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Lawrence Berell

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Status Updates posted by Lawrence Berell

  1. Gimme dat Skype. o.o

  2. Goddammit, this is the bug I can't quell ;_;

    1. Ever


      hullo there

    2. Lawrence Berell

      Lawrence Berell

      Go away, I'm in deep self loathing for even coming back x.x

  3. Graah... stupid internets cutting our Skype convo short q-q

  4. Guess who's back? :D

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. 0000



    3. Brent


      Wait, Ninjas back! Oh...

      *Walks away dissapointed.*

    4. Lawrence Berell
  5. Guys, give Serenity a break. If you wish to insist on constantly making snide remarks about her (I'm looking at the thread Tythus made here!) then at least deign to get your facts right. I myself may not be exactly friendly with her, but it doesn't mean I will stand by and watch you all effectively *********** bully someone because of something they may or may not of done in the past. Grow up.

    1. Tsuyose


      I now think Dusk would be a great Admin, I guess I was wrong 'bout everything else. o_o

    2. Austin
  6. Hah, half your links don't work?


  7. Hahah, nice one. All we need now is to get the entire Mod team looking at one thread, and the world will be explode. I mean, complete ^^

  8. Heeey. Could you send me a PM? I can't send one to you for some reason.

  9. Heheh...

    1000000 minas to the non-GM who can beat my post count WITHOUT spamming...

    uallloze4life bros

    Anyway, can't wait to log in in... 8 hours!

  10. Hey bro, d'yeh have a Skype or something?

  11. Hey dude, it's been a long time. How have you been?

    1. Masterfawkes


      I've been good, have some things in the works, I'll pm you when I figure out more about this ban for building.

  12. Hey random guy I do not know...

  13. Hey,do you still play?

  14. Hmmm... how about "The sands of time slow to a halt as we all close in on doom"?

  15. How can you see the Active Reports if you aren't a mod?

  16. Hush little Reman, don't you cry. Ninja's making sure that you stay dry (i dont even) And if you don't stay dry I'll sing, 'cause boy I've missed you and lost track of the rhyme in my head =(

  17. I accept you on behalf of your amazing friend count!

  18. I am, confused.

    If you are talking about lurking round my profile, be aware of the warning signs.


    That, is all.

  19. I believe to stalk you need villain 9001. Problem?

    Also, warned for awesomeness. And GNs.

  20. I didn't specifically mean Skype, I meant an email or something xP

    However, I'll add you when I myself get back from work.



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