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Status Updates posted by ECS1999

  1. Do you wish to be a Golem? A Sorvian? An Automaton? Maybe an Atronach?

    Do you wish to be part of the largest construct army? Join the Brotherhood (or not, i don't care).

    Pm me if you wanna play any of those CAs; ECS1999 on LOTC and eduardc11 on dc

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ECS1999


      Nice joke @TeawithFrisket, almost made everyone believe you are good at it

    3. TeawithFrisket


      Who said it was supposed to be funny :^)

    4. Laeonathan


      its funny because its true

  2. Looking for someone to play a Sorvian Newt, send me a pm eduardc11 on discord or ECS1999 on mc.


  3. Anyone looking to play Golems, Automaton, Sorvian, Atronachs or Homunculi send me a PM on discord; eduardc11

    1. sam33497


      bro has a few feats

  4. Looking for someone who wants to play a Sorvian Newt called Tuff, who will be Moss' twin. Interested, pm me here or in Discord; eduardc11

  5. I am looking for someone to play a Golem, last kind of construct to be made and complete my free-to-roam collection of constructs! Anyone interested, send me a pm EduardC11#9634!

  6. Currently looking for people interested in playing Automatons, Atronachs, Golems or Sorvians. I don't mind about time zones and don't expect full dedication to the construct rather than being on them whenever one feels like as long as there's a bit of activity, Contact me through Discord; EduardC11#9634 if interested!

    1. TheBigBubbles


      errr merrr gerdd make me into a zar'akal fr on god

  7. Currently looking for people interested in playing both Automatons and Atronachs. I don't really mind about timezones to be honest, just let me know through discord; EduardC11#9634.

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