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  1. when will applications be made more difficult/like, actually REQUIRING people to understand shit and know what theyre getting into. Its one thing to advertise lotc more widely but you still need to make sure those people who apply will actually you know, do good

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    2. Mannamannaa


      Some level of reference to server events or IRP society would be appreciated, yet I agree there is a balance between standards and gatekeeping.

    3. UnusualBrit


      All memes aside, I don't think the accusations of gate-keeping are entirely fair, it's not difficult to write out an application  and I can't see any evidence that lowering standards has helped player retention (I'd argue it's counter-productive). We're not Fantasy RP, we should quite reasonably be advocating for quality over quantity in our new players, not that we're demanding experienced rpers just those that can demonstrate a decent grasp of the lore. Not demanding that new player write a proper essay, but that wasn't what Borin was saying either. 

    4. Mark2282


      You already were a seasoned minecraft roleplayer before applying to lord of the craft though. Perhaps it would have been different if EmpireWar RP hadn't been around :) 

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