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Everything posted by TheWhiteWolf

  1. So..anyone have a clue on the questions? Because if i need a villain app i would like to know so i can get it done as soon as possible, and actually spend time making a good one. Also with the skins, if we do have set uniforms are we allowed to make minor adjustments to them? Face, hair, skin, details on the uniform and stuff like that.? Thanks for any help i get
  2. OK i have a few questions: 1. Do i need a villian app? 2. Do we have to join the main shad rin site? 3. Do we have an assasin skin you want us to wear? 4. Is there any thing else i need to do/know about? THanks
  3. MC Username: callum2357 LOTC Username: Messenger Of Death Amount of time available per week: 4 -5 hours every day Skills: Very good at infiltrating organisations, excellent at training people in the art of combat ( Was my job in the FOA before it was disbanded), Great strategist, good with a bow Specialty: Infiltrating organisations, Finding alternate routes to a target. Good Deeds: Was with the FOA and helped them in anyway i could. Helped random passers with food and directions. Evil Deeds: I had a disease in me that would turn me into a state were i was not aware of my surroundings and just became violent. This was cured by Shoi's medicine she gave me. Why do you wish to join (remember we are neutral to ascended and undead): I have always felt as if there was more i could do to benefit this land. I have been in the military all my life and wish to be part of the best of the best. A secret force of elite soldiers and assasins. Your Combat Focus (skill focus and write your style): I am a good sneak and am an excellent archer. The skills in my opinion are crucial to infiltration and assasination missions. I also train with a sword though my archery skills out match anything else. Are you neutral or do you lean one side or the other? Explain why and if you can be willing to the opposite? At one point in my life i was but devoted to Aeriel and her ways, always trying to defeat the undead and there minions. But after i left the FOA i had become a nobody, none knew me except for close freinds. I had become but a simple bystander in the night. Watching the ensuing conflict. I am now neutral, but if anyone dares cross me and betray me then they better watch there back. What is your reasoning for joining? I had become a nobody, only known by a few people, some say i am but a simple bystander, others call me a freind and some still call me a comrade. But after leaving the destroyed FOA i have come to realise that there is much more to life than just petty squables and wars against the undead. But unfortunatly for me, war is the only option i have left in my life. I led the life of a commander in the FOA, a strategist, a soldier. Now i wish to become part of the best of the best. An assasin...a shadow in the night... What is your reaction to the following?: You have been given a mission from Shadri'Primus to assassinate a King. You enter the Kings' domain, just you and a fellow brother. All the sudden tides turn and the King has your brother with a knife to his neck, you are not carrying a bow and know that your brother will die if you continue on the mission.)) ANSWER: Knowing my brother is in danger i whistle a soft tune ( If i am partnered up with someone i will give them a code and they will need to know it. It basically means i will return) and depart the hall. I will then wait till nightfall and return to free my brother and carry out the mission. (( On a side note i was asked by shadowninjaa that if i wanted to join any shad rin section/group i would have to kill a dragon born and show him the pic. I will post pic up soon i am still figuring out how to do it. If you can tell me how to do it on the forums i would appreciate it thanks))
  4. OOC Just out of curiosity what program did you use to set up your website? I want to set up a website for my server i just started and am wondering how to go about it?
  5. *Smiles as he reads this* Consider it done. I have misplaced my trust in them.
  6. Alright thanks, What do i have to do to earn your trust?
  7. How do you become a spy/tracker? And can you detail what they do please?
  8. Warhammer 40k Yeah why? If you play it try and guess which race i play you get brownie points if you guess the right one.

    Arbrek Silverfingers

    Yesterday, 09:10 AM

    DO you play Warhammer?

  9. Maur i need to know what times i have to be at the fort to train the recruits. And tell them to bring swords, food, bow and arrows and armour. ---Foa_Captain_Krashiun
  10. Hey there i could not help but notice the name of your guild is very similiar to mine. If it is at all possible can you come and check this thread please. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/2258-the-lost-ones-figthing-the-undead-and-evil-on-all-fronts/page__pid__62836__st__200#entry62836 You can keep your name and stuff it is just when you are walking around Aegis just dont get people confused between the two guilds Thanks Nice idea though =P
  11. * A note is pinned to the door of Holmes, it reads..* Martin we need to talk, i have a few questions to ask you. Write at the bottom of this note a place and time we can meet. Come alone and unarmed. I am watching. Signed Razarnoth
  12. Here is my application enjoy. I can also do an in game application if you want just /tell me Brief Character History: Krashiun was born in the woods of laurelin. His parents abandoned him at birth and was left at the temple for the monks. The monks taught him how to use medicine and Krashiun became a natural at the ways of healing. Krashiun would spend hours a day practicing Medicine and tried to become proficient in sword and bow. When Krashiun turned 25 he decided that he needed to help people in the world so he left the temple to begin his adventures in Aegis Character Name (I.C.): Krashiun Razarnoth Character name (O.C.) Callum2357 Race: Elf IC Age: 25 Will you be a FOA soldier, or a preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus): I will be FOA soldier Goals in the FOA?: My goals in the FOA are to help the cause in protecting aegis and my character will do so until he dies. Other goals in the FOA are to just be well known and help in anyway i can. Good deeds you have done?: I just killed off my character so at the moment i have not done any good or bad deeds Have you done any bad deeds?: I just killed off my character so at the moment i have not done any good or bad deeds How did you hear of us?: I was walking down the road and a group of people were talking about the FOA and there cause. My character wanted to help this cause ever since he was able to read and write. He asked the group were they were stationed and my character is travelling there. Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.: I am not against them in the sense that i do not want them to be in the game, because they are really good for the lore and Rp of the server. I am against them in the sense that my character despises them down to his very core. My character has been witness to victims of undead attacks and does not want the world to become scarred like those people that have already been scarred. What is your primary weapon in battle? (Sword, Axe, or Bow. Please state which one and your skill level please. Please refer to the rank list for appropriate weapon skill level.): My primary weapon is bow and my second weapon is sword. Sword level is 16 (that is because Are you a capable builder?: I am an excellent builder. I am a great architect and can make anything you need to suite whatever theme Can you wield any other weapons?: Bow and sword are what my character have been taught to use Any special skills?: A special skill my character has is he is gifted in healing and medicine. These skills were taught to him while he was raised at the temple. Do you have faith in the Aeriel and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.: My character has a strong faith in Aeriel as he has met people in his travels that have taught him about Aeriel and what Aerial means in life. With his new faith he set out into the world telling others. Yes my character will tell others of aerial Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel: My character is willing to do what is needed of him and will die before he lets any undead or evil corrupt this land. Hope you enjoyed reading this and i am willing to do a In game application just contact me via a tell. My mc Name is callum2357
  13. Really?? I told you a few weeks ago about this and my plans and you even said you were fine with it. What has changed since then i have no idea but if you think i ashamed the guild then you are poorly mistaken!. Since you seem to have forgotten what i told you back then i will retell it here. I said that i was going to kill my character off because he was starting to get boring and i did not like the way my character was established. You were all fine with this back then. If you wish to leave the guild then fine do so but do not say that i ashamed the guild. Attention all lost ones: If you wish to take up leader then tell me and make a new forum post. If you wish to join wanderer then do so. It is up to you what you choose to do. Farewell and hopefully my new character meets you all in the land of aegis
  14. ATTENTION ALL LOST ONES: I am going to be away for a while so i am handing temorary leadershop over to our second in comand Lost Apostle. You will obey his orders and will obey without hesitation. Good luck and make the undead pay for bringing their corruption into this world.
  16. Attention all lost ones!! This is very important. If you are still in the guild i need you to post a reply to this saying the following: Are you an active member? Yes/NO How long are you on per week? Have you been on our TS channel yet? Yes/No What is your timezone? Have you visited the base? Are you interested in more missions being given out? THIS IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU FILL THIS OUT I AM GOING TO BE WIPING EVERY ONE OFF THE MEMBERS LIST SO THAT I KNOW WHO IS IN AND WHO IS NOT!! THERE ARE A BUNCH OF MISSIONS COMING UP SO STAY ALERT ON THIS THREAD!! NOTE: IF YOU DO NOT POST A REPLY WITH THOSE QUESTIONS ANSWERED I WILL ASSUME YOU ARE NOT IN THE LOST ONES!! AND BE HONEST WHEN ANSWERING BECAUSE WE WILL KNOW IF YOU ARE LYING!!
  17. Revillion you have been accepted ATTENTION ALL LOST ONE MEMBERS!!: There is a coming storm and the undead will suffer in this storm that we create. I will give you more information as the time nears but i can tell you one thing, and that is to sharpen your blades gather more arrows repair your armour and say good bye to your loved ones. We will rise again! OOC: I will give you more information as the time nears so keep checking back here for more updates.
  18. Survivor and candianyou have both been accepted i will pm you the co ords to the base and dont forget to stop by our TS Chat
  19. LightDarkClash please go on teamspeak so we can put you through the trials to be accepted. If you dont then we cant accept you so please get on teamspeak and poke either me or Lost One Apostle in the Lost One Chat in the lord of the craft teamspeak channel. If you have a problem then please tell me here. Also post if you are going to get on Ts or not so i can know
  20. OK you have been accepted please go onto Teamspeak now so we can give you more information. I will be in the lost ones chat so just poke me and i will give you the password for the chanel
  21. ATTENTION ALL LOST ONES: We need you to report to the new base (Yes i know your thinking ohh no not another base.. it will probably get destroyed like the last 2) Do not fear as the base is in a protected area and the owner of the area has kindly allowed all members from the lost ones to be stationed here. So if you do not know where the base is then please send me a pm and i will send you the Co-ords. Also if you need a place to store your stuff then please find me in the base in game and i will lock up the stuf for you. TAKE NOTE: that there will be oppurtunities to rank up while your at the base because there is alot to do. ME AND APOSTLE will be watching you at the base. If you need a home here please speak with the druid that owns the area and tell him your a lost one. If you have any questions then please PM me
  22. I do not know i will see about getting us a new one when i get home. Also i am still waiting on volunteers for the mission.
  23. I have a very important mission that can change the tide of war against the undead in our favour. I am looking for a squad of 5 volunteers to take up a mission. You will be informed of the details when i get all 5 members ready. This mission is of high importance and it cannot fail. If you are caught speaking to anybody about this mission you will be put on trial. This mission is to remain secret at all costs and cannot fail.
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