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Bany Banfy

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About Bany Banfy

  • Birthday 07/14/2005

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  • Gender
  • Location
    former Soviet Republic Moldova
  • Interests
    Books, Classic Music, Roleplaying.

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  1. Animals dropping minas - build a animal farm and you have infinite mina 🤫
  2. Bany Banfy


    Tisha's story begins somewhere in Sutica. Tisha was a child accident because of her mother, a high elf, the daughter of a farmer having a novel with a wood elf - a bandit. When her mother found out she was pregnant, she moved to Haense where she raised her daughter. Tisha rarely saw her father, because he was a bandit who was running from authorities. . Every time they met, they did it in secret, and her father gave them some coins and told them that they would go to the land of the elves where they would have a quiet life. She spent her childhood with people and was always discriminated against because she was a breed. Her only friend was a boy, a merchant's child, a wood elf. The relationship between the two was very close. Her boyfriend always gave her something, like clothes or jewelry. Their favorite activity was fighting with wooden swords. Tisha learned to read and write from her mother. He always liked to read books, take care of animals and grow flowers. He started working at the age of 12, polishing people's shoes in the street. At the age of 19, Tisha decided to travel the world to become a doctor. She always wanted to take care of the wounded ones and save the street animals.
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