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Status Updates posted by Rhisereld

  1. Watering hole in my head. All I pray is one night's rest, but those creatures arrive with a thirst they want quenched, and as hard as I fight they still get in, to that watering hole in my head.

  2. We have Crowe, but I don't see him around all that much any more.

  3. We're down to number 14 on Minestatus .-.

    1. Rhisereld


      Killion Detention Centre is only seven votes above us. If you want to make a difference, now is the time!

  4. What is this warm, fuzzy feeling...? Is this what they call... satisfaction?

    1. Brokencrowe


      No dear, that's the after effects of eating lots of chocolate.

    2. Rhisereld
  5. Whatever happened to "Dat Ass"? Let's take some screenshots of some Minecraft butts!

    1. Lawrence Berell

      Lawrence Berell

      Come on then, meet me in my studio.

    2. Rhisereld
  6. Why does everyone RP on the forums by sticking notes under each other? That's just ploughing silly.

    1. Ever


      Life was rough before instant messaging.

  7. Word of advice: Don't follow elves in loincloths. They're probably Mori.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tegrof
    3. Maximas1211


      Um...Thanks for the advice...I so wasn't following elves with loincloths XD

    4. Blackdragonhole


      To late already did. And it was nice.

  8. Word of teh day: treason

  9. Working on my profile. I got a sig now :D

  10. Yeah, I'm one of the only female dwarves :I

  11. Yes, but that's what Heepr does :3

  12. You can tick the boxes, follow the equations but the knife won't budge until you learn patience.

  13. You just got LURKED!

  14. You know you've been playing too much multiplayer when you become paranoid that passive mobs are going to ****** up your items o.o

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Praetor


      -cough- I handwrite 8 pages for a VA. Before retyping them.


    3. Rhisereld


      I've never had a denied application ;)

    4. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      tried zooming in to see a friends name above their head to /tell them because they were so far awy :(

  15. You made me look D;

  16. You... have a Christmas hat on your totally serious avatar.

    Rhisereld approves.

  17. You're quite possibly one of the coolest people I've met on this server. Genuinely fun to talk with OOCly, and you always make fun RP. Admittedly you need to learn to relax, but you're humble enough not to get upset too much when I point this out to you, which I appreciate. I'm really glad you've decided not to leave the server for good.

  18. Your title makes me snicker.

  19. Yup, Brett is cool.

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