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Status Updates posted by Petyr

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Toryk Embane

      Toryk Embane

      I didnt actually mean record I meant what did you use to do this. But thanks I might try it sometime.

    3. CowsGoMoo


      Ooh! This is amazing! ;o

    4. Petyr


      Appreciate it!

  1. Why am I only level 3 on minebook... someone isn't doing their job *cough*

    1. Pnoynoy


      If there only was something above godlike :P

  2. A small sneak peak of my halfling soundtrack for the Vale: http://soundcloud.com/doctorplat/the-vale-preview

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Petyr


      Oh, the music will be different! And they shall have to pay... in some form.

    3. Pnoynoy


      A lot of pay! sinister Halfling is sinister >_<

    4. Petyr


      indeed, indeed.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 0000


      Woah. You're music is great!!

      Maybe you would be interested in some things I've written, I have those same inspirational moments too, but my songs are a little more mysterious:

    3. Petyr


      I listened to them, sounds pretty neat!

    4. 0000


      Thanks! Yours does too!

  3. I know what you mean, I know what you mean, lol. I'll hook you up with directions to the Vale if you haven't already gotten 'em.

  4. Welcome back, brosef.

  5. drplat retires from all of his positions, Vaq makes an app for Lore Master and offers money... damn.

    1. williewonka01


      You should apply...

    2. Dash_Rogers


      gonna turn back on your word? your going to be on a deserted island for the rest of your days, may as well spend it writing away.

    3. Petyr


      It's certainly tempting, but I retired because LOTC takes away a lot of time from more important things... $50 bucks a week is tempting. We'll see.

  6. imma write a book

    1. Goliath


      Good luck :P

    2. Pnoynoy


      Just don't write a whole book about it.

      I don't have enough pipeweed!

  7. rawr

    1. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      I'm a halfling! Just so ya know. :3

    2. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      I'm a halfling! Just so ya know. :3

    3. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      And with a single rawest Peytr summoned the halflings forth and in a great crowd they revered him.

  8. afk from LOTC - playing Skyward Sword

    1. Volutional


      Noooo... Must ask another GM about my character :(

    2. Taiga


      Excellent game, my friend.

  9. You can keep this one for reputation and stuff, just have another for FM work.

  10. Make a second account and let's see if we can make that one an FM.

  11. It's true. Once a halfling, always a halfling.

    1. Auldhin Talonwick

      Auldhin Talonwick

      Not for me! *looks at former halfling character and licks lips*

  12. LOTC, y u no follow my twitter? *shrug*

    1. Trouvo


      i no have blue bird thing, nor do i have necromnicon or book of faces lol

  13. A Feast for Crows

    1. NitrousGaming


      are you doing apps?

    2. Ninjaindian


      If you are, you dont have to accept it but if you look at mine and even Deny it it would be a help. Thanks!

    3. mattr41018


      <--- thinks you were a greaat Availer... better then the thief we had before... -_-

  14. Doing Villain Apps.

  15. The best part of Zen ice cream is the koan.

    1. Petyr


      I'll be disappointed if no one gets this... :(

  16. Yes, almost done. It's not a pic of Alkhazar, but I bet you'll like it

  17. There is nothing like looking, if you want to find something.

  18. When in Kal Urguan...

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