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Status Updates posted by Ventus

  1. Allllllrriiigghhhtt! straight A's, now if i keep this up......actually.....I dont know what will happen next....11th grade?

  2. alright, yesterday i got caught in class for goin on LotC fourms during lessons, had to give to most stupidest reason why, anyway off to school

    1. Lykos


      Teehee im constantly on here.

      *is at school*

  3. Also in the new update you can dye leather armor......Dark Knight i feel will come

  4. Anyone that play tf2 have items that they dont want, please add omnomska if you havez :)

    1. Mrincredible238


      Omnom!!! I cant belive your on this server I saw you on avengeuiwill HG vids

    2. Ventus
  5. Can you change your member title if you donate?

  6. Cannot wait until I get my group going

    1. Mortal


      What group are you trying to get started?

  7. choosing skills that fit my character is tough

    1. Kaiser





    2. Ventus


      uracow, you know that XP

  8. Does no one know that anything mean or harsh you say to another could lead someone to death, really guys, stop it

    1. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      D: Is it happening on the server?

    2. Ventus


      I'm seeing alot of bullying lately and im just tired of people not knowing how it affects others in a personal way

    3. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      D: That's not good! Stay strong!

  9. Finally made a skin for the new race XD

  10. gave my love thousands of roses and nutella, she was most excited about the nutella XD

    1. Lykos


      I've seen a snack food box at the store... It had fudge sticks in a container that also had a little piece full of nutella for dipping... Gawd no wonder we are getting fat in the us...

  11. gonna study up this week, sorry guys, the keyblades will need to wait for a bit :)

  12. great first day on the map

  13. hmmmm i need LotC members perspective, sword or bow?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CowsGoMoo


      Use your characters perspective. C;

    3. Swgrclan
    4. Campor


      Magic. J/k, sword ftw.

  14. hmmmm, i have too many keyblades, maybe i should start selling them.....

  15. Ideas running back and forth in my mind for a lore for my character, hope I get some sleep

  16. If anyone can tell me whe I can put a idea for my character lore, that would be great

  17. If anyone plays TF2 and wants to give some spy items, i would gladly have it, really need some new weapons

  18. In lotc not knowing what to do, any suggestions?

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