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Posts posted by Josif

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Zidanna Alhan'a


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?




    "Dearest Brother,

    It is good to hear from you, I had believed myself to be the last to hold the Buckfort name however you prove this wrong.

    I wish to speak with you, whether it be about out father, our home or simply just to catch up.

    And If you wouldn't mind showing me the equipment you mentioned I would greatly appreciate it.

    I would also like to speak you regarding a plan I have already begun putting into motion.


    Your brother,



  3. [!] A missive has been sent out to each and every nation and settlement leader.



    "Dearest Inhabitants of Almaris, My name is Sir Galahad Buckfort. I am the last living Rozanian and the last living relative of Duke William Buckfort.

    For the past century I have been wallowing in my own pity and depression upon the fall of  Rozania. But now that I have returned, I don my Rozanian armor once more and now walk the lands in search of those that remember my home, aswell as artifacts that can help me in preserving the memory of Rozania.

    So I send you this letter, in hopes of your assistance at achieving this. If you hold any Rozanian artifacts, I ask you kindly, return them to their rightful owner so I may share the memory of my father's creation."




  4. Wilhelm Bernatzik | A young man in stockings at a writing desk | MutualArt


    A letter has been left on the Hyspian throne.


    This is my confession. I, Alejandro de Arena, am a murderer.

    Out of spite, anger and an act of selfish revenge I attacked and killed my father and former Viceroy of Hyspia, Cesar de Pelear. @Javert

    I admit full responsibility for this action and will accept any form of punishment the Haense justice system or Hyspia wish to bestow upon me.

    I want it to be known that I am not apologising for this, I accomplished what I wanted to do hence why I am admitting my crime and will be turning myself in.

    I have committed many more crimes then this which I shall admit to and list in a court of law should I be asked to.





  5. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Cassio Bishop


    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:

             Cassio Bishop


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:



    When a being dies, it's soul leaves its body and ends up in a place called the 'Elysian Wastes', here they are without form, unable to interact with anything and can simply watch as things happen. Souls with enough will power can remain here, these souls are called 'Stagnant Spirits'. Other souls that allow themselves to leave this place end up in the 'Soul Stream' where they are filtered thorugh Ebrietaes, the plane of death. Souls are then sent to their respective after lives (Seven Skies, Fae Realm, etc.).

    Occasionally, when a soul has enough willpower of suffers enough when they die, they may return to our plane in the form of a Revenant. This soul will wander, unaware of its death, and once it is either informed or finds out it is dead will transform into either a peaceful white ghost, a Spectre, or a chaotic black ghost, a Poltergeist.



    All phantoms are made up of a substance commonly known as 'Ectoplasm', this is a mixture of life force and mana. It can vary in appearance, from a slime-like liquid to a gascious mist. This substance is unable to interact with physical objects, expanding upon this this also causes a phantom to not require any sort of nutritional substance or sleep.



    -All Phantoms have a dislike of Sunlight, this makes most phantoms nocturnal in nature and cling to the shade and shadows during the day.

    -All Phantoms are weak to Aurum, this is because the metal can conduct spectral energies like lifeforce which itself is a component of ectoplasm.

    -Voidal magics interact with phantoms like regular, since mana is a component of ectoplasm.


    Death & Reformation

    Phantoms are technically unable to die for a second time, however when they demanifest they are temporarily seperated from our realm and are not able to reform for a small amount of time. However phantoms can onlt demanifest and reform a few times before they are sent back into the Elysian Wastes in order to fully reform itself.



    Due to the nature of their being, phantoms often suffer quite bad mental illnesses. Poltergeists suffering the worse of this due to their unstable mental states.


    Revenants - Grey Spirit

    Revenants, grey spirits, are phantoms who have only recently returned to the plane of the living. Unaware of their deaths and their minds crowded with confusion. They are often devoid of color, appearing in shades of grey. They have very minor signs of their death, such as a beheaded man having a slight line going around their neck. Their voices are distant and quiet as they arent used to their new form.


    Phantasmal - Revenants lack a physical body, due to this they lack the need to eat, sleep, drink or breathe.

    Invisibility - When not in the eyes of a living soul, a Revenant is able to become invisible due to their link to the Elysian Wastes.

    Weak Grasp - A revenant is able to interect with the world, however very weakly.

    Geistreach - When a Revenant learns of their death, they can either become a Poltergeist or a Spectre.


    Poltergeists - Black Spirit

    A poltergeist is a chaotic entity, a Revenant that has learnt of its death and not taken it well. They are often mindless and violent, appearing in shades of red and black and showing very visible signs of their deaths, for instance a hanged man having a tattered noose around their neck.


    Phatasmal - The same as a Revenant, they lack a physical body so they arent required to eat, sleep, drink or breathe.

    Controlled Corporeality - A poltergeist is able to more strongly interact with the living realm.

    Invisibility - Like a Revenant, a poltergeist is able to hide their form from a living soul's eyes.

    Shift Form - By shifting their ectoplasm, a poltergeist is able to change their form into that of an animal, usually a predator or scavenging animal such as a wolf, vulture or hyena.

    Influence - By surrounding something in their ectoplasm, a poltergeist is able to move it akin to telekinesis.

    Instill Unease - Poltergeists can instill an aura of negative emotions.

    Possession - Poltergeists are able to take control of a corpse or mind and control it like its own.

    Poltergeist Haunts - Poltergeists can choose a certain location to become its 'Haunt', the poltergeist becomes unable to leave this area however they gain almost complete control over it to a point of near omnipresence.


    Spectres - White Spirit

    A Spectre is a peaceful, white spirit. This is a Revenant that has learnt of its death and accepted it with open arms. They are often very soft spoken, colored in shades of white, blue and yellow and showing almost no sign of their reason of death. 


    Phantasmal - Like other phantoms, they lack physical form, this means they have no need to eat, sleep, drink or breathe.

    Controlled Corporeality - Like a Poltergeist, Spectres are able to interact with the mortal realm more than Revenants can.

    Invisibilty - Like other Phantoms, Spectres possess the ability to hide their ghostly form.

    Shift Form - Similar to a Poltergeist, they are able to shift their form to resemble one of an animal, usually a peaceful and herbivore one such as a deer or a cow.

    Influence - By surrounding an object in their ectoplasm, a Spectre is able to manipulate said item similar to telekenisis.

    Instill Peace - Unlike the poltergeist's "Instill Unease" ability, Spectres are able to create an aura of peace and calmness.

    Possess - Spectres are able to take controll of a vessel by shifting their ectoplasm into it. However they cannot control corpses or mind like a Poltergeist can.

    Sanctuary - Similar to a Poltergeist, a Spectre can choose a set location to become its 'Sanctuary', this makes them unable to leave it, however gives them more controll over the area.





    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    Cassio is a grey visage of his former self, a scar-like line goes around the entirety of his neck and his eyes seem empty and distance.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:

             Of course


    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


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