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Posts posted by PrimnyaQuorum

  1. The pyromaniacal Lord-Magister of Paradox watches the inferno from a distance, an unusual sensation swelling - Jealousy. 


    For now, Atticus has earned his congratulations and respect - in time, however, he knows it must be outdone.


    He turns away from the distant Reinhold's Burning Pyre, and wanders off his own way. 

  2. Spoiler









    (The contents of the post are only visible to those with a Accepted Veil Watching FA, and Access to Event Horzion or those with the CArt “The Book of Metis” via Arcane Library)


    Those attuned to the Veil would find a familiar sensation coursing through their veins - a sensation that pulls them from reality and drowns them in agony as their eyes cease seeing the present, opened into a new sight.



    Once again, those eyes open to find themselves in a cave - though it seems more akin to a large underground space, lit and refined. It’s barren, save that familiar, blasphemous gap in the Veil that lies in the center of the room. A pair of Magi stand side by side upon one of the perches at the edge of that very rapture in the Veil, gathered near many others who wandered nearby the infant rift.


    They tried, and tried - stood around in circles, wandering about the frame as they pondered and pondered, frustration palpable in the mana-saturated air.


    It wasn’t long, however, before the many others departed from the room, and only a pair remained. They approached the edge from that raised platform - one nurturing their understanding of that mana-ladden frame, while the other set up their escape. 


    In a flash - that frame CRACKED, and that pair of magi vanished, simply escaping into thin air. As those two disappear, a new sight appears - a curt eruption from that rift, a shockwave that releases for a brief moment that races around the small space. As fast as it begins, it is over - all that remains is a pit where once something more abhorrent stood, and a deep chill that permeates the space.


    In all the sacrilege done unto the Veil, a glimmer of hope shines forward


    A portion of the Veil has been Sealed, and made whole again.






    For the Book of Metis folks, welcome to the pain train of voidal visions. 


  3. Just now, ReveredOwl said:

    Trying to oocly force the church to officiate marriages is not the way to get it done, make that change in rp rather than ooc enforcement. I'm also sure civil marriages exist in most canonist nations

    I don't think there's a example of the church doing anything organically in RP within the last year, so this is a bit of a tall ask against a argument for a Rule Change OOCly.

  4. 42 minutes ago, satinkira said:

    My position is clear: we should flat-out ban all forms of real-world prejudice from the server. It’s basically an informal rule, where the only holdout is homophobia for some reason – we don’t permit real-world racism, but we permit homophobia.


    100% I think this is the only point that really matters and deserves consideration. If IRL Racism is not allowed, then IRL-Anything thats hateful doesn't deserve a place on LoTC. You can endlessly argue IRP and OOC intentions and character bleed, but at the end of the day the only question that can be asked and answered is will that rule be consistently upheld or not, and why.


    It's a universe of magical things, machines, and various species of people - if your RP revolves hate because of who someone is attracted to, more often then not it's not a "unique" character trait when the arguments made IRPly reflect the arguments made IRL. LoTC exists separate from the real world, we're not even allowed to make references to the real world - Homophobia specifically has no place in LoTC.


    Voidal Artificery





    A Voidal Artificer, with a prerequisite understanding of Transfiguration, is capable of creating much more wondrous things - Allowing for much more easy creation of MArts melding The Void and practical mechanics. Alongside this, Enchantment becomes significantly easier upon a magi- not tolling them nearly to the extent it normally would..


    -Creation does not modify one's daily-enchanting-limit, still capped at 3 signed items per day, 3 potent encahants or 1 grand enchantment.




    A Voidal Artificer, with a prerequisite understanding of Transfiguration, is capable of creating much more wondrous things - Allowing for much more easy creation of MArts melding The Void and practical mechanics. Alongside this, Enchantment becomes significantly easier upon a magi- not tolling them nearly to the extent it normally would. Furthermore, a Voidal Artificer would find their creative spark re-igniting faster when inventing new enchantments - requiring less time between each new invention of enchanting.


    -Creation does not modify one's daily-enchanting-limit, still capped at 3 signed items per day, 3 potent encahants or 1 grand enchantment.

    -An Artificer may utilise Creation in the process of creating MArt’d Enchantments, Obelisks, or similar MArt’able parts of Voidal Lore. When utilising Creation, the Artificer will only incur a [1] OOC Month cooldown upon acceptance. Artificers may ONLY benefit from the reduced MArt cooldown when the MArt is a Custom Enchantment or Creation, and an Artificer must include their Artificery FA on the MArt Application. MArts made with Creation must have their creation RP completed and documented prior to submission. 

    -Custom Voidal MArts are currently: Multi-Spell Enchantments, Creative Enchantments, Non-Item Enchantments, and +15m Obelisks. MArts that involve Voidal Magic beyond Enchanting, or Magnum Opus’s do not fall under Creation and would incur the standard MArt cooldown.


    For as long as I’ve been on the server, I’ve never seen a MArt or a Custom Enchant that functioned off of Creation. I  think its truly a underutilized piece of lore, given the general rarity of Artificers and Transfigurationist across the latest set of Voidal Nerfs. While the exact length of the cooldown reduction is flexible, I think it would benefit Artifcers more to not be so heavily restricted from making more unique enchantments and structures as allowed by lore


  6. That Watcher squints as he tries to pierce through a written accent, and a quite-detrimental choice of ink coloring upon similarly colored paper. He turns to his ever-faithful Yisar, which already seems to express dread at the incoming tangent.


    "No, don't you start - these are the same folk that lost a war. They just do this over and over - it's gotta be names on a dartboard they spin. Maybe you'll be next, hmm?"


    He poses to the strange creature - which seems to take offense at that, promptly consuming the very paper the Watcher reads. As it does, however - magically, the text on the paper changes as the bold, blood-red title and a curiously intelligent translation of scripted accent. The blonde ponders which spirit the poor uruk must have sacrificed his newborn too for such a feat of magic, as he retrieves what scraps of paper remain from the Yisar and pens a reply.


    Curiously, a copy of his reply, and a more legible transcription of the original letter save it's fancy embroidery, finds itself pinned on the Hohkmati Pinboard.



    Klog of The Horde,


    First, it's Haus, Of Paradox. I invite you to re-issue this challenge with my name put properly. If one of us is to die, you damn well better be sure it's done properly. 


    I find myself confused - I know nothing of you, nor do I recall any attempts from yourself at reconciliation or resolution. I would urge you to perhaps begin with such - A simple test and visit to the Spirits would erase most of your claims easily enough, and would allow me the chance to further provide a offering to whatever spirit allowed you to change the very words upon this paper before my eyes. Truly, I find myself in awe over the domain of such power, sometimes.


    To the rest of your letter - I have no castle, and I find myself rapidly approaching 74; ergo, 'Baby man in a castle ' is in poor tastes. Such claims of 'wreck havoc and perform evil magic' are lackluster - alleged something specific, please. I have no woman, as you so kindly refer to, and my children have slain abhorrence's from beyond the Veil - I don't think they'd appreciate the disturbance, and I must further insists you limit your troubles with me to me only.


    I have no soldiers, no legion - these are things of kingdoms and nobility, of which I am mostly not. I am a Watcher, simply, and I find myself a bit busy with a Tear and a Horror to simply ignore such problems in favor of violence. I will acknowledge where there is good - you claim such challenge over honor, not greed based on a bounty. As such, I offer you the chance to meet me by yourself, face to face, under the meditation of the Kwee'Hayastaani. I have travelled in my many years, and word of their reputation for providing a place for disagreements to be resolved has reached me more then once, before. If they are willing to host us, I invite you to bring whichever means you'd like to prove that I am not the darkspawn you claim, and to otherwise attempt the resolution you evidently seek, and have not been able to succeed at before such a challenge. 


    I urge you, however - please do not mistake this for pacifism. You are welcome to speak to Muraak, or your fellow Apek of what a sliver of my attention has wrought when violence is pressed unto myself. Do not violate the peace of others in your quest for slaughter. 


    I have also taken the liberty of scribing copies to be placed within Hohkmat - you, after all, have alleged you will attack them should you not find my response sufficient. 


    I eagerly await your reply, Klog of Gorkil. 





    Lord-Magister, Dr. Haus, Of Paradox
    Master of the Ziggurat of Hohkmat, Watcher of the Veil






    Happy to reach out through the Kwee discord to schedule! 



  7. 5 hours ago, SteppeNomad said:



    Very cheesy, not very good


    - A proper tell is required for any spell. Simply emoting 'Shuddering' is not acceptable.


    Make this mean that through voidal eminence you cannot instacast item translocations by performing the broadcast + cast in the same emote and this would be a +1


    There's not reason why a particular spell - one we both know your vagueposting about - should be excluded alone. You're also taking a issue with a redline that's stood for several years and not the actual proposed amendment which is weird. 

  8. Spoiler







    (The contents of the post are private, and not publicly known - please do not Metagame. Those present during May’s Event would be aware of the events leading up to this post)


    Haus was no stranger to violence. 


    From the swamps of the Attunlands, to the jungles of Amathine, and every land in-between, the man had been through some of the most devastating conflicts of recent history. Not all of them - he wasn’t insane - but he fought his share of battles and conflicts. By some miracle, he had made it through almost entirely unscathed, though such good luck only came at misfortune to his allies and peers. He had long tried to keep track, devote the names of those who had died fighting alongside him to memory and speak well of them, but he knew as he aged, those distant memories were the first to slip away, to be consumed and feed - something.


    Today, however, he bore no such luck. 


    As the Celia’norians peered into an abyss guided only by a single, rickety rope, he only felt his temper rising as they bickered and debated what to do, how to proceed. He only requested a backup rope tied to him, and down he descended - not fearless or courageous, but simply driven and no small measure of impatient. What did those coated in steel and strength have to fear from the dark that he did not?


    Of course, it was his luck after all. He never saw the jaws that lunged upward to consume him whole. He fell into that creature’s stomach, as acid began to burn away at his skin - it only served to erode at his flesh, and ignite his Fury as he lashed out with blade and nails. Perhaps another would have managed to cut through, or plot their way out. Haus, of course, didn’t expect to find himself under a barrage of alchemicals, arrows, and armored elves jumping atop him - nevermind to be ignited ablaze himself. Anger gave way to agony, and agony gave way to a blankness as skin melted, and bone blackened. As he slipped away into shock, a mercy that precedes what ought to be death, he never bore witnessed as the Celia’norians sliced through that creature's stomach. His mind, unlucid, wandered elsewhere and his body tumbled into the cave floor out the stomach of the Cave Lurker as he drifted away.



    At the edge of existence, Haus’s mind wandered and wondered.


    He knew what awaited him - an agonizing death, and a slow one at that. Deep in some cave off the beaten path, even if by some grace of luck a competent healer found him - there was no medicine of mortal hands capable of fixing him. It didn’t matter how furious he felt, how scared he was - this was it.


    A hand brushed against that ever-shifting barrier - a life’s purpose and work, and his resting place, he dreaded. He had to wonder if it was finally time. No goodbye, no - letters or wills that he had always procrastinated writing. Just an unidentifiable corpse, in a cave in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by people he barely knew. Dead in an accident that he didn’t foresee. 


    Emptiness swam over him - then anger. It wasn’t his fault the Celia’norians were uninventive cowards, unable to process how to move forward like ants on a leaf's edge- not his fault that he had been bruised and battered, shot and lit aflame. He didn’t deserve it, and he certainly deserved better than this-


    Frustration overwhelmed him - he was still dying, or already dead. For everything he was, he had not out-thought or outfought his way from his circumstances, and in such - he had broken the one promise, the last promise he ever made. An exasperated sigh drew around his mind, and as darkness swept over his vision, that lilting Auvergnian voice caressed his soul.


    “C'est la vie, Jardinière, n'est-ce pas?” 

    How he hated that voice!



    His eyes snapped open - the first thing he noted was that he was free of pain. At last, he dared wonder. He noted he no longer resided at that Veil, that he was lying upon his back. Water lapped gently at a shore - not an ocean, a lake, he listened and observed - and a cloudless night sky sprawled above him. Stellar features dotted the horizon, impossible sights of collapsing swirls of a rainbow of colors and starlight, bands of clouds of starbirth that only disappeared at the edge of the sky, under the still water. Even under such beauty - he felt watched, as ever. Beyond that breathtakingly magnificent sight, he knew there were things more undesired than nothing.


    Still he remained, a long breath drawn in. He had lost track of time, and what a bother that proved - had it been days? Minutes? Years? Was he a decayed corpse, or still struggling to cling to some vestige of life, or-


    Etre gentil. What did you expect? It’s rude to say nothing.”


    “Be silent, and let me go back.” 

    That Watcher groaned, to that bodiless voice. Why he entertained it, he could not understand - but it certainly indulged his feeling of watchful paranoia.


    “-Yea, oh well. Grand observation.”


    “Ah, ah~ peu convenable. Conjecture, even. Reconsider.”

    That voice bids - it’s voice has no trait other than it is slow, and smooth - withholding. It demands oh-so-tenderly his focus.


    “-There is nothing to ponder. They put me here, and that's tha-”


    Pas assez - is it so simple? Is that it? A mistake? You accept and resign so assuredly?”


    Those words are spoken in a knowing, almost mocking kindness, and the blonde finds his hand gripping into the sand under him harder. He does not know what his anger will do, but he’s willing to indulge it.


    “I - messed up, yea?! Not like I wanted to, but here I am, absent from my desired outcome!” 

    He bemoans, that handful of sand lofting to cast towards the waters - tiny disturbances cast, echoing through endlessly still waters as ripples scatter and fade. 


    Mon jardinière, you know what is spoken of. It is not what has occurred, but what you accept, non?”


    The Watcher doesn’t entertain a response. He knows what that sing-song voice leads him too, and he refuses to give it a second thought - how hopeless it is. That he is not afraid to die for him, but-


    “Everyone else. You fear the ripples of misery you ever-inflict, of a torment passed unto you unwantonly. You are tired and you plead to yourself - pourquoi ça?”


    “Stop - I Refuse. I will not - entertain this tirade, of sympathy or otherwise-”


    Patience. You have lost your spirit in acceptance. Is any conclusion truly written so tightly?”


    That damned voice continues, ever soft and compassionate - the nonsensical words given so empathetically only ignite that dulled spark in his mind. It continues, and he finds as much as he wants to strangle it - he hangs onto every word, like air to a drowned man.


    That you fight - it is what it always is, hmm? la Vérité - you promised, always. Will you accept resignation to what could be? A - quite distasteful, truthfully. conclusion to a trick most obtuse and poised?”


    “- pourquoi s'embêter? You know the answer. It is on the tip of your tongue upon every word, every suture you weave like magic, and every spell bound together by nothing but it. You deny it, bury it away under guise and elegance - But you cannot hide it from what matters, because it is all that matters.”


    You have forgotten, and I, so humbly, re-acquaint you.  To succumb or not, at the mercy of an occurrence willed by dice not of your own grasp, is not so distant and unmoving as you believe. You are not beholden to such scriptures - es-tu?


    Haus stares skyward, grayish-brown iris laden eyes blinking methodically as he waits with bated breath. He almost misses the question, directed at him.


    “-You know the answer. It hasn’t changed. It never will. It is who I am, and it cannot be undone, ever.” 


    Then, Mon jardinière, let go of your trepidation. The only certainty is that which you allow - the only thing not in your grasp what you choose not to reach for. So stare, and cling unto it.


    You are cursed, but not a curse. Dying, but not dead. Do not wait for the truth - seek it out.”

    You gave your word. You will falter, but - never let it go.


    Darkness engulfs his vision, the tinge of sorrow in that lilting voice melting away into misery and pain - as his flesh and bone rends itself back together, and his body is rendered unburnt, free of the cauterizing that seared him overdone - a gift of healing not wrought of mundane means.


    Star-ladden eyes snap open, offering a glimpse into twin-trapped cosmos - and a hoarse cry spills from his maw, agonized, suffering, 

    and angry. 

    He has not died, and in that brief moment - euphoric mania drowns out that pain.



    The scars on his body will mend, and in time, he wonders as he stares upwards at the night sky before a great and fetid Torii gate, the sea breeze gusting in cooling sensation - it will simply be another story to tell. 


    But he knows those tiny pieces of his mind wander away, and the Garden simply consumes them, like droplets of water to a lake - Tears to rain. In time - he will have to get them back, the same way he has done everything else - 

    Damnably spitefully.



    Totally did not stall on this for like a month post-event writing is hard. :3

    Thanks again to @MayRndz for the event! Even though Haus got chomped by a Lurker, always a blast. Hopefully there will be a Round 2!


  9. Purpose

    Over time across the Voidal Magics, Evocations and Spells has risen and fallen in power as balance is found between filling a niche or utility, and being outright OP. As a whole, Voidal Magic itself is in a healthy state, but I believe certain spells and redlines could use some freshening up or additions to give them something to make them stand out. Evocations as a whole will remain unchanged, but a few spells here will see proposals of changes, ranging from a minor touch-up to an overhaul of their mechanics.


    This is Part 1 of 3 - Part Two will cover T5 spells as we feel they desperately need some fresh life in them, and Part Three will encompass feats. Please contact me, ST, if you would prefer this in multiple submissions per magic. 


    Author’s Edit: I HOPE the formatting is fixed because I’m not trying again. See you at Part 2.



    Fire Evocation

    Flame Trail





    Flame Trail [C] - Should a fire evocationist so wish, they may send a trail of flames spiraling or extending in any direction along the ground. Such a spell can be used for multiple things, such as making a wall of fire or creating a direct line of flame towards a target.




    • A fire evocationist may send a jet of fire along the ground in order to form various shapes which enable it to act as a formed barrier of some kind. It may either be directly shot out in front of the caster, around the caster, or around another target.
    • Not unlike fiery projectiles, Flame Trail will leave several smaller flames upon any surface that attempts to pass through it, slowly eating away and burning cloth, flesh, and other flammable materials.
    • Flame Trail requires four emotes of charging [1 connect + 3 cast] regardless of the shape. Shapes themselves are limited to direct lines or encasements. The flame itself can only reach about a metre in height, though may extend for up to five metres if used in a straight line. If used as a circular barrier, the ring may have a three block radius from the centre, which is either the caster or the target.
    • The mage can actively maintain the fiery wall after it has been summoned for 3 additional emotes, consuming enough mana equal to a T3 spell. This wall will ether be 5 blocks long and one metre high, or around the caster/another target.
    • The fire from flame trail is only severe enough to grant first degree burns with the occasional second, though the latter is more prominent if the spell is made combustive.
    • If made combustive, the fire will create a trail of small explosions which dash towards their target. The explosions themselves have enough force to break or dislocate a few minor bones, though nothing too severe and not exceeding about a block radius each. 




    • The fire must always remain on the ground.
    • Cannot use Flame Trail over wet surfaces.
    • Cannot shrink flame if it is a ring. 
    • Can not maintain a fiery wall if the spell is made combustion.
    • If made a firry wall, the spell can only be placed vertically or horizontally. The wall cannot be placed diagonally.





    Should a fire evocationist so wish, they may send a trail of flames spiralling or extending in any direction along the ground. Such a spell can be used for multiple things, such as making a wall of fire or creating a direct line of fire towards a target.




    • A fire evocationist may send a jet of fire along the ground in order to form various shapes, which enable it to act as a formed barrier. It may either be directly shot out in front of the caster towards a target, around the caster, or around another target.
    • Not unlike fiery projectiles, Flame Trail will leave several smaller flames upon any surface that attempts to pass through it, slowly eating away and burning cloth, flesh, and other flammable materials.
    • Flame trail requires four emotes to cast [1 connect + 2 charge + 1 cast] regardless of the shape it takes. What shape it takes is limited to direct lines or encasements. The flame itself reaches 2 metres in height, and extends up to 8 metres if used in a straight line. If used as a circular barrier around oneself, or around a target, the ring may have a three block radius from the centre, focused on either the caster or the target.
    • The caster can actively maintain Flame Trail after it has been summoned for 3 additional emotes by focusing on it.
    • The fire from the flame trail is severe enough to grant second degree burns, unless used with blue fire in which case it will deal third degree burns.
    • If made combustive, the Flame Trail will erupt with small explosions along its path, which have enough force to break or dislocate a few minor bones, though nothing too severe. These explosions do not travel any greater than a block radius.




    • The fire must always remain on the ground.
    • Flame Trail cannot be used over wet or icy surfaces.
    • Cannot shrink the Flame Trail once cast.
    • Cannot maintain a fiery wall if the spell is made combustive.
    • If used as a wall, the spell can only be placed vertically or horizontally, but not diagonally.
    • Arrows, crossbow bolts, and other projectiles will pass through without issue.


    Flame Trail before felt strikingly underwhelming - a 4 emote spell to get a 5 meter wall that does nothing but be a mild inconvenience. This should hopefully give it a little more value.







    • By conjuring purley the smoke byproduct of fire, a mage may create a screen of smoke in front of or around them to obscure the vision of those around them, or even use it as a distraction of sorts.
    • A fire evocationist may create a cloud of smoke in front of or around them, the cloud itself able to be any hue of grey or black the mage wishes, the color not having any effect upon how hard it is to see through the smoke. When looking through smoke, one will be unable to see more than a metre in front of them very much, save maybe very faint shadows all about.
    • Requires three emotes to cast [1 connect + 2 charge/cast], making it excellent for a quick distraction. It may also be held back for up to [3] additional emotes after its initial charging, before being released. If held for too long it will merely dissipate.
    • Can be learned at [T3].


    • A mage cannot see clearly through their own smoke.
    • Smoke may be uncomfortably warm though cannot burn.
    • Smoke cannot be used to suffocate, though may induce uncontrollable and uncomfortable coughing.
    • Smokescreen may extend to 5x5x5 metres at the fullest extent.



    • By conjuring smoke, the byproduct of fire, a mage may create a smokescreen either around themselves or in front of themselves to obscure the vision of those around them.
    • Mechanics:
    • A fire evocationist may create a cloud of smoke within their line of sight, including directly around them. The cloud itself can be any hue of grey or black the mage wishes, as it does not have any effect upon how hard it is to see through the smoke. When looking through the smoke, one will be unable to see more than a metre in front of them very well, save for very faint shadows at the most.
    • Requires three emotes to cast [1 connect + 1 charge + 1 cast], making it excellent for a quick distraction. It may be held back for up to 3 emotes after its initial charging before being released. If held for any longer, the spell will dissipate. Once cast, it can be maintained for up to 5 emotes.
    • Can be learned at T3.


    • A mage cannot see clearly through their own smokescreen.
    • Smoke may be uncomfortably warm though it can never burn.
    • Smoke cannot be used to suffocate, though it may induce uncontrollable and uncomfortable coughing.
    • Smokescreen may extend to 5x5x5 metres at max. 
    • Alchemically treated heat-sight goggles are capable of seeing living descendants through the smokescreen.
    • Smokescreen can be displaced by any T3+ air displacement ability, such as Gust.


    Previously, Smokescreen could be sustained indefinitely - this introduces a maximum # of emotes it can be held active, as well as a few details like if warm smoke can be seen through with heat-sight

    Edit: Added Displacement by Air Evocation




    There are some pretty major editions here - namely, the complete overhaul of Water Shield and Ice Spikes and a re-doing on how blunt and sharp ice functions. In sections where the entire new part is bolded, that section is intended to wholly replace what is under the old section.

    Water Evocation


    Properties of Conjured Water




    Most ice is fairly fragile to blunt force and can be melted by fire or heat, though is not as weak to sharp attacks. However, if conjured in the form of a substantial barrier, and in a large enough quantity, it may perhaps be more durable.




    Conjured ice, when made blunt, has the strength and durability of ferrum. When made sharp it trades that durability for the sharpness of a ferrum sword, shattering on contact with something as hard as ferrum or greater. Both can be melted with [1] emote of exposure to fire or sufficient heat akin to a burning fire provided a spell does not specify otherwise.


    This sets the bar for the properties of ice further on. Unless otherwise clarified (Ice Wall, Ice Dome), the properties of Ice are contained here. This should make it easier for any future adjustments to Ice Evocation.




    Water Wave



    • The attack itself has a range of up to ten blocks, though can travel for up to fifteen once cast. The wave has a width of two blocks, though a length of up to five, constantly pushing whatever comes into contact with force equivalent to that of an orc constantly shoving the person backwards for as long as it is sustained.



    • The attack itself has a range of up to ten blocks, though can travel for up to fifteen once cast. The wave has a width of two blocks, though a length of up to five, and a height of two blocks constantly pushing whatever comes into contact with force equivalent to that of an orc constantly shoving the person backwards for as long as it is sustained.


    Just a clarification on the actual height of the wave itself, considering the spell itself has its emote count corrected in Winter Decoration 1.

    Edit: Height reduced to 2 Meter




    Ice Projectile




    A water evocationist who can conjure ice may form shards of ice which can either be sharp or blunt - one or the other, you cannot mix the projectile types.

    The projectile/s themselves are typically baseball-sized. The shards can be either sharp or blunt. Should it be sharp, it would be equivalent to a simple ferrum sword in terms of sharpness, though able to be shattered easily if it comes into contact with blunt force. 

    Blunt projectiles are less brittle, hitting at the force of a baseball going arrow speed, though typically do not shatter.

    Requires three emotes to cast [1 Connect + 1 Charge + 1 Cast]. Each projectile requires an additional emote to conjure, with no more than three able to be charged at once. Once a maximum of 3 projectiles have been summoned, no more can be summoned and the spell must be cast again. Projectiles can be held back for 3 emotes before they fizzle out.

    One projectile charged may be around the sharpness of your average ferrum blade.

    Ice spikes may be capable of piercing unarmoured foes just as a regular blade would, but will likely only dent heavy plate, instead leaving a mild bruise where it hit regardless of sharpness.

    Multiple projectiles may be fired at once, however, they must all be within the mage’s line of sight at once and all be fired in the same direction if this is the case, lest they dematerialize.




    • A water evocationist who can conjure ice may form projectiles of ice which can either be sharp or blunt - one or the other, you cannot mix projectile types.
    • The projectiles themselves are either sharp or blunt, and typically baseball-sized. If made sharp it has the sharpness of a ferrum sword, though shatters if it comes into contact with blunt force. If made blunt they are as durable as ferrum, and hit with the force of a baseball going at arrow speed, and do not shatter.
    • Requires three emotes to cast [1 Connect + 1 Charge + 1 Cast]. Each projectile requires an additional emote to conjure, with no more than three able to be charged at once. Once a maximum of 3 projectiles have been summoned, no more can be summoned and the spell must be cast again. Projectiles can be held back for 3 emotes before they fizzle out.
    • Sharp ice is capable of piercing or slashing unarmoured or lightly armoured foes as sword might, though will shatter against heavier armours such as chain and plate.
    • Blunt ice will, at most, cause the fracturing of bones upon exposed flesh against unarmoured targets, and a well-placed shot to an exposed head could induce concussion or potentially knock an individual out, though will not cause any more damage than this. Against armoured targets, it is capable of denting heavy plate similar to a hammer strike.



    In Winter Decoration 1, I actually forgot to balance out Sharp vs Blunt Ice Projectiles - there was basically no reason to use blunt because sharp did what blunt did, and more with sword-sharpness. This hopefully should correct for that, in addition to the update to properties of water/ice to better match how other blunt/sharp projectile spells interact.



    Ice Spike



    • A water evocationist who can conjure ice may create large spikes of ice to rise up from the ground and pierce or deter foes as a wall. The spikes are often large, ranging from 1 foot to two metres in length, and up to three metres in height, the sized typically varying in a single attack. 
    • Ice Spike has a width of up to two, and a length of up to five blocks. has a ten black range. 
    • Requires Three emotes to cast [1 Connect + 1 Charge + 1 Cast]. The spikes may be maintained for up to five emotes, though this time is shortened if the mage is distracted or breaks their connection.




    • Ice Spike is not an instant trap. The spikes themselves must gradually grow from the ground in front of the mage.



    • A water evocationist can conjure small spikes of ice towards their target to ensnare & impede them, or present an imposing barrier for fast-moving opponents.
    • Requires Three emotes to cast [1 Connect + 1 Charge + 1 Cast], and the caster must be able to see the ground at the intended location.
    • A visible tell must be displayed, such as the ground frosting over or spikes slowly beginning to well up. On the casting emote, the spikes instantly shoot up - covering a area 3x3 Metres, and reaching up to a Metre in high, impaling with the strength of sharpened ice - capable of piercing and slashing through anything a ferrum sword can, and shattering against anything of ferrum density or greater.




    • Ice Spikes requires a telegraph emote of warning before the casting emote
    • Ice Spikes must be casted on a solid surface, be it a floor, wall, or ceiling. In the event the spikes are casted on a Ceiling or Wall during a event, the mage may request ET consent to allow the spikes themselves to extend beyond 1m in Height.


    Ice Spikes felt incredibly underwhelming and useless as a T4 spell, with no real gauge for how it does damage. This hopefully should make it more clear its a tool of impalement - either by driving itself through someone's legs and torso, or by making a very unappealing barrier to faster-than-normal folk like cavalry, and otherwise speed-boosted people.

    Edit: Removed Alternate version




    Ice Dome




    • A water evocationist may create a large dome of ice around them and other people/objects. The dome itself has a three metre radius at maximum, with the mage being in the centre. 
    • Requires four emotes to cast [1 Connect + 2 Charge + 1 Cast], and can be maintained for up to [6] emotes, assuming that it is not shattered by blunt force or melted by hot flame. Likewise, if the mage loses their connection or concentration, the spell will also fade. 
    • The dome may hold its own against only [3] harsh blunt strikes before it is shattered. Shattering the dome will also stun the mage who is casting it for a minimum of [1] emote, preventing them from casting for that duration. The mage will need 1 emote to recupurate if they choose to end the spell themselves. 




    • The mage must be at the centre of the dome to cast it.
    • Ice may be murky, though some movement can be seen from within the dome. 
    • The dome must be gradually formed, not instantly conjured.
    • The mage must dedicate their concentration to the dome. Performing other actions while maintaining the spell will cause it to drop.




    • A water evocationist may create a large dome of ice around them and other people/objects. The dome itself has a three metre radius at maximum, with the mage being in the centre. 
    • Requires four emotes to cast [1 Connect + 2 Charge + 1 Cast], and can be maintained for up to [6] emotes, assuming that it is not shattered by blunt force or melted by hot flame. Likewise, if the mage loses their connection or concentration, the spell will also fade. 
    • The dome may hold its own against only [6] harsh blunt strikes before it is shattered. Direct flame or heat can melt the shield easily in [3] emotes. If the dome is shattered, melted, or the caster chooses to end the spell themselves, they will need 1 emote to recuperate, meaning they cannot take any major actions for one turn - remaining connected unless otherwise disconnected by another force.




    • The mage must be at the centre of the dome to cast it.
    • Ice may be murky, though some movement can be seen from within the dome. 
    • The dome must be gradually formed, not instantly conjured.
    • The mage must dedicate their concentration to the dome. Performing other actions while maintaining the spell will cause it to drop.


    This one made the dome a little bit stronger against both melee attacks and fire, given it takes more emotes and mana to produce it should be a bit stronger then Ice Wall.


    Voidal Translocation

    Material Teleportation




    - If your target item is moving, or moves during the telegraph. Your spell will not work.




    - If your target item is moving, or moves during the telegraph. Your spell will not work.

    - Movement is defined as the swinging, throwing, or otherwise reasonable motion of an object - examples include a swinging sword, a weapon being carried while running, or a ring on someone's finger during animated gesturing. Larger stationary emplacements where movement consists of rotation only, or otherwise minor shifts in rotation do not count as movement. Unmoving objects are considered “unattended”

    - A held, braced, or fastened object, such as a coin purse or an arbalest, can only be shifted if it is left unattended on the emote that material teleportation is attempted.

    - Simply holding onto the item is not enough to ward the spell - Line of Sight must be broken OR the item must be moved per the above criteria before the casting emote.

    - The Translocationist MUST be within range of both the anchor, and item that is to be shifted.


    This is aimed pretty solidly at defining what can, and cant, be used through material teleportation. This should clear up any future confusions between Translocationists and whatever poor soul has a weapon stolen from them on how the spell mechanically works and what it can target.



    Group Teleportation






    - You may not shift someone who is moving around on any of the axis (Falling doesn't count).

    - Group teleportation only functions upon those within the default range of the spell for your tier. Arcane foci or additional emotes do not increase the range at which people can be affected.

    - Follows the same redlines as minor teleportation. 






    - You may not shift someone who is moving around on any of the axis (Falling doesn't count). This overrides the immediate shifting redline of Translocation, and a target (or ET, in the event of a NPC) must OOCly consent to be Group TP’d. If they do not consent, a shift is not used as the spell simply fails on the target.

    - Group teleportation only functions upon those within the default range of the spell for your tier. Arcane foci or additional emotes do not increase the range at which people can be affected.

    - Follows the same redlines as minor teleportation. 

    - The Translocationist does not have to be shifted with the casting of the spell - targets, provided they fit the above criteria, may be shifted anywhere within the Maximum Radius of the Translocationist’s Tier provided they have the shifts, and Line-of Sight to do so. 


    As far as I can tell, there was nothing preventing you from TPing someone else and not yourself - this just writes that in explicitly and clarifies some parts of the whole process, while adding OOC consent - it is entirely possible currently for a Eminant with 3 stacks Incanter's flow to anchor and telegraph in one emote, and with how shifting works kidnap someone who stands still for one emote.



    Greater Teleportation





    Quite simply a reward for mastering the art, a flavorful way to use ones soulstones is here. One must note that this spell is ENTIRELY non combative and it is against the rules to use such in combat as it follows the soulstone rules.


    Connection -> Rift is Formed -> Exit through Rift -> Appear next to soulstone pillar.

    Example Emote:

    Sarrion would say his goodbyes to his friends, stepping off to the side, his eyes suddenly flared up with bright green aura as he connected to the void.

    Sarrion would raise his hand as powerful green aura gathered in his palm, slowly he etched out a circle in the air as the aura would weave through the air and form a circular form. All of a sudden the aura would cave in on itself, opening a rift of bright green color. Various parchments in the room would flutter about as the air picked up from the power of the rift.

    [!] The elf saluted, making his departure through the rift. It would close up instantly behind him.

    >Soul Stone to Location<

    [!] Sarrion would suddenly appear next to the soulstone pillar in a burst of bright green aura.



    - This spell is purely non-combative. Using this in the middle of combat is breaking soulstone rules.

    - This spell follows the soulstone rules. If the soulstone is SS blocked or recharging you cannot use this spell.

    - Only you may enter the rift. You cannot bring anyone with you.





    Quite simply a reward for mastering the art, a flavorful way to use one's soulstones is here. One must note that this spell is ENTIRELY non combative and it is against the rules to use such in combat as it follows the soulstone rules.


    Connection / Rift is Formed / Exit through Rift -> Appear next to soulstone pillar.

    Example Emote:

    Sarrion would say his goodbyes to his friends, stepping off to the side, his eyes suddenly flared up with bright green aura as he connected to the void. Sarrion would raise his hand as a powerful green aura gathered in his palm, slowly etching out a circle in the air as the aura would weave through the air and form a circular form. All of a sudden the aura would cave in on itself, opening a rift of bright green color. Various parchments in the room would flutter about as the air picked up from the power of the rift. The elf saluted, making his departure through the rift. It would close up instantly behind him.

    >Soul Stone to Location<

    [!] Sarrion would suddenly appear next to the soulstone pillar in a burst of bright green aura.



    - This spell is purely non-combative. Using this in the middle of combat is breaking soulstone rules.

    - This spell follows the soulstone rules. If the soulstone is SS blocked or recharging you cannot use this spell.

    - If a group of people are travelling to the same destination via Soulstone, this spell may be used to allow them all to travel through at once. This may not be used to bypass the mechanical travel requirements for raids, heists, or other similar activities.


    It's a flavour spell. Do I really need to say anymore? I will anyways - given that the spell cannot be used for combative advantage or otherwise to skip pre-written rules for Heists, Raids, and other such occurrences, and is defined as a reward for mastering Translocation, I see no issue with allowing it simply function on a single emote, and allow others to pass through to the same destination.



    Air Evocation




    • Should one successfully charge and activate the spell with a target above it, the target will be launched into the air by [1.5] meters and at most will result in a sprained ankle, making movement difficult. At the very least this will take [1] emote to recover form. 



    • Should one successfully charge and activate the spell with a target above it, the target will be launched into the air by [1.5] meters and at most will result in a sprained ankle, making movement difficult. This will take [1] Emote to recover from, and lower the target’s movement by [2] Metres for [3] Emotes if successfully landed.


    Right now, if you somehow manage to land a Launch, it doesn't really do anything to the target. This gives some tangible reward to a Air Evoker who can actually land a Launch

    Edit: Duration changed to 3 Emotes




    Sound Blast



    • The mage is not immune to the sound if they are caught in the blast.



    • Similar to Air Sweep, the caster is the only one unaffected to this spell if it casted in the eruption from the mage form, their block being the only block untouched in the designated radius. The mage remains not immune to the projectile version of Sound Blast


    Takes how Air Sweep interacts as a AoE spell originating from the mage and applies it more evenly across similar spells.






    • A mage may create a powerful torrent of wind in a three-metre [T4] or five metre [T5] length in front of them, the rush of wind rushing outwards for up to eight blocks [T4] or twelve blocks [T5], making movement difficult as projectiles and small objects are blown away in the torrent’s direction. This spell requires [5] emotes to perform [1 Connect + 3 Charge + 1 Cast], and can be maintained for up to [6] emotes afterwards.
    • Those within the torrent will find it rather difficult for them to move forward, though not impossible, as the heavy gust pummels towards them; as if they were walking through a strong snowstorm. If individuals within the gust do not have strong enough footing, they may be pushed backwards. This will never be enough to keep an individual from moving forward completely, just more difficult.
    • Objects thrown in the way of the gust will be blown out of it, assuming they are light enough; no more than say paper, glass, or small shards of metal; depending on the nature of the objects, they may induce cuts, lacerations, or bruises, though surely no broken bones. Larger objects may be blown away, though at a much slower rate, not enough to cause damage beyond a few light bruises.
    • The conjuring of this spell will become obvious after the second Charging emote, powerful blasts of wind rushing forward along with streaks of air as lighter items are gently displaced; this gust becomes stronger as the spell is charged to a fuller capacity.




    • The mage cannot move while casting or maintaining this.
    • The pushing back will never be enough to kill someone on its own, and it is not them flying backwards either, but rather as if they were being pushed backwards, giving no more than perhaps a few light bruises.
    • The direction of the windstorm is not interchangeable.



    • A mage may create a powerful torrent of wind in a cone in front of themselves, capable of shoving both person and object through its torrent of winds. This spell requires [5] emotes to perform [1 Connect + 3 Charge + 1 Cast], and can be maintained for up to [6] emotes afterwards.
    • Objects thrown in the way of the gust will be blown out of it, assuming they are light enough; no more than say paper, glass, or small shards of metal; depending on the nature of the objects, they may induce cuts, lacerations, or bruises, though surely no broken bones. Larger objects such as chairs and stools may be blown away, though at a slower rate, not enough to cause damage beyond moderate bruising.
    • The conjuring of this spell will become obvious after the second Charging emote, powerful blasts of wind rushing forward along with streaks of air as lighter items are gently displaced; this gust becomes stronger as the spell is charged to a fuller capacity.


    Tier Progression:

    [T1] N/A

    [T2] N/A

    [T3] N/A

    [T4] The Windstorm is [3] Metres wide, [8] Metres long, and [3] Metres tall. Those caught within the Windstorm must spend a major action and their movement to escape, taking [1] Emote to do so. Those caught inside will find their movement is reduced to [2] Metres per turn with an action, and [4] Metres a turn per sprint. If a target inside opts to stand still or otherwise rendered off balance, they will find themselves shoved backwards with the force of a T4 Gust, and the associated injuries should they impact a solid surface. Additionally, handheld thrown objects such as potions, slings, or javelins will find themselves carried along within the Windstorm, deposited at the end of its reach. 

    [T5] The Windstorm is [5] Metres wide, [12] Metres long, and [4] Metres tall. Those caught within the Windstorm must spend a major action and their movement to escape, taking [2] Emote to do so. Those caught inside will find their movement gains no ground if they move with an action, and [2] Metres a turn per sprint. If a target inside opts to stand still otherwise rendered off balance, they will find themselves shoved backwards with the force of a T5 Gust, and the associated injuries should they impact a solid surface. Additionally, handheld thrown objects such as potions, slings, or javelins and objects shot or flying at arrow speed will find themselves carried along within the Windstorm, deposited at the end of its reach.





    • The mage cannot move while casting or maintaining this.
    • The pushing back will never be enough to kill someone on its own, and it is not them flying backwards either, but rather as if they were being pushed backwards, giving no more than perhaps a few light bruises.
    • The direction of the windstorm is not interchangeable, and cannot be re-aimed once casted.
    • Once knocked off-balance or carried along by the Windstorm, a target cannot regain their balance until they are pushed out of the Windstorm, or impact a solid surface. Additionally, a target will be pushed back as many blocks as the corresponding Gust would move a single target each turn - I.E a T4 Gust would move a target 4 Metres per turn



    I think everyone can agree for a T4/T5 Spell, Windstorm was absolutely, honest-to-god, useless. This is my attempt at overhauling the spell in its spirit (A "Stronger Gust")  and it has an actual purpose. It's now a wind tunnel that demands you advance or get out, before you suffer chair in face syndrome. 



    PrimnyaQuorum - Co-Writer

    lord_of_loser - Co-Writer




  10. Haus looks between his bounty, the lack of communication from the Rex across promised means, and the pre-planned date in a brief moment of waking. 


    He wonders if the Rex intended to let the bounty stand, or simply forgot to communicate along the way. Perhaps both - either way, he ponders if they'll ever visit the spirits as promised. Another lack of communication, another failure. He drifts off once more, to sleep and beyond.


    So he remains at the Great Barrier, adrift in many senses of the word. Waiting.

  11. In the dead of night, throughout Kaethul, the Horde, and any other bounty-carrying lands, a missive is spread. It contains scraps, and simply reads:


    Do you trust those who change a bounty to keep their word?








    I get you want to keep messaging me asking if I'll PK, but good lord folks - give the poor corpsecrafting necromancers a chance before you metagame every head that shows up.


  12. 11 minutes ago, lemonke said:

    "HAUS! WHAT!?!" Said Ava Ranaleth, very surprised. "Wait no, perhaps I should not trust the rumors and letters of some strangers." Quickly did she change her mind but with her focus landing upon the fact someone had made public knowledge some tactics. For sure, a certain darkspawn will be enjoying this.


    Admist some cosmic distance, adrift at the edge of existence, that blonde ponders whatever happened to that raging horned one.


    He hopes she recovered well.

  13. "...Do I get a double return if I turn myself in? Six-Thousand is a lot." He muses sincerely, standing over his war-room. 


    Cosmic eyes gloss over various unsigned letters, and notes that concern a trial that was never scheduled by a well-meaning Rex, though a brow raises at the attached note that he wrote 


    "I did promise. Can't hurt to respond, but - well."


    "I pity the shops."

  14. Ever a wise man, that Watcher remarks in isolation:


    "Let he has who married cast the first opinion on marriage - for too long have those without Another dictated who others can marry. I will not have my private life dictated by a man who wears a strange hat and lives alone."


    He returns to his study - emptied of books and comfort, with a map sprawled over pushed together tables and desks. It does not occur to him he is alone and talking to himself, thus concluding the circle of irony.

  15. Spoiler



    This letter, and it's contents, are private to the above two characters unless otherwise shared by then.




    A letter is sent to the Lady-Magister, and Grand-Magister






    Heed Truth.





    While I am claimed to be many things, I see no reason to orphan a newly-born. Grief is a powerful motivator, but the first blow has not yet been dealt, and neither hand has shown itself. I propose the following with cooler heads in mind:


    I offer you a chance to back down, Lady-Magister Yera - Leave Hohkmat, your district, and your seat behind. Reside in Kaethul, and find your justice. Abandon the lies you claim that you know you cannot prove, and this needless violence will be avoided. All that was yours will be placed into the hands of the Grand-Magister to refurbish into further space for the Academy.


    Force my hand, reject my peace, and there will be no quarter. You have dealt underhand, believing the Orcs would do what you were too weak to do yourself. I can assure you this, Yera-


    I need no help to find you and bury you. 


    I will amass a force to stand against yours, of course, have no doubts - but I will not waste them coming after you. I know the deals you make in your offices and abroad, hushed words and promises, assurances of mutual benefit. You believe yourself more carefully planned than me.


    In such, you have already lost. 


    I see all under the Night Sky. 


    There will be no bloodshed, or there will be obliteration. That is my word.


    I need no Summit for them.



    Consider Carefully.




    Lord-Magister, Dr. Haus, Of Paradox

    Master of the Ziggurat of Hohkmat, Watcher of the Veil, The Dreaded

  16. "I have noticed a awful lot of...close friends, in my time." Haus ponders, mind adrift at the edge of existence. Perhaps they really weren't just saving mina in response to the real estate market by living together.


    "About time the church stepped out of people's lives, and became a figurehead of faith." He murmurs to that grand barrier, liltingly. It offers him no reply, and so he wanders still - waiting. 

  17. "Void....darkspawn....elf- Really? You could just say my name, it's not going to strike you dead."


    That Watcher groans from his chambers, under haus arrest 


    "-Or will it? That might be problematic, with how often people like to speak my name."

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