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Everything posted by argonian

  1. Yeah. I'm glad the Sages are gone, Aegis is a much better place now.
  2. ((Now, in that thread I said in OOC that Tylos was faking his death. He pretended to be called Ben for a while))
  3. ((It's not a requirement but I personally will be using it.))
  4. ((Where is it again? It's been ages since I was last there))
  5. I find skincraft easier to use when I'm starting the skin but then I use skin-edit for tweaking and the tool "add noise" which shades the skin for you.
  6. Brief Character History: I was the Captain of Snowy Fields and joint second in command in the Alstion Rangers before the two towns were destroyed. I used to be part of the FOA but I left due to a row with Sage Arcadius. Character Name (I.C.): Tylos Character name (O.C.): ((james2k)) Race: Human, Northerner IC Age: 30 Will you be a FOA soldier, or a preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus): I would like to be a soldier please. Goals in the FOA?: To help the guild get back on to it's feet and have revenge on the Undead. Good deeds you have done?: I helped defend Snowy Fields and Alstion and destroy the Undead forts in the North. Have you done any bad deeds?: No. How did you hear of us?: I used to be in the FOA but I left because Sage Arcadius annoyed me greatly. I was a friend of Blaedr. Are you against the Undead? Please explain why: I'm against the Undead because they destroyed everything I ever had. I still have nightmares of the day they took Snowy Fields. What is your primary weapon in battle? (Sword, Axe, or Bow. Please state which one and your skill level please. Please refer to the rank list for appropriate weapon skill level.): ((Sword, level 42)) Are you a capable builder?: No. Can you wield any other weapons?: Not really. Any special skills?: I am very good with a sword and I believe I'm good at planning too. Do you have faith in the Aeriel and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why: I have faith in Aeriel because without her the Undead would have killed me years ago. Aeriel gave me another chance, she helped me survive while fighting the Undead. I will tell everyone of what Aeriel has done for Aegis and what she will do. Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel: I will try my best to fight the Undead, spread the news of Aeriel's love for this world and serve the Ascended in any way possible.
  7. You do realize you can't do any of those things without a villain app?
  8. You don't even have an accepted application yet...
  9. Are you planning on buying it? It would cost quite a lot...
  10. Whoever is leading the FOA now should make a new topic.
  11. ((It might have been regenerated with Haven since they were so close.))
  12. ((I know that but they are the Ascended's army, it says that in the OP. They were even commanded by Blaedr and Arcadius(both Ascended)before they left.))
  13. You should rename yourselves. You were tricked by the Ascended to be their army and then they betrayed you and the rest of Aegis. The FOA shouldn't have anything to do with the Ascended from now on.
  14. ((*Makes fighters guild and makes a new character that's a dark elf with a Mohawk*
  15. ((Another name stolen from Oblivion!))
  16. I don't like surprises. Can you PM me who we are having our first war against?
  17. ((They won't be half as strong after the Ascended and Aeriel's keep go in LOTC 2.0))
  18. ((Why would Pok want an alliance with the FOA when they banished and mocked his father? I like the FOA but this doesn't make sense to me IC.))
  19. Not all lying requires a villain application((I would hardly need a villain app to say I have 2 planks of wood when I really have 3)) but this level might.
  20. It's like real life. Every September, shops that sell school books earn fortunes. We can do the same except the shop could be run by the school. I think the shop should be in a small room near the front door.
  21. Yeah, the hero way would be to kill Juvens. Killing tons of innocent people by destroying a town is the anti-hero way.
  22. Yeah, maybe at the start of the school year students have to buy a textbook for every subject they do.
  23. Just an idea. Pic, sorry I got an error when I used
  24. ((You didn't leave out a form for students so I'll edit the teacher one)) ((Real Name)): ((James)) Name: Thomas Therving((Tylos' son)) ((In-game name:))((james2k)) ((IRL age)):((Why? 16)) Who are you?: I am Thomas Therving. I'm young so I haven't done much in my life yet but my father Tylos is very well known in Oren. Which job and subject/s are you applying for?: History and any combat classes. What are your past experiences that can strengthen your chance to get the position?: I don't really know. What are your thoughts on The Aegean Academy? I think the Academy would be a great way for me to learn more about Aegis. What can you help out with besides being a student?: I can help build and do tasks for the professors.
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