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Status Replies posted by ImpinAintEZ

  1. An Owl and a squirrel were sitting in a tree. The owl turned to the squirrel and said... nothing, because owls can't talk. The owl then eats the squirrel because he is a bird of prey.

  2. Are you allowed to bump threads?

  3. Man, this is pretty bad. Does this happen often?

  4. I hazzed put this in a google doc, this meanz it muzt certenlee be implemented: http://img802.imageshack.us/img802/8738/spireplansmarktwo.jpg

  5. Cam we all just calm down and agree on one thing? When it comes to something new our brains are like toasters, We oull a button down, we do strange things and after 3 minutes or so [depending on your brand] WE suddenly realise That the toast is burned and we toss it out

  6. I do kinda find the Hansetians funny. They think that they are really powerful, but they aren't. They say that they have ancient tombs and writings... we've been in Asulon for like 60 years. That's 1.5 generations. I just have to say lol.

  7. Please be aware, this project is in no way official, or endorsed by the staff. Don't go and worry yourselves!

  8. Please be aware, this project is in no way official, or endorsed by the staff. Don't go and worry yourselves!

  9. What's this progect about people losing their characters?

  10. Forcefields? I quit.

  11. wow we have been in Asulon longer than Aegis now.

  12. I'm feeling like such a slush puppy after reading this. FFFF- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/7573530.stm

  13. Hey #LOTC, quick request. If someone does something ban worthy, how about we sort it out through /tell? It makes it a lot less messy, they are not publicly humiliated, and it is much cleaner and fast.

  14. Danny was forum banned for cybering.

  15. 2 rep away from having 111. Want to reach it so bad!

  16. I was on my way home earlier, got hit by a car. Not my day.

  17. Is it normal to get killed every 5 minutes?

  18. Anyone elses skin turned to stev e ?

  19. I still fail to understand why everyone always has to yell and fight on the forums and be so rude, when it's so much easier and simpler to take the mature route and act like an adult. :/

  20. Found a mod that logs you out every time you get attacked. Called combat log xD

  21. I am getting ex orbs from furnaces still.

  22. Is stealth worth it?

  23. Yes, I'm getting herbalism, but I'm also still going to use this, http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/62560-finished-alchemy-lore/ to help me roleplay PROPER alchemy. Yes Ithric, people still appreciate your hard work.

  24. is it just me or do you think we need more ways to gain money :c

  25. So I love this server, alt. But... I mean who donates like $400? for a server? for a game? I understand you want to help out the community but, I mean, what?

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