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Posts posted by Rilath

  1. *You see a message pinned to the notice board written in elegant handwriting. You begin to read*

    My friends,

    I hereby invite all persons reading this to the wedding of Elnir and Evelyn. The wedding will be held in Serpent Ridge near Laurelin.((Sunday around 3 to 6 PM EST)) Formal attire is not required.

    ((Stealing this from Dante))


    1. All guests are to meet at the Laurelen entrance with the groom at the scheduled time

    2. The guests are to wait there five minutes until the groom announces departure

    3. The groom will lead the guests to the chapel where the ceremony will commence...

  2. *appears in front of Lucas as a ghostly apparition*

    "Lucas, why leave the ones you love so suddenly? I have felt your struggle for control against the darkness which consumes you and against the Shade. I attempted to suppress my power for you so as to not make it feel so overwhelming but it seems that I have failed..If you could find m a body to inhabit maybe I could assist you on this journey. But you should not make it alone."

  3. OOC:

    MCName: ShadowGunX

    Forum Name: ShadowGunX

    Timezone: (In Relation to GMT)GMT-5 I believe. I'm not too sure what EST is in GMT but I think that's right.

    Time spent weekly on LotC: I spend around 45-70 hours a week on LotC

    Method of contact: (email, Forum PM, ect, but please no social networking, or instant messenger, if you don't wish to disclose email and Forum FM is not available, put /t) Forum PM

    Guild Experience: Guild Master of the Mages Guild for a short time. I was in the Black Hand for a while.

    What is your Roleplay Experience? In a military/guard if any? When the Laurelin defense group was first formed and known as the "Sentinels" I was one of them.

    In Character:

    Character Name: Elnir

    Race: Elf

    Combat Experience: I am very experienced with a sword and have fought in many wars and battles.

    Other Skills: (Blacksmithing, Forestry, ect.) I am an experienced farmer and I am currently training myself to be better equipped with a bow. Also, I am experienced in the art of stealth and I fancy myself an adequate spy.(I don't know if that last sentence is where I would put something like that.)

    Short Bio: (Explaining why your character wishes to join) I would like to join the Vanguard for a few reasons. I would like to assist my nation against the threat of the undead. They have terrorized Aegis for far too long and if I can help it, they will not harm Laurelin.

    Recite the Vanguard Creed: (Copy and Paste won't work :evil: , don't worry its, short.. but you'd know that if you read the post)

    I will always protect Malinor.

    I will never accept defeat.

    I will never leave a fallen comrade.

    I will never quit.

    So help the grace of Malin, I swear.

  4. ((Rilath was still attached to this world. Before you logged on, when Rilath actually did die, I had emoted *'s life energy shoots out of him, hovering over his body before shooting off to find it's next host.* Rilath is a symbiote of sorts. He has been since I created him. His first victim was named Kael. His newest is Elnir. He overtakes a person and becomes them. The reason for Rilath's death in the first place was because I was roleplaying as if "Rilath" gave Kael too much free will. So Kael took matters into his own hands, so to speak, having his life ended, hoping it would end the life of Rilath as well.))

  5. *The air turns cold and dark in Laurelin grove. Rilath's soul circles overhead. An injured young elf runs into the grove to hide after the recent undead attack on Al'Khazar. He looks around, seeing if he was followed. The perfect time to strike..Rilath's soul shoots straight for the Elf, overtaking him. Rilath has found his new host..this one much younger and able bodied..He rises up, smiling in his new skin. He opens his hand and looks at his palm, a small rotating sphere of black energy hovers above it.*

    I have been reborn again..

    *He walks out of the grove, ready to bring fear to Aegis once again*

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