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Everything posted by hopey

  1. The Ocean’s Embrace [!] A portrait of the ocean would rest here, as a homage to the Py’lrie Talonnii. To whom it may concern, In the gloom of my heart, I pen these words, seeking solace in the act of release. My life, once rich with the warmth of companionship, stands desolate. My lliran, once the pillars of my existence, have faded into the unforgiving mists of time, leaving my tarnished soul fragmented and hollow. I wander through the rooms of my mind, each corner a repository of memories, yet none providing the comfort of a true home. Walls once jubilant with laughter and ushered secrets now echo with deafening silence. It is a silence that speaks louder than words, a silence that reminds me that I am alone. Yet, even in my swell of darkness, there is a strange beauty. The stars still shine, distant and untouchable, a reminder that there is something beyond this pain. Perhaps, in another time, another place, I will find the peace that eludes me now. For those who may read these words, know that this is not a farewell, but a recognition of my journey. It is a testament to the strength it has taken to endure, and the hope that, somewhere, there is a light waiting to guide me to everlasting restfulness. Do not search for me, for I am far from lost. The vast sea cradles me, with her horizons endless, and it is there that I will find my relief. It was the least I could do in remembrance of Rosina. With all my remaining love, Signed,
  2. In the stagnant estate of the Py'lrie, Nefeli lumbered by the roaring flames of the polished fireplace. As her eyes reached the end of the missive, the parchment hardly lingered in her digits. Casting it into the hearth, the fire swallowed it whole with a hiss, causing a smog of particles to rise. In haste, she flees for the manor's gates, accompanied by a stolen dagger that her father once held.
  3. Nefeli Py'lrie arrived just moments too late, finding the aftermath of a tragedy. With anguish etched into every feature, she sank to her knees beside the fallen figure of her beloved friend, regret heavy in her heart. The weight of their unresolved disagreement hung in the air, intertwining with her sorrow, and leaving her paralyzed with guilt. Tears stung her vision as she tenderly held his gold-rimmed spectacles, a poignant reminder of what was lost. The ache of their unresolved differences left her with a lingering sense of emptiness, a haunting reminder of what could never be reclaimed. A weakened whisper came, faintly murmured words that Len'ii hadn't received when they truly mattered: "I'm so llun"
  4. In the bustling Py'lrie estate, Nefeli was hidden away; preoccupied with getting measurements for a new dress.
  5. Upon the pleasant news, Lady Nefeli Py'lrie poured a drink in celebration, contented over the return of the Royarch. "The stars have blessed us yet again." She triumphantly cheered.
  6. After reading the missive, Catherine gave a satisfied bob of her head. "Serves him right."
  7. A tense ‘aheral stood beneath the silky shadows of midnight, flowers held close to her chest. Outside the Py’lrie manor lay a makeshift grave; a memorial adorned with pale candles that bore little light. The only noise was the solemn chime of crickets, doing little to soothe the grief nestled in her chest. Leaving a single flower atop the stone slate, she moved away, traversing through the grim darkness of the night with a jaw clenched tight.
  8. Hidden away in the frigid north, a flaxen-blonde sat before the kiss of flames. Her eyes were sullen, cheeks sunken in as a missive sat between her digits. A tightness had formed in her chest, causing a lump to swell in the back of her throat. Rohana was plagued with guilt and immense wistfulness, overwhelmed by the emptiness in her heart. In her earlier years, she was blessed with Amaya's kindness, finding comfort and friendship when she needed it most. A gesture that never slipped from Rohana’s weak and fleeting memories. The sickly woman felt clouded with shame, overpowered by a heavy feeling of selfishness for not being there in her final moments. Crumbling the missive to her chest, she quivered, feeling a hefty pit in her stomach. “Oh Amaya,” A bony hand met her face, trying to mend the tears that would not cease. “I have so much regret. Forgive me."
  9. hopey


    You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” Rohana's mood was bleak, betrayed by the lack of sunshine; no glimmer filtered through the hefty storm clouds of the secluded town. The ex-queen held up the tattered ends of her dress, face set in determination as she trekked the moist, squelching earth tediously. In her worn, calf-leather shoes, the ground noisily swished at each sway of her dreary feet. The air felt moist, damp as she inhaled a shaky breath in order to refill her exasperated lungs. A glimmer across the clearing of swamp made her head incline, brown eyes of doe seething into a thin-slit leer as she slowly approached. Were her eyes betraying her? Despite the curiosity burning within, her nose would wrinkle and contort at the unfamiliar scent of elderly wood. Guided by the beckoning light, she ducked from the flap of the withered tent. She paused upon entering, eyeing the stranger with a bewildered sweep of her eyes. At her query, Rohana's stomach did uneasy twists. Attempting to remain light-hearted, the runaway Queen emits a long, collected sigh. "My story?" Rohana cooed, voice silky as she swayed; graciously accepting the cushion. The woman set herself down, letting loose of her mangled dress. It swept across her legs, sticking uncomfortably from her damp departure from the palace of Kirsi. "It begins in a dingy town akin to this one," Rohana murmured, eyes lapping around; examining the strokes of light billowing from the candle flicker. "I was only six when my father promised me to the kingdom of Kirsi; he had been swayed by the hefty coin they offered. From the moment I could walk - I had been taught to talk, dress, act, and think a certain way; a way that would be most easily agreeable... to be womanly - to know my place." Rohana's words burned in bitterness, a hand solemnly placed to her chest; fingertips absentmindedly tracing a gold pendant that shone as the candlelight licked the glossy surface. "I solely existed for the next heir... to produce a babe. I was only a mere machine for creation and it was abundantly clear that it would not be my child but his." Her jaw would clench, her hand falling to falter in her lap. Her voice seethed, oozing with hatred and loathing as she continued. The silky, well-kept tone in her voice began to wilt. "It was only recently that I discovered how much of myself was him... I was made to be compatible, I lacked a personality and thought of my own. I couldn't live with myself or the future that was bestowed wrongfully upon me." Rohana's chest felt heavy, eyes downcast as she avoids the elderly woman; shying from her eyes. "It is treason to run away from my duties, my family shall suffer in my absence but I-I couldn't I..." Rohana's voice had hiccupped, a lump forming in her throat to strangle her. The king was a cruel and unkind man that erupt destruction in his path. If she would be found, the king would string her up like a slaughtered animal on display for all to see. The thought made her blood run cold. "I want to exist on my own terms for myself." Rohana bit back the knot in her throat, words heavy in determination as she cast out a hand in a flourish. "Perhaps I'm a coward for not facing the king but I'm sure of one thing," Rohana paused, not letting sorrow teeter across her expression. The woman bore a stolid look, appearing aloof as her chin disdainfully excelled upwards; inclining sharply with confidence. "I will never fall into the clutches of any man ever again." The blonde woman seethed, taking a stand to her feet. This had only been the beginning of her journey, the runaway queen had plenty to explore; to live in her new, present self. Smirking, she boldly met the hag's eyes; gleaming with arrogance. "Upon the lucky chance I encounter that merciless and poor excuse of a king, it is not me who shall be losing their head."
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