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Status Replies posted by Yamnothere

  1. what is the warn status

  2. How do I make my group say "Iron VIP" instead of member because I donated $10? :/

  3. I heard it passed.

  4. 308 posts. Problem officer?

  5. LOTC forums is my new facebook.

  6. Turning on the pc when i shoulden't.. Im feeling like a bandit. XD

  7. -gets bored of punching issbaner- Punches jena instead ^^

  8. Everybody keeps talking about this ID you get from buycraft when you donate but I only got the receipt no. :S

  9. Someone shoot me. I went into the wrong class on my first day of the semester. D:

  10. [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]

  11. Too.... Much... GUM... Feeling.... sick...

  12. Dirty Spiders and there super strength

  13. Too.... Much... GUM... Feeling.... sick...

  14. -Sneeze- Ugh sickness go away~

  15. I lost the game. and so will SOPA.

  16. must say i love farming :)

  17. my assumption is that Pepe and brvhrt1005 are the same person

  18. Threatened an elf today because he called dwarves savages. Then he goes on about how I proved his point...It pissed me off.

  19. So...my current alt character is an 8 year old golem girl who loves to fish. .w.

  20. :D Almost 1000 views of my profile!

  21. DUN-DUN-DUN! Servius... has shaved his beard off! :(

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