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Aedan The Bard

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Status Updates posted by Aedan The Bard

  1. Cupcakes, they are delicious and soft.

  2. I feel kinda sorry for keeping Panda awake XD

    1. Arkelos


      No you don't :P

    2. ~≈Panda≈~


      * Is so tired * Panda is the one that chose to, it isn't your fault...

  3. Sometimes... I feel I want to get the guy responsible for ruining our lives, and rip off his head to force it up his-

  4. You should do an appeal :3

  5. Well, it has been confirmed that Black Ops 2 is gonna have Zombie Campaign. Even though I EPICLY disliked Black Ops 1, I might give this one a try...

    1. Guest


      Its looks so amazing O_O I wunt nao.

  6. One would like to know what Mexican Day is... Meanwhile, off to party with my friends :D

  7. MAUAHAHAHAHA!!! My birthday is in 2 hours and 23 minutes!!!! >:3 I'll spend all day with my fiance, and the night with my buddies...drinking beer and playing drunken songs at the pub!

  8. Just heard about that crazy dude who came out of nowhere and shot at people at one of the Batman premieres

    1. Malzar(Mythmaster26)


      It's just... so terrible. Such a massive lost of life. I can't imagine how anyone could do such a terrible thing. Some people digust me...

  9. Sooooooooo. If I want to write a page in the wiki about my character, do I need to do anything else first?, just want to know if there is anything I should know or if it is not allowed

  10. Space... the Final Frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. It's continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before!

    1. CTap


      *blows up Enterprise*

  11. This song brings tears to my eyes:

  12. I don't get it still

  13. That time your character feels uncomfortable because he met a really wonderful person... Then he finds out that person could have just killed him anytime it wanted... But the person likes your character :P

  14. What better than Power Metal?, 8 bit Power Metal; specifically Blind Guardian: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LSYHIsGqvU&feature=g-u-u

  15. Pumpkiner misses Panda!

  16. Dude, you have to write an application by following the proper format you are given in one of the topics at the Applications section. Fill it up properly and that's it.

  17. Sometimes I wish I was Russian:

    Although this song has nothing to do with it, it is one of the most badass Soviet themes I've heard :P
  18. I went back to play Oblivion. I needed money so I left all my stuff in my house. I went to the Imperial City Market District and bought all the stuff from the stores and sold it back at a more expensive price (they accepted cuz they love my character) and PROFIT!

  19. Always good to see a fellow Irishman around!, I suggest you modify your character's skin, I believe I have seen it before D:

  20. *Knows Panda can do Copy-Paste

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