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Everything posted by Icy_Aurora

  1. *confused staring* Take my upvote, ill understand this sooner or later
  2. I agree with this message 250%
  3. OOC: MC Name: AuroraBorealis19 Discord: [FANG]AuroraBorealis#5932 Timezone: Pst IC: Name: Aurora Certifications (Licenses from other organizations are viable): Oren-Moj Psych Specialty (i.e Surgery, Combat Medicine, etc): Psychology Finished Research Study (Optional):
  4. OOC ((MC Name: )) AuroraBorealis19 ((Discord: )) [FANG]AuroraBorealis#5932 ((Timezone: )) PST IN-CHARACTER What is your name? Aurora. Why seek membership to the Mages Guild? I believe that the mages guild is the best guild there is to this day. Aswell as how to control magic and use it The proper way. What arts, if any, do you currently practice? None at the moment but I will be learning Fire evocation soon. What position do you desire to attain upon acceptance? Just a member. When should you be contacted for an interview? When you are avaliable.
  5. Icy_Aurora


    Hello, Sir. I'm here in search of my parents whom I lost as a child. Orcs Attacked them in my Home and This is the final city on my checklist! Would you happen to know where i should search for A Hospital? *enter his dialogue here* Oh, Sir thank you kindly!! However before I leave I must ask.. Do you know anyone who can help me take care of my parents? *enter his dialogue here* Aww thats a bummer, Have an amazing day, and I wish you the best Adventures to come.
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