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Posts posted by Fie

  1. Spoiler



    14th of The Amber Cold, 70 SA






    While the three branches of Rurikid have rarely seen eye to eye on any matter, every branch can attest that the moot is a time honored tradition. It is not intended to be used as a ploy by cravens who cannot face their relations face to face, who cannot bear the consequences that come with calling all of age Rurikid men into one gathering place.


    Twice in recent history has the moot been called and twice has it been made a joke of, first by the last king of Norland, Vane Freysson, and now by Ragnvald Ash, formerly of Eiriksson. Every generation grows further distanced from a true understanding of what makes a Ruric a Ruric. We are all descendents of the Prophet. We are all prisoners to the burden of our lineage, the burden of legacy and honor. Lest we forget the Red Scrolls, as the tenets tell us: Do what is right, be it hard or easy going. 


    With this said, let it be known that I, Manfred von Arichsdorf, chieftain of clan Edvardsson, declare my full support to King Vangel Freysson.




                    Manfred von Arichsdorf, Chieftain of clan Edvardsson

    Leitsieg Thoromir von Arichsdorf, son of Manfred

    Theodric Edvardsson, Son of Alric

    Caedric Edvardsson, Son of Alric



    posted on @Narthoks behalf while he is out for work


  2. Laurentina pursed her lips into a thin line. She did not weep over the dead, not anymore, but it seemed to her that the world appeared a bit darker on this day. "Greet Helton and Daphne and Mama and Papa for me," uttered the Helvets to noone in particular. 



    The Duchess of Cathalon however, was inconsolable at the news. She locked herself into her office - one that was filled with dust and dry documents, where she allowed herself to weep through work. Amelia had been a mother figure that she lacked otherwise - and noone truly could replace the princess for her.



    it was nice having you around again!! take good care of yourself and tysm for the RP we had!


  3. Laurentina lifts up her cup of tea, taking a large sip. "Well then," she sighed before slapping her thighs. "Better get to it, eh?" she grabbed her sword from the corner of the room and dragged it on as she went to join the continued war effort.

  4. Spoiler

    Remove: PK War Goal (and allow players affected by this war goal to return their characters)

    ah so rp and wars don't have consequences these days? good to know, thank you lotc administration. imo we should make it mandatory to pk on first death. anything else is unbelievably cowardly and will add no value to rp. of course there should be exceptions - maybe "apply" to be revived by the monks? this shouldnt apply to NLs and settlement leaders though. killing people and being killed irp should hold weight. rn people arent afraid of being killed irp because theyll just respawn at ct anyway lol


    srsly though, these rules you guys implemented are trash. cant wait to call crp default when 8 bandits ride up to me and do *dodges emotes. <3

  5. Laurentina wonders how her infant son, the heir to the March of Westergrenz would have stabbed the baronet. She also wonders about how badly the state newspaper was informed and since when a newspaper articulates itself like one of those gossip columns that appear and then die out again.

  6. Laurentina beams oh so proudly that she was still living rent free in people's minds despite having debuted almost a decade earlier. The Margravine Arichsdorf shoved the missive into her husband's face, exclaiming; "LOOK! Look they mentioned me three times, Manny! I don't know what that blabber about out people trying to kill some baronet is about though. Must be evil rumors!" @Narthok

  7. Laurentina, who had once feared those men she considered bandits, now lamented them being disbanded. It was an odd world, surely, but the lady could not help but to be grateful to those brave (and handsome) ferrymen that saved the Empire from defeat in its darkest hour. A tear was shed as she uttered: "Stay based, Ferryboys."

  8. The Baroness von Arichsdorf smiled with delight upon finally seeing an updated map. It had been too long! The only other map Laurentina had seen within her home was one from Anne I's era, stolen from her late father's office when she was but a child. The kaedreni scanned it for a long time until she found something she did not like! Pompourellia was oh-so far away from Arichsdorf, and with that, Catherine - Laurentina's best friend - was also far away. Immediately, she sent a courier over to the Princess Imperial, lamenting this situation. @AndrewTech

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