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    Bee ⚘#6669
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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Serena Elowyn
  • Character Race
    High Elf

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  1. uwubella


    Serena Elowyn was born in a village off the coast of the Crown of Elvenesse to her mother and father, Siofra and Armath. Growing up, expectations for her were high, as she had two seemingly “perfect” older sisters who met and exceeded standards set for high elves. Her parents were very strict towards them which divided Serena from her sisters. From a young age, they were taught to be thick-skinned; although, she was much more sensitive. As a result, she was disliked by her family and she spent most of her time with her aunt, Idrin, who was much more accepting of her differences. When Serena was seven years old, Idrin was banished from her family for sneaking away to be with a human. This left her devastated, as Idrin was the only one who accepted her. In an effort to escape from her strict and unaccepting family, she would explore the forests in her area frequently. While in the forests, she found comfort in being with the animals and they were able to coexist peacefully. When she was 23 years old, she discovered a half elf who went by Andelion (AlternateShadoww) in the forest when she was exploring one day. Upon meeting him, she learned that he was the son of Idrin and he explained Idrin’s disappearance. In hopes of finding her aunt again, she left with him to adventure further.
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