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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by argonian

  1. Refresh in MC again and again and again and...

  2. Probably the latter. It seems joining the family has nothing got to do with your bloodline.
  3. ((Gideon and Throdo said (IC) that the Thervings and the Silverblades merged because we are all related IC but that never really happened. The terms were that we took Silverblade as our surname.))
  4. ((IC, since you are trying to kill all of Galahar (which includes Throdo), he probably thinks your the evil side. Also both sides are kind of in between, we aren't evil because not every Renatian is corrupt and you are trying to commit genocide.))
  5. Robin shaved his beard, RIP.

  6. ((So you are leading the Knights and another guild that do basically the same thing?))
  7. Chunk corruption in Galahar, again.

    1. argonian


      The new map can't come soon enough. I'm tired of this corruption

  8. ((That is also a popular game so it is the same as if it comes from Skyrim/Oblivion.))
  9. It is a cover-up for another guild with different beliefs...
  10. Has anyone else had that moment when someone's laugh is funnier than the joke?

    1. Arkelos
    2. KarmaDelta


      Should be scream with Pigmen involved ;) *coughvardakcough

  11. ((Fionn was a celtic warrior, the leader of the Fianna in Ireland. Fionn is also the word for blond in Irish. Where are you getting these words from anyway? ))
  12. Your right, I can't. Even old Followers try to stop us, it seems most have lost faith and hate those that still have it. ((Mods, can this be locked? Anyway, I'm sorry Kashi but I can't be in this guild, I'm tired of people trolling me and metagaming to ruin my RP.))
  13. ((Just leave, you said you were but then you stay just to annoy everyone.))
  14. ((Why are you still here? You quit the server, there's no point in staying just to troll.))
  15. ((I give up, everyone is trolling me, whether in TS or OOC in game, because of this guild, I'm handing ownership to Sam if he accepts and I'm leaving the guild. Even in IC people always metagame stuff they heard me say months ago in "(())" just to troll me even more now that they hate me. I'm sorry for having to leave the guild so soon but it's either leaving this or the server.))
  16. ((This is an IC thread, and it's not my fault Willy and Safen had to spam the thread))
  17. OOC: You got the order wrong mate. I was there when you were fired by Blaedr, that was before Aeriel's keep. Anyway, the FoA will have a purpose when the Ascended are gone. Aeriel and Iblees will both still exist so guilds worshipping both Gods will still exist. We can fight each other and have lots of fun being rivalling factions. I don't really want to let the FoA die, so much effort has been put into the UAC and the FoA that it would be a waste to let it die so suddenly. The FoA/UAC is one of the oldest guilds on this server and if it wasn't for everyone leaving and everything getting messed up after the Sages left, it would still be a strong guild too.
  18. Well, we have a problem, we can't really use the Alkhazar guildhouse, it's a long story.
  19. Thank you for the offer. What rank were you?
  20. Tell me secretly((IC PM))who he believed to be traitors, I trust Seventh too, he has never lied to me.
  21. There weren't. Show me proof or else I won't listen to this claim.
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