have run. They require 1 OOC day to regenerate from non-fatal injuries.


    Some abilities are, but excluded to:

    Instill unease:

    A passive aura follows the poltergeist around, deflecting its negative emotions to those around. This may cause fear, but not paralyze an opponent.


    Phantoms are able to enter humanoid bodies and minds, whispering ideas to the owner. They cannot physically move the host’s body, but if using their possession to the fullest they may implement ideas and inflict dreams. 

    -While inside something or someone a poltergeist is still vulnerable. They may still be harmed by gold or holy magic.



    The complete opposite of a poltergeist is a specter. The white ghosts who have embraced their deaths and new demise. They appear much more like they did in life, but with an ethereal and otherworldly quality, beautiful even. They are yellow, white or blue, and their voices are way more pleasant than usual. Their cause of death is not represented. They find sunlight uncomfortable, but not intolerable. 


    A specter's mind is much more stable than their negative counterpart. They tend to feel various emotions, usually aiming to stay away from negative emotions the most, but they may however feel them. Overtime it may happen that a specter loses large portions of their mortal life as they progress as a spirit. They try to avoid conflict, unless extremely drafted towards it. 


    Specters respond the most mortal way to pain and threat from all the phantoms, usually just like their descendant form would. They require 1 OOC day to regenerate from non-fatal injury.


    Some of their abilities are, but are not excluded to:

    Controlled Corporeality.

    Over the course of 2 emotes a Specter may shift themselves to become Corporeal, allowing them to perform one, mostly combative, action as an actual human being. After 3 emotes of not using it or one action they shift back to their incorporeal form. 

    Shift form.

    A specter may shift their form to that of a spectralesque animal, ranging from a small crow to a stag, when in the right state of mind. 


    My character was killed by saturation and will thus skip the revenant phase, immediatly continiuing as a Specter.


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    As a specter Skjald will appear blue colored, with a strange, otherworldly quality. Although he might have some unsettling features, most of his mortal form would be intact, exceptions made for his eyes (without pupils or irises) and his skin (more like porcelain). This however still makes him look less intimidating then for example a poltergeist.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  4. Saalih Ibn Utayr Al-Hamad finally welcomed his sister, all be it with some pain in his stomach, some cacti in his hands and on top of a horse, mounted with a special saddle



    The character I got to meet you through and the best twin sister I ever played with. We loved Zaina, and we love you Gen!


  5. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



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    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Blood Magic


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  6. Dame Cirilla of Karosgrad had her hand move through his hair as the body was laying in the clinic, eyes looking over the body "May GOD keep you safe and well, Ser Jakob. Thankyou for everything" Were the last words she said to the knight.

  7. Report on the Attenlund swamp





    When a man or woman ascends into the ranks of the knights it’s known that, once they have completed their other trials, they are to be sent on their Bogatyr test. It is what every Page and Squire works for, looks out for, and prepares for. As I, Cirilla, had finally mastered the right skills it would take to be a dame I too had been sent to search for the Oracle and receive my test.  

    As I moved through the swamp the ear-bleeding screech of a toad-like creature reached my ears. As I looked about, nothing, no one, was to be seen, yet. As I continued forwards, a torch and sword in hand, ready to strike whenever I needed, I stumbled upon a massive, slimy, toad-like creature. A Parhor of about 8 feet had been awaiting me, its eyes staring into my own. 

    It immediately jumped forwards, Its massive body aiming to land upon me, crushing me with its massive weight. I barely escaped such an attack, as I was just able to roll backwards. With the little time, it gave me I reached for my belt, took a bottle of it, and threw a Will' O Bottle at it, setting its feet ablaze. Loud screeches of pain filled the silence of the swamp, as the creature then launched its head right into my chest, throwing me off the hill. Later I found out it caused a nasty cut: at the moment I did not notice, for it almost instantly grabbed me with its tongue. 

    It dragged me forward, and I had barely time to pour some Flaming Salve over my sword. I set it ablaze using a stone on the ground, held it tight in my hand to then finally used it to cut off the Parhor’s tongue and set the remaining on fire. It shrieked once more, stumbling backwards a bit, away from the pain I had caused it. The beast, now in full pain, hadn't been paying enough attention, allowing me to throw a tanglefoot potion at it. It was now stuck in its place, giving me free space to deal the final blow at its chest. It fell down on the ground, its eyes black and lifeless. The beast of the Swamp had been defeated.



  8. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Heldalel Indoren


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the feat? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:



  9. ZHsickmYUrLvYyR0NClQOhITOwclLBqbWSC6sh-cdsluJtkk0EqIuUEcYfCMJ82oSU5Nga3PvFcCihtlRvk5vri302Wc7oRVwvyXZmBQsmeC5m5P0CYYP_I0WttwtDhPJTiwoiIT



    To everyone in Almaris with a right heart,


    It is not unknown that we live in times of war. For most of us it is inevitable even. Yes, war brings death. Mourning families, men lost in battle. But there are also those who did not choose for it. 


    Recently, my daughter, princess Olivia Freysson Ruric and other innocent people were surprised by an Orenian rally. It doesn’t matter for me if they had the right or not, but they called for a kingsmoot. Olivia and others were quickly hidden away behind locked doors, but she escaped and made her way back to the feast hall. It is there where the Orenian Rally captured her and discussed what was to happen to her. Would they boil her alive? Strap each Limb to their horses and begin to ride, ripping her apart? Sacrifice her? Is THAT, people of Almaris, how we interact with children? Is THAT how we treat those who did not choose to live during a war?

    But, there’s more. Much more.


    My Goddaughter Inga Edvardsson was brutely murdered by an Orenian raiding party. She was innocent too, had ambitions of her own, was young, and wanted to live. Oren did not give her the chance. At the age of thirteen, the young baroness had spent mere days receiving her title after her mothers tragic and sudden passing while giving birth to the youngest Edvardsson child. Her father was off at war, and an elder brother with him. This left the eldest daughter Inga to face the cruel and demeaning Orenians who decapitated the young girl before her younger siblings, and then set her house ablaze. The little bear’s fate should not be a normality passed down within every war. 


    Children don’t fight. Children don’t kill Orenians or Coalition members. They live, play, and grow up. That’s what children should do.

    So now, we come to the core of this message. It won't surprise any of you, but I am specifically addressing you, Philip III. I wonder, how do you have the courage to call yourself an emperor, a protector, and yet kill children? Is that how this world should be in your perspective?


    Is this a man who should lead an Empire? Who should have such power? I don’t think so. I say he is a madman. A man who should be locked in the deepest dungeons. A man who should be overthrown from power.


    Her Highness, Daria Vildr, Queen-Consort of Norland, Mother to the Orphans.




  10. Somewhere in a small room, far away from the Oasis, an old warrior read the missive. Despite his anger, his hatred and his disgust for his past and his people, he still had to remove a small tear from his eye. "May God take good care of you, Marah" Spoke the man soft, remembering all her lessons, all her motherly characteristics and all the time she had saved him from a terrible faith.

  11. As Daria returned safe to the palace of Norland the news of the passing of her best friend reached her. She threw her sword and armor away, and quickly went to see her children. Once she noticed everything was alright with them, she quickly wrote a letter to the new Baroness and ordered her horse to be ready for the way to Tatria.

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