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Posts posted by Phoebe202

  1. "Non, Oncle... I could never leave Haense. Not even to be Governess." Laetitia remarked upon a visit to Balian; whereupon her uncle, upon other things, suggested she should transfer her work to the Monterosa Court. Her mind raced as she spoke, as she desperately thought up an explanation that did not make herself sound like a lovesick fool -- She had given up on that, after all! -- "Haense is where I went after everything fell down around me in Petra; it's where I rebuilt my life. I know it must sound silly to you... but it holds a special place in my heart because of that." She answered earnestly, her gaze shifting to the tree that had been named after her mere moments prior. What she did not say, though she thought it, was "Georg is the only friend of mine from that period of my life who did not leave or betray me... how could I ever hurt him like that? Especially when he probably needs me most?"

    She bid her uncle adieu after that, thanking him a.. third? fourth? time for his help regarding a personal matter.
     "I have to return home, I haven't done my taxes yet." Was offered as the excuse for her abrupt departure -- the fact of the matter being that such was true was irrelevant, as Laetitia suspected that if there was any time she was needed most in Karosgrad, it was then; and by the side of her oldest friend.



    paraphrasing from the actual conversation but yeah


  2. Poor Laetitia would be sheltered from this news by her kin at Pompourelia, where she resided while recovering from her recent heart attack... which was worsened by Emir's initial refusal to treat her, given his insistence she was 'faking for attention'"I am lucky to have your support, Oncle Franz... you have always been the picture of what I thought a father should be." She commented to the titular Viscount, "Without you, I would surely be dead by now."


  3. The great-niece of the late Pontian IV offers an approving nod upon hearing the news. "Shall we go, Oncle? I realize in my current state that travel is unwise... but this is a historical event, after all." Laetitia remarked to her uncle, the titular Viscount of Pompourelia; under whose care she remained whilst recovering from a heart attack. 


  4. “An election won’t be fair unless all of relevance to the Raevier heritage are allowed a say - the list here is but a sham. Without their blessing I daresay the rest of Canondom will be on the new “Duke’s” doorstep within a matter of hours and ready to brawl.” A resident of Haense mutters, tossing the missive into one of the many fireplaces present in the Morrivi Prikaz. 

  5. 1670909862_DarkAcademia.thumb.jpg.9e44cad51e825fb8242d61a2ff97df41.jpg
    The Red Lady of the Morrivi Prikaz


    In the evenings following the Adrian Sewer Excursion, sightings of a ‘Red Lady’ have been rumored throughout the Morrivi Prikaz, causing alarm and dread in the hearts of Courtiers.

    The Lady, Hence the name Red Lady, dons a nightgown of crimson, with a matching robe over it; a clear indication that she is (or was, if one is apt to believe she is some sort of specter and not merely a Lady displaced by the horrors of war) of Noble birth, or at least possesses great wealth. Her hair is reportedly as red as her gown, and she appears to glow in the dim candlelight.

    One of the most obvious signs of her presence is to hear the playing of a harp in the dead of night, as she has been observed playing one such instrument in the Prikaz Ballroom.

    Is she the ghost of a noblewoman killed in the scourge, unreported? Or a noblewoman of old, remaining with the Court for some unspecified reason? No one can say for sure, though as the rumors continue to spread all are encouraged to keep Aurum nearby after sunset.



    OOC: Looking forward to faux ghost rp with yall!!


  6. "GOD is good, and through his will we shall reign victorious!" -- "I'm so happy I could kiss the Koeng! No more laying down and letting the wretched Adrians scream and shout yet flee like cowards..." A courtier of the Morrivi would cheer.

  7. “Ah… So Heinrik ‘the hen’  flew back to his coop, eh? I expected such cowardice from one who betrays his King, his God and his very family. Not to fear, we’ll soon make scrambled eggs of his fellows.” A witness to the beginning of the trial would remark to her Koeng; thoroughly amused by her own egg puns. “Should I ask Grand-Oncle about changing my middle name? Henrietta is just the feminine equivalent of Heinrik in Auvergnat diaspora; and with the fact that the Anathema and I both descend from Sarkozic lineages it isn’t exactly the best for my public image, you know.”  She’d add thereafter, her tone still one of jesting.


  8. "I pray, I pray, that the rest of Canondom has the backbone to continue their opposition to Heinrik the Heretic." A woman would mumble to herself, signing the Lorraine thereafter. "If not, it shall spell doom for us all. Whose land shall they come for next, if they learn they can simply attack and claim more from it? Haense? Norland? Petra? Urguan?"

  9. "Worry not... their destruction is imminent, by either Aaun or all of Canondom." The daughter of an Aaunic Count would muse, offering her displaced father a pat on the hand as she watched yet another missive smolder to ash in her fireplace. "Soon enough they will be but an unpleasant stain upon our memories, this little victory of theirs all for naught." 


  10. “I think they’ve forgotten the murder of Milena Sarkozic, one of Heinrik the Heretic’s own kinsman.  — Assassination, rather; despite that I only know of her involvement in this war being her ties to the Varoches.” Mused one of the late Milena’s cousins from her home in Karosgrad, only having read the missive as she prepared to use it as kindling for her fireplace.

  11. Laetitia Henrietta, niece to the Viscount of Sapron, would be left in utter disbelief after a copy of the missive was presented to her; having ventured to Balian only that month in an attempt to console her relatives. After bidding adieu to an old friend she'd been conversing with, she departed to the Basilica within Karosgrad for prayer, and donning a mourning veil soon after this tragic news was made apparent to her. 

  12. Laetita lit a candle in honor of her missing cousin, and kept her in mind during her evening prayers. "Should we visit Oncle Franz, Papa? Make sure he's okay? Family should stick together in times like these, after all..."

  13. "As if we didn't have enough to worry about, another massive war looms." Laetitia grumbled to her father from within a mansion abroad; glancing up idly toward the displaced Comte as she mended one of his coats. "The church was merciful towards one of their ilk and they go and assassinate someone within the same month! They've been emboldened by it." She signed the Lorraine over herself at that remark. "GOD help us all -- Assuming we survive whatever vile action they deem necessary next!"

  14. Laetitia gave a stern nod of approval upon reading the missive. "They may say we are scared; but we are merely showing our piety, our strength, and our willingness to defend our allies against treachery." The woman remarked to herself as she returned to her duties within the Morrivi Courts, per usual.

  15. The daughter of an illegitimate Sarkozic turned Petty-Count would sigh and begin preparing the guest rooms of her Manor in Karosgrad; should any of her younger siblings be sent to wait out the war under her care.

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