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Posts posted by Tethras

  1. Scouring the lands surrounding Brom'Krah finds nothing but irritated Adunians.

    As for Khaz'Ardol...

    ((IG Event time needs to be arranged. I can actually do it right now if you have a few dwarves on.))

    ((Right now would be great!))

  2. A letter is sent to the governing body of the High Elves within Haelun'or.


    “To the Az’Elgus of Haelun’or, the White City,

    We, the sons of Urguan, address this letter to you as a matter of grave importance. We tire of waiting and putting great effort into a cause that has become vastly more problematic as time has passed. In the early years, it was said that Yemekar himself, the divine creator, gifted unto the hands of the Dwedmar, the knowledge of the great anvils. For years we have guarded these relics and utilized them for the greater good of the realm, never once straying from our goal of preserving a world in which all mortal races may live, with peace in mind if they so wish.

    Yet, there are those few who have wronged us as time has passed. The Orkos, the Umros and now so too that of your own kin. Through assaulting a Lord of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan and stealing an artifact of most sacred importance to the Kirka Dverja, we would usually consider such a betrayal an act of war. Your kind have sought peace in the past however and for that, we are for the next seven elven days, allowing channels for diplomacy to resume.

    Our demands are simple. Return the artifact to the hands of its rightful and true owners or by the next week, prepare to see the white city burn and the decapitated heads of your people sit high above the battlements of Kal’Ithrun. If you dishonour our requests and prove your kind so consumed with greed that you would be damned to Khorvad’s unholy halls, you will find no mercy at our hands. Our campaign will never cease for you will rue the day that you ever chose to cross us. Your lands will be surrounded, your forests burned within the great dwarven war machine, as you will wish and pray every second of what existence you have left, that you had only seen wisdom earlier.

    The blood of your people will run deep into the grounds of the great world that Yemekar bestowed upon us. For those Dwedmar who fall, Dungrimm will guide them to the halls of Khaz’a’Dentrumm. Yet for every dwarf lost, they will slay over a dozen Az’Elger, whose souls will be cast into the endless void, to wander for all eternity. Your line will end, what footprints you left upon the world erased from knowledge. Your lands will be left desolate and ruined, sacked of all prior greatness. Yet our divine retribution shall be spoken of in tales and song, until the end of time.

    You have seven elven days to comply. Do as we say, and you will have preserved peace. Relations over time will be healed and slowly, we will begin to reestablish historical bridges of diplomacy. If however, we have not received the artifact by the seventh day, we will accept no compromise, making invasion inevitable. Your days left alive will be numbered. Know that this is the last and final warning you shall receive.”



    (( http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/309/2/d/the_great_betrayal_warhammer_by_faroldjo-d6t429w.jpg ))



    Grand King Indago Stormhammer

    Lord Farren Starbreaker

    Lord Igor Ireheart

    Lord Dominic Irongut


    May Ogradhad enlighten you to make the wise decision.


    ((If this is to end in a warclaim, please could one of the leaders of the High Elves send me a forum PM and we’ll discuss terms, etc. Also, please could both sides leave OOC bickering out of this conflict entirely. Credits to Zezimus for helping me write this.))

  3. MC Name:Ikea17

    Character Name: Draydin

    Character Age:163

    Profession: Apprentice Smith

    Appearance: Draygin is of a dark color, with a brown beard. He usually is seen wearing a light covering of chain mail, along with his finely crafted gold gauntlets. Along with his usual look, Draygin sports a mining cap for his ore collecting trips. Physically, Draygin is about medium Dwarvish height, and heavily muscled from long hours at the forge and in the mines.

    Family Relation:Son of Farren

    ((All the posts above are accepted. Just replying to this one because he's Farren's son.))


    Farren smiles warmly at his son, spreading out his arms as he goes to greet him.


    "Welcome 'ome son..."

  4. Well from that standpoint one settlement is fine. But we need to consider certain factors, such as titles. For example if we have a vassal, I would argue against it being a "Kingdom." It doesn't make sense for a "Kingdom" to be small town in a valley. We won't be a huge nation in 4.0, with the land we're given. Sure we can expand, but it's not like early Anthos where we could region off those areas. 


    Secondly as I stated earlier, they should be behind our city. Similar to what someone stated in the "Humans 4.0" thread, so that our city is a gateway city. Meaning we get more players going through our capital to get to them. Although this may be a tad harsh on the vassals, it does filter payers. Which means that more players would be likely to stop off at our city. As well as Dwarves more likely to inhabit it, rather than getting sucked into our vassal cities that are closer.


    Thirdly size, we would have to consider limitations on natural environments and the towns ( Our capital and the vassal city).  We had this problem during Elysium with the expansion of our own city halted by the valley behind being occupied. Not to mention halting our vassals expansion as they dug into our mines. This also happened during Anthos with some settlements, such as Brom'Khra and Kastoria's clashing borders. Also if we make some cool environments we don't want people randomly expanding into that to make their dream house, which doesn't look as good as it did in their heads.


    Fourthly, trade. If we are going to do a trading system between vassals this time we should enforce it. Although it will most likely not happen due to everyone being self sufficient. Which is fair enough. But we should consider where the resources are to build at least some form of trade. For example maybe a larger forest nearer one city. Not to mention food production. 


    Fithly, re-organisation. We would have to reconsider out systems to fit in with our new way of doing things in 4.0..



    EDIT: For the actual design of our city, I say we copy Al'Khazar to some degree. With the main things being at the central plaza just behind the gate. Shops closely condensed, but with some decent storage space just up the hill a short walk.  Houses further within the city.

  5. Although this may spark up some serious aggressive responses. I believe this question needs to be ask.  Do we need vassals in 4.0?

    Why can't we simply accommodate our city for all races? Vassals are useful sure for maintaining the vast amount of land we've amassed in 3.0 and in war. But 4.0 promises a new start, why should we bother with vassals? They're like parasites, leaching players from us. Sure they offer us military support, but a guild could easily fill that role. We should be taking all those players in, centralizing them into our Capital. Thoughts?

  6. Farren nods in agreement, raising his hand slightly.


    "F'ank yer Morgrim, t'en wif'out delay ah shall announce tu candidates.

    • Dreek Ireheart
    • Zahrer Irongrinder
    • Kjell Ireheart
    •  Indago Stormhammer
    • Babalouche
    • Gronkk​

    If anyonone wis'es tu dispute tu rights ov these individuals tu' partake or change t'eir nomination speak now. Tu elections shall begin later t'is elven day.


    Farren turns to the Guardsmen once more, handing him a short list.


    "Laddeh, sorreh fer askin yer to go again. Go find tu Remebrancers, tell 'em tu begin preperations fer tu election. Tu list ov candidates are on t'at list. If t'ere is aneh change ah'll send someone else tu notifeh yer lot."


    ((The election post shall be put up later today after I return from my lectures. If you want to change your candidates or dispute anything do so now. Since once the elections begin it will be too late.))

  7. Farren shakes his head, continuing to laugh.


    "Yer nae 'ave tu fear anyfin Kjell. Ah nae seek tu guide t'is election in meh favour. Anof'er person shall choose ah candidate fer meh. It's mereleh so t'at more Dwedmar may get ah chance tu run. Foul play an nae right? Ah'm ah Lord Regent. Ah Lord firstleh 'an ah Regent secondleh. Ah'm nae ah King. Otherwise ah would 'ave nae accepted tu responsibiliteh. Mereleh t'ere tu keep f'ings runnin between elections. Ah'm nae even votin in tu elections tu keep 'em fair. Yer insult meh an yerself wif such rediculous claims. Ah'm ah relic of an old era, ov Thorins reign. Ah can at least see t'at clearleh. Meh time is comin tu an end an someone else will 'elp guide our nation.  Ave left meh clan and meh art secondleh fer t'is Kingdom. Ah'm nae goin tu bloomin turn on meh beliefs right now.  So do nae accuse meh ov foul play. If t'at was tu case, yer would 'ave seen ah Starbreaker on tu throne by now.


    Farren growls at Kjell, his face contorted in rage.


    "So do yer wish tu still accuse meh Paragon? To accuse an deny meh ov meh rights, t'at 'ave earned in service tu t'is Kingdom? T'at ah sacrificed most ah good portion  ov meh life fer? T'at ah ignored meh kin tu serve? Ignored my own children an creation fer? Meh own craft?  Watching whilst lesser men claimed meh achievements as t'eir own! Do nae make meh laugh aneh furf'er! Ah've given almost everyfin tu t'is Kingdom. Tu Gods may curse meh fer meh actions, ah'n ah know t'at it may well beh Khorvads Hall ah will proberleh go tu in tu afterlife fer meh actions in defense ov meh people. So dun yer dare accuse meh Paragon, yer status or nae. Yer 'ave nae right, tu gods will seek tu judge an punish meh in tu afterlife. Nae yer. 


    He shakes his head once more, his grip on the armrest loosening. Sighing as he relaxes himself. 


    "T'is throne, is nae mine. Ah know t'at, one ov yer or t'ose waitin outside will claim it. But it's weight is nofin compared tu t'at Obsidian Throne. In time it may get 'eavier once more w'en we reclaim our past gloreh... But 'ave rambled fer too long, forgive meh fer meh outburst. Onleh time will tell fer tu most part, whilst we walk blindleh accompanied by tu Gods mocking laughter. At aneh rate, does anyone 'ave aneh questions? Ones nae relatin tu meh rights preferableh...


    Ah might as well announce me candidate chooser. Considerin t'at Kjell is ah candidate, w'u etter t'an tu son ov  Paragon Valen tu choose fer meh? "


    Farren turns to a nearby guard, nodding to him as he says.


    "Laddeh summon Morgrim Grandaxe. Yer know wut tu tell 'im.

  8. Farren laughs mockingly, glaring at Kjell.


    "Aye, tu Articles say nofin about ah Lord Regent nae bein able to choose ah candidate. Or are yer gettin cold feet Paragon? Tu Regent is mereleh ah glorified Lord. Yer got nofin tu fear, ahnae seek tu rule t'is nation through ah puppet candidate. Meh era is slowleh comin tu an end, ah can at least see t'at. Ah'll choose someone else to pick fer meh, much like Dominic did. So t'at ah can run t'is election through an impartial standpoint. Now, aneh over questions? Or does anyone wis' tu furt'er dispute meh right tu put forward ah candidate? "

  9. Farren shakes his head slowly, tapping the armchair impatiently.


    "Nae, Igor may choose w'ut 'e wishes tu do in regards tu candidates. But at aneh rate, tu election shall start wifin an elven day. Ah'll be announcin meh candidate just before weh begin tu elections. Tu election themselves will span fer four elven days. Aneh questions?"

  10. Farren nods in agreement, placing the seal of his seal upon the document.




    -Lord Regent Farren Starbreaker


    Farren proceeds to call over a remembrancer, growling at him to write down what he is about to say,


    "Fer t'ose who question t'is, tell 'em t'is. We can nae longer tell w'ich ov tu of'er races be our citizens an 'wu is nae. T'ere as simpleh been tu much turmoil in t'is land. As such ensurin t'at onleh Dwarves can vote will make sure t'at w'oever takes over tu Dwedmar throne will be rightfully appointed by his people. Nae foreigners.

  11. ((I'll write in the emoting later. It's the content that matters, not the fancy wording.))

    Farren calls his fellow Lords back over, sighing heavily as he glances at the parchment. Before pulling out his quill and changing a few terms.


    To the Leader of the Humans,


    "The terms are fine apart from the deadline. We request that this is in effect until one side or the other decides to break the it. So in other words we're in a state of peace until on nation decides to declare war on the other. Below I have made a revision. Below I've highlighted the the part that we've changed.

    The Imperium of Oren


    - Will, in good faith, assume a white peace with the Kingdom of Urguan.
    - Must enforce the Kjell act, dictating that all mortals with more than ½ dwarf blood must be sent to Kal’Ithurn.
    - Any dwarven soldiers or dwarven nobility found violating the law on human soil are subject to trial and punishment by solely the Kingdom of Urguan. However, a human representative is permitted to the trial or doling of punishment as a witness to insure that deliberate and impartial justice occurs.
    - Dwarf soldiers whom bear the Legion tabard and nobles have right to bear arms while passing through Oren territories.


    The Grand Kingdom of Urguan


    - Will, in good faith, assume a white peace with the Imperium of Oren.
    - Must relinquish King Otto II of House Carrion back to the Imperium of Oren
    - Any Orenian soldiers and recognized nobility found violating the law in dwarven soil are subject to trial and punishment by solely the Imperium of Oren. However, a dwarf representative is permitted to the trial or doling of punishment as a witness to insure that deliberate and impartial justice occurs.
    - Orenian soldiers whom bear the Imperial tabard and nobles have right to bear arms while passing through dwarven territories.


    May the Gods give you wisdom to accept this offer.


    -Lord Regent Farren Starbreaker

  12. Farren exhales heavily as he shifts uncomfortably in his seat. Glancing left and right towards the Lords, gathered in the Royal Hall.  He runs his hand slowly across the finely carved engravings of the Throne’s armchair. He slams his fist down forcefully onto the stone  armrest, licking his lips out of anticipation as  he stares down at the faces of the Lords turn to stare at him.


    “My fellow Lords, it’s time as you know for us to elect our candidates for Grand King. You may either nominate yourself or choose a candidate from among our citizens. I myself as Regent to maintain impartial shall allow another Dwedmar to choose in my place who runs. To start with them, I shall not be running for King. I shall tell you all who shall be using my nomination later... Remember only Lords can nominate!

    What say you, my fellow Lords?"


    ((Only Lords can nominate.))


    Footsteps echo in the halls of Kal'Ithrum. Out of the throne room, a progression of dwarves exits into the main hall. Guards lead the progression, followed by the Lords Dreek Ireheart, Farren Starbreaker, Igor Ireheart and Zahrer Irongridner. Behind them is elder scribe Onar Stormhammer and another guard follows. Onar is shuffling through his notes, putting the transcription from the meeting together. Onar goes to the Remembrancy, Later after the meeting, as they approach the central area of Kal'Ithrin a crowd of Dwarves begins to gather. Farren advances in front of the group, clad in armour. But in his hand there lays not a weapon, but a scroll. As he unfolds it and displayes it to the crowd he begins to speak.


    "Meh brot'ers an' sisters! Fel'uw Dwedmar!


    Fer tu' long now we've slumbered, draggin' our feet w'ilst under tu' rule ov our fellow kin, Dizzy Irongrinder.  Our kin 'ave died in a war wit' teh Umros (Humans) an' Az'Elgus ( High Elves). Yet we've nut' made aneh' progress... Our people die, yet w'y has tu' Az'Elgus city not been destroyed? Teh' Umros nae scattered an' defeated so tey' know tu never oppose tu' sons of Urguan? T'is simple, teh gods do nae favour ‘im. Dungrimm ‘as clearleh shown ‘is dissatisfaction wif’ im, meanin’ our progress ‘as been minimal. If nae nofin’ in t’is endevour. Naet grantin tu Dwedmar ‘is divine protection in our ‘our ov need.


    Yemekar ‘imself looks at us in distaste as weh’ abandon Kal'Azgoth tu’ teh’ vile creatures wifin teh’ Deep Roads wifout su’ much as a fight! Leavin’ a small garrison w’o grow ever smaller wif’ teh ever growing forces comin’ frum teh’ Deep. But Dizzy ‘as nae w’olleh’ failed us, ‘e ‘as secured us Kal'Ithrin a new ‘ome. An wif t’at ah new begginin’.  E’ began developin’ our stale guilds so  t’at t’ey may  modernize an’ effectiveleh’ compete in t’is ever changing world. Alas t’oug’, Dizzy is nae teh’ gods instrument to furt’er t’is. E’ was merely teh’ beginnin. ‘Is inactiviteh, frolicking wif teh’ likes of the Elgus Queen has proven nofin’ but a hindrance to us. So in light ov th’is we've decided tu’ remove Dizzy Irongrinder from teh’ position of Grand King. E’ is nae longer wortheh to lead us, although weh’ shall carreh on teh’ foundations ‘e ‘as set.


    Teh’ elections ‘ave come to us in a time ov strife, wif teh Umros massing due to inner turmoil. The Az’Elgus in their arrogance no longer fearing us as they once did. In posit’un ov ah most ‘oleh relic still...We must reclaim it, fer it is our ‘eretige an our rite! But t’at can wait, fer t’at shall beh yer mission. Tu Dwedmar ov tu new age if yer wish to continue in t’is ‘oleh quest.   As such I, Farren Starbreaker son uv’ Irin s’all in teh’ interval between now and teh’ new elections take teh position ov’ Lord Regent. Castin’ teh title aside ‘unce teh new King is elected. I shall endeavour to start our relations wiv’ teh outside world anew.  Peace s’all come first, t’en we teh Dwedmar, sons ov’ Urguan s’all rise ‘unce moar’.


    Rise sons ov’ Urguan! Let Ant’os know ov’ our revival, fer teh sons ov’ Urguan ‘ave lon’ slumbered. But nay moar’! Weh s’all cast our shackles aside n’ advance intu t’is era anew. Glory to teh Brathmordakin!”


    "My brothers and sisters! Fellow Dwedmar!


    For long now we've slumbered, dragging our feet whilst under the rule of our fellow kin, Dizzy Irongrinder.  Our kin have died in a war with the (humans) and high elves. Yet we've not made any progress... Our people die, yet why has the High (elven) city not been destroyed? The humans not scattered and defeated so they know tu never oppose the sons of Urguan? It's simple, the gods do not favour him. Dungrim has clearly shown his dissatisfaction with him, meaning our progress has been minimal. Not granting our men his divine protection in our hour of need. Yemekar himself looks at us in distaste as we abandon Kal'Azgoth to the vile creatures within the Deep Roads without so much as a fight! Leaving a small garrison who grow ever smaller with the ever growing forces coming from the Deep. But Dizzy has nae wholly failed us, he has secured us Kal'Ithrin a new home. Began developing our stale guilds so they may be modernize and effectively compete in this ever changing world. Alas though, Dizzy is not the gods instrument to further this. He was merely the beginning. His inactivity, frolicking with the likes of the Elven Queen has proven nothing but a hindrance to us. So in light of this we've decided to remove Dizzy Irongrinder from the position of Grand King. He is no longer worthy to lead us, although we shall carry on the foundations he has set. The elections have come to us in a time of strife, with the humans massing due to inner turmoil. The Elves in their arrogance no longer fearing us as they once did. As such I, Farren Starbreaker shall in the interval between now and the new elections take the position of Lord Regent. Casting the title aside once the new King is elected.I shall endeavour to start our relations with the outside world anew.  Peace shall come first, then we the Dwedmar, sons of Urguan shall rise once more.


    Rise sons of Urguan! Let Anthos know of our revival, for the sons of Urguan have long slumbered. But no more! We shall cast our shackles aside and advance into this era anew. Glory to Brathmordakin!”


    “A copy of this transcript shall be available in the Remembrancy! Let Anthos itself know of this change, we Dwedmar have slept for too long! It is time for us to rise once more!”


    A letter bearing the details of the recent political changes is sent to each Nation Leader.

    ((Credits for Kowaman helping me write this post! In the spoiler below you can see screenshots of the roleplay.))




















  14. Apex would really wish he could be fixed, if his head was bloody attached. Good thing the core's intact.

    Farren cries every time he looks towards Apex. Cursing himself for not fixing him earlier, whilst the anvil wasn't being funny.




    Glancing around, he scowls at Kardel.


    "If all yer good at is bloomin standin around takin notes, get out t'ere! Meh son 'as called tu Legion tu 'elp our search. Make yerself usefull an start tu search!"

  15. Farren merely laughs as he hears the news. 


    "Humans... They never change."


    Glancing at his anvil, he calls for his son.


    "Laddeh, send word tu t'eh King, by Yemekars beard we ain't gettin involved in t'is load of carpet  **** for nof'in again. If any ov em offer us anyfin, t'ey better bloody well pay us up front! An by Armakak, t'ere better be a lot of it! Now go! Ave got meh anvil tu attend to... "


    Shaking his head as he watches his son leave, he mumbles.


    "Bloomin Horens, ah blight on t'is land, ah still remember meh dead kinsman from tu great war, t'ey better not forget, t'at we owe 'em ah debt. Well ah debt in blood. An onleh gold or' blood shall sate t'at lust fer vengeance."

  16. Farren wanders around the empty halls of Kal'Azgoth, the sound of remaining garrison fighting is clear, echoing from the deep roads. He tilts his head slightly, before writing a small note and pinning it beneath the original note.


    "Tu' Purple,


    Try  'tu Dwarven Alchemical Guild, also yer may want tu place ah notice at tu new Dwedmar  Capital ov Kal'Ithrin. Below 'ave posted some information about 'em if yer want tu get in contact


    Oghrahad grant yer knowledge,





    You notice a small scroll nailed below, containing information about the Alchemical Guild.



  17. Farren growls at Kardel, shaking his head furiously. 




    Hurrying over to his chest, he searches around franticly. Mumbling to himself.


    "Wait.... Tu direction....."


    Hastily pulling out a map of Thorins former empire, a compass heavily engraved with the figures of the Dwarven gods, a piece of chalk, a golem core and a large hammer. He places them all on the anvil, tears forming in his eyes as he glances between the anvil and the remains of his Golem Apex.


    "Now... W'ut are yer trying to tell meh, yer beautiful anvil? C-Come on... W;ut are yer tryin' tu tell meh?"

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