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Posts posted by Pegleg_Bob

  1. The Funeral of Illatius


    Issued 14th of The First Seed 1979


    To the people of Ravenmire and the former friends of Sir Illatius


    For many years the people of Ravenmire and the great north have been protected by a man, and this man was named Sir Illatius of Blackworth. He has served the realm for many years now, fighting off mystics and the monsters of the north. Sir Illatius fought with honor and bravery, in his last moments of life he showed himself to be a true knight of Ravenmire. This will be a celebration of his life and all he has done for the Sovereignty of Ravenmire and the Duchy of Blackworth. A statue will be constructed within the palace once built to honor his memory, so the future generations will know of the great
    Sir Illatius of Blackworth.


    His funeral will be held in the chapel of Ravenmire, then he will be set out to sea and burned. Lastly after the main funeral service all are welcome to join us in the tavern to drink to Illatius’ memory.


    HIS HIGHNESS, the SOVEREIGN OF RAVENMIRE, Bo I of the House of Rostova


    Henry Arthur Haverlock, Duke of Blackworth


     Sir Magnus Winburgh Baron of the Isles 

  2. A bandaged baron in the tower of Blackworth would let out a sigh, looking over his glass of rum he would say to himself  "Peace in ouw time my feooowsth." Then looking into the night sky he glance to the moon, a single tear leaving his eye.

  3. Sir Mangus Winburgh knight of Veletz, capture of a viceroy, and known for committing several war crimes during the war looks down at his son. Then looking over to the door he starts to sprint for it, making great hast to get away from his son and that question. "I'm not going to answew that boy, wead a book about it fow god sthhake" saying this as he slams open the door and runs out.  

  4. 23 minutes ago, Javert said:

    "Alright gentlemen, I will be taking wagers. Let's have some popcorn, shall we?" said Henry Arthur Haverlock, Duke of Blackworth from his home in Ravenmire.

    Sir Magnus walking into the feast hall with some popcorn in his hand would look around scowling at all the people, knowing they want his precious popcorn saying to them all  "I'm not sthhawing my booodoy popcown."

  5.       A knight in all black armor takes a puff from a stolen cigar, a solemn look on his fat face as he looks out onto his new homeland. Talking to no one but himself, the knight says “You know my whooe oife it wasth aoway'sth the bettew peopoe who died fiwst”. Taking another long puff from his cigar, he looks down “Fiwst isth wasth Sthiw Ethan, then Lowd Edmond, I hope Sthiw Gaspawd isth sthtioo aoive. . . and now Sthiw Radmiw”


         A cold humorless laugh comes from the black knight's mouth, as tears run from his eyes. After a few moments, the knight stops laughing and the tears stop running. Taking one last puff from his cigar; letting it fall out of his mouth. The knight exhales a few times before realizing he is on the ground, a loud grunt is heard as the knight lifts himself up.

         Exhaling one last time the knight utters “You can do it Sthiw Magnus, peopoe need you to cawwy on.” blinking away a few more tears; Sir Mangus looks up at the moon and declares  “Fow Sthiw Radmiw and the west of Veoetz I wioo cawwy on the dweam. . . the dweam of” he would cut himself off.  

  6. Player(s) Being Reported

    TwilightXk, happy3pants, Uarehere


    Rule(s) Broken

    Meta gaming/Meta rally, failed rp


    Player(s) Involved

    Pegleg_Bob, Diodio666, TwilightXk, happy3pants, Uarehere, ragnarakajavvy, Theshinyhodzic




    I Pegleg_Bob at around the time 7:30 Est was working on build a village when I was improperly halted by Maxwell (happy3pants) noticing that he failed his halt I quickly went into a tower which was nearby. After awhile of waiting in the tower, two more people  TwilightXk and Uarehere showed up and tried convincing me in RP to come out and surrender myself. It was then Diodio666 show up to help me with the build and seeing me in peril and ran off to ring the bell. By this time it was 7:45 as the bell was rang and Diodio666 showed back up and joined the rp once more. Diodio666 pull out a potion and walked to the group before deciding to run off to get more help. TwilightXk then throw a bottle of cockatrice breath at him turning Diodio666 persona slowly turning him into stone as he jumped into a river. After that TwilightXk tried using a potion of Epistle smog to smoke me out but it did not reach me. It was then they admitted to metagaming/metarallying me in looc, and then tried to breakdown the door of the tower without emoting it.  After awhile they left and I was able to get out of the tower. 



    Relevant Material


    Evidence of uncooperative conduct.




    Desired Result of Report

    I do not wish the interaction to be voided, I just wish for the correct punishment to be applied to those who meta rallied me


    Before posting on this thread, please review the Report Rules.

  7. Octam Praefectae



    [A missive would be hanged up in Caelia and in other cities in the Silver Empire]


       On this day I Legatvs C. Ramnesivs Dentatvs announce the retirement of Praefectvs M. Manlivs Capitolinvs. In these uncertain times the Senate cannot go without a leader so I Legatvs C. Ramnesivs Dentatvs proclaim myself Praefectvs, as Praefectvs I will continue in our efforts to combat the servants of the Wealthy One and barbarii raiders. I will step down after the next election and when the Senate is secure.


    Praefectvs C. Ramnesivs Dentatvs





  8. Sacrificium Soledevm



    In Ancient days, the four brothers would triumph over the wrath of Malignivs, chaos would be subdued and the planes would begin to heal. But it was not long until Malignivs now sealed in the void, would use his mighty power to summon a near invincible army to defeat those who defied him. Confusion and panic plagued the planes with mortal men and women defenseless against the voidal forces. The brothers Orenivs, Avritvs, Crvgnivs, witnessing their great kingdoms crumble to cinder and ash would one by one retreat into a last great stronghold ruled by the last of the four brothers Pvmillivs. In this great stronghold built of rock and stone the four brothers would hold a great council. 


    The first of the four brothers to speak would be Avritvs who said his mighty magic had no effects on the voidal horrors, after Avritvs the second to speak up would be Crvgnivs who said his fists could not damage the putrid beings and the last to speak would be Orenivs who said his sword made of the finest ferrum couldn’t even pierce the demonic flesh. It was only then that Pvmillivs, saying nothing, would walk into the middle of the three and flicking his wrist dark fire would come out of his hands. 




    After a moment of silence Pvmillivs would break it saying “This is our weapon to defeat our enemies my brothers, I have read the books of our enemies and have found great powers and riches. Your swords, magic and might may not work on these creatures but my stolen power will protect us all.”  Avritvs, seeing the path to more knowledge and a way to protect his few remaining children would agree with Pvmillivs, but the two other brothers would argue against this. 


    The brothers Orenivs and Crvgnivs, not being able to reason with the other two brothers, would make their way out of the stronghold; setting up a camp on a neighboring mountain. While the two brothers and their sons would begin work on their camp they would send out five scouts to search for the enemy. The orcs would cut down trees with their mighty axes and the humans would set barricades in place for the battle ahead. After a day of work, the joint camp would be completed and the first of the scouts would return, a son of Crvgnivs by the name of Magdenius. Magdenius was a mighty uruk standing a head above most of his kind and skin as green as grass.


    Magdenius would first speak to his father about the horde of voidal horrors, Crvgnivs would respond by getting his and Orenivs sons ready for the battle. Magdenius would then tell Orenivs who would respond by setting up a shrine to the gods and asking Magdenius to fetch him the largest ox of the herd. Magdenius would then nod his head to Orenivs understanding the importance of his task, he would run off to the Ox herd to fetch the great ox for he knew in his heart this is what would win the battle.






    As Magdenius would begin his search the horde of putrid beings would arrive between the dwarf stronghold and the orc-human camp. Splitting up their forces half of the great unholy horde would charge at the orc-human camp and the other half would charge at the great stronghold. As the first of the enemies reached the outskirts of both camps great voidal fire would rain down onto the putrid beings attacking the stronghold; burning the weakest of them to ash and wounding the strongest of them.  Seeing this, Crvgnivs not wanting to be outdone would let out a great wagh and with his sons, and the sons of Orenivs would charge toward the enemies. Before fully reaching their enemies the army of men and orcs would throw javelins wounding few in the demonic army and would in turn prime their spears ready for attack.


    As the great battle began Magdenius would continue his search looking all over the herd for the Great Ox, before going to the tallest tree of the forest and climbing it. Using all of his orcish strength and fortitude Magdenius would climb the great tree, as he looked up he would see a Mighty Eagle made of light. Seeing the Mighty Eagle; Magdenius, sweat coming off of his mighty arm would climb the tree as fast as he could. At the top of the tree, Magdenius would see the  Mighty Eagle, he would ask the godly Eagle  “Oh where is this great ox that Orenivs sent me to find, I have searched high and low and I have seen every ox in this mighty herd.” It was only then the Mighty Eagle would say “Oh Magdenius you have searched high and low, far and wide, but you have missed the great ox.” After a moment of silence, Magdenius would climb down the tree and would start to run back toward camp.






    As Magdenius ran over the final hill he would look across at the great battle; the army of the sons of Orenivs and Crvgnivs had retreated to their camp. Javelins would fall on to the great voidal horrors and swords would cut into the flesh of the daemons. Magdenius would flank around the fighting and meet back up with Orenivs; Magdenius would slowly look over the great fire Orenivs had set before slowly saying “I am ready Orenivs for I know who is the Great Ox ''.  Magdenius would then climb into the fire shouting his prayer to the gods before quickly pulling out his axe; he would use it to cut his throat with one quick slice.


    It was then that dark clouds far above the battle would split as golden light would shine down, turning the dark clouds bright and turning the fire of the pyre into a bright yellow. The battle would pause for a moment as even the dark horrors would stop and watch as slowly from the sky a man made of fire and light would fly down with wings made of aurum. The man; no, the God would shout with his voice made of confection and brimstone “Orenivs, Pvmillivs, Crvgnivs and Avritvs come to me and witness this miracle made with the blood of the honorable.” It was only then the god would land onto the pyre standing over the body of Magdenius. Orenivs would quickly make his way to the pyre and would look upon the god, then Crvgnivs would make his way looking up at the body of Magdenius, then Pvmillivs and Avritvs would arrive using the power of the void to appear out of nothing. 




    It was only when the four brothers were looking up at the pyre Orenivs would say “Oh Soledevm, God I pray to you to give us Purity and Justice, please save us from these putrid beings made of the void.”  Soledevm looking down at Orenivs would respond “What you ask for is something I can do but it will weaken me for the upcoming battle, but I will do it.” Soledevm would then pull out a mighty sword made of fire and light and with a flick of his wrist he would make a large gash in his chest. Soledevm would then let his blood flow out of his body, some of it would land onto stone turning it into pure aurum but most of it would pool under the god. Soledevm would excruciatingly speak “Put one item into my blood and it will turn it into a metal of purity.” 


    The first of the brothers to put something into the blood would Crvgnivs, putting his axe in the blood; a few of Crvgnivs fingers would turn into aurum but Crvgnivs would simply laugh it off. The next brother would be Orenivs putting his mighty sword into the blood, pulling it out of the blood the sword would shine with light and would now be made of pure aurum. Pvmillivs would rush next, pulling out his crown and putting it in the blood, the rubies on the crown would slowly turn into aurum; blood slowly dripping down still. Pvmillivs not seeming to notice or care about the blood would carelessly put the crown on his head letting the blood leak onto his hair turning it into aurum as well. The last to walk up was Avritvs, slowly Avritvs would pull out his great wooden staff and would put it in the blood turning the staff into aurum. 




    After each of the brothers would choose their weapon, Soledevm would fly off, his blood landing on the ground causing more aurum to be created. Some of the blood would land onto voidal horrors causing them to explode into more aurum, The great army of the enemy would slowly retreat as they’re great warriors turned into great statues of aurum. The armies of the descendants would cheer as the day was saved.


    After the great battle, the brothers would return to their own lands and begin to rebuild. More armies of the void would be summoned but each of them would be dealt with by the power of aurum. In the lands of Crvgnivs would be built a temple to the god Soledevm and in that temple would be a statue of Magdenius.



    I would like to thank @zqppyy and Diodio666 for helping write this, literally would be impossible without you guys


  9. The Siege of Caelia




    [This Missive would be placed all over Haelun’or and some of the other great southern cities]


    4,000 Scanarii Invaders


    402 Brave Caelian Legionaries


    Let it be known to all the great cities of the south that the Legio Caelii defeated an army almost ten times its size. As they tried to sack our city we slaughtered them all like the dogs they are, not a man lives from their pitiful Scanarii warband. Their bodies are put up on crosses to let the rest of their kind know what will happen if they try to sack the great city of Caelia again. It has not even been a year since the Legio last defeated a great trouble of the south and we have beaten another.


    But we are not just making this missive to gloat about a great victory but to also to warn the rest of the  Scanarii to stay out of the south, and pray to their Northern God far away from us. For we are a merciful people and we do not wish for the rest of your ilk to be hung up like the dogs you are.  Barely a Legionnaire or Avxillarivs was harmed by your greatest warriors so all your effort is for not. 


    We also send out this missive to say all men are welcomed to join the Legio Caelii, to join our great fight against  darkness. We will accept you if you are Cannonii or pagan, man or woman, human or other. All you have to do is come to Caelia and look for a Legionnaire and ask to enlist.

















  10. Decretvm Legio Prohibevm Pvtridii Persecvti





    A painting of the late Praefectus Tullius right before his death


    Greetings, esteemed citizens of Aevos and travelers of the illustrious Via Regia. Today marks a significant decision by the Legio Caelii as we have chosen to cease darkspawn testing along the great Via Regia, taking into sincere consideration the concerns voiced by the orenii who have understandably felt uneasy when approached for such testing. Despite the ongoing challenges in the south and the unfortunate loss of lives, the Legio Caelii finds itself limited in its ability to intervene directly.


    In light of these circumstances, I express my deepest apologies for the compromised safety of our roads. Regrettably, the Legio Caelii can only advise against utilizing them until a more secure environment is restored. Your safety and well-being remain our utmost priority, and we appreciate your understanding during these trying times.

  11. Dies Parsdi






    Friends, Caelians, Countrymen


    Join us in Celebration!

    As we honor the Gods





    They have ripened our crops, and have gifted Spring upon us once more!

    We must not let their gifts go unnoticed!

    And so 


    It’s time


    To Celebrate! 



    Some of the festivities to 

    look forward to include:





    Anyone can fight anyone.

    Betting is encouraged.

    Armor is forbidden during this event.



    Vina Certamine

    (Wine Competition)

    Anyone can partake in this event

    Betting is encouraged.

    The first losers are expected to clean up after everyone.


    Sacra Vvlpes Venari

    (Sacred Fox Hunt)

    Anyone who wishes to catch foxes
    May do so
    The person who catches the most 

    Will win a prize


    Invited Communities to the events

    Theveus Sythaerin @MailC3pthe Aelitcvs of the Caelian people, Sohaer of the Silver Empire and the Avritii of Haelvnonensis

    Yera @Ewdrawings Overlord of Kaethuel and the People of Kaethuel


    Kato Oijin @Reckless Banzai Screamer Shugo of Sakuragakure and the People of Sakuragakure


    Pamphilos Callidora Hyptos @SteppeNomad and the Avritii of Sulianpoli 


    And everyone who wishes may come may come as well

    This Event will take place on A.V.V 278



    The 8th of march Friday at 5pm est in Caelia





  12. Caelian Myth Contest






    TO DO?




     Ave friends, Caelians, Countrymen

    If you are reading this you might be interested in roman and greek mythology and if you are then might I have an interesting proposal for you. Us here in Caelia  are looking for people just like you to write us some myths. Now you might be asking yourself in your beautiful round head of yours what do I get out of this and I am glad you ask. The first place winner of this grand contest gets the prize of 300 300, 300 Mina now NOW! Now, the second place prize is 150 mina and the third place prize is 50 mina. 



    Now sadly there are a few rules to this grand contest. I will list them all here

    • You must use at least one Caelian god and/or one Caelian adjacent character 

    • Your entry must be at least one paragraph or longer

    • Follow LOTC Rules and Guidelines 

    • Anyone using plagiarism or ai to write their story will be disqualified (AI Art is allowed)

    The Deadline in on March 31 at 11:59 EST

    To Join the contest post the link to your entry in the comments down below









  13. As a large man with a beautiful mustache leaves the city of Winburgh he would pull out a cigar and lighting it. The man would take along puff from his cigar before with practice ease blowing out a smoke ring. As he takes another step he would start to shout " AVE VEOETZ, AVE WINBUWGH, AVE RENATUSTH" before turning around and saluting at the now abandoned city, a single tear leaving his eye




  14. Caeso Ramnesius Dentatus' raises a eyebrow after reading the missive a small frown on his face "Do these people forget that the servants of the wealthly one can hide among us, darkspawn testing is the only way we can make sure the roads stay safe." he would then walk to the road pulling out a aurum gladius to continue his work of keeping the roads safe.

  15.      As Sir Magnus slowly walks onto the stone bridge his face slowly turns into one of sorrow and misery. Looking up at the night sky the knight's sorrow would be slightly lessened by seeing his oldest friend; the moon. His mother always told him the moon was a friend to all and looking up at it at this moment it almost felt like his mother was looking down at him. Still looking up at the moon the knight pulls out one of his last cigars, lighting it up and taking a puff from it only then he looks away from the moon and at the river running below him. Taking another long puff from his cigar and with practice eased he blows out a smoke ring.

          Looking back down at the river he grimaces, a loud old voice in the back of his head says to jump off. To finally end the pain of his life with a simple jump he would get to see some of his old friends and finally meet the family he never got to see; but another voice tells the knight to keep going. The knight still looking down at the river would swing both legs over the railing one by one as he sits on the bridge.

        After countless moments of looking into the river the cigar falls out of his mouth, the cigar after several seconds would finally hit the water. Now looking away from the river and at the moon once more a single tear would leave his right eye as he says to everyone he let down in the past “Im sthowwy, Im stho booodoy sthowwy”. After sitting there for a moment longer he slowly goes to stand up and walks off the bridge back to Veletz.

  16. Sir Mangus looks into a fire in a camp he and some of his fellow survivors of the siege had made in the woods, in which he used to call home before being found by a young Margrave. Looking into the fire a single tear would leave his eye as he remembers the death of that young man who gave him a chance when no one else would and on that old log he prayed to god for that margrave to find himself in the seven skies.

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