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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by Boomack21

  1. what is the server ip cant find them

  2. Why must people get 'hyped up' because I attended school with Mac Miller and Wiz Khalifa ;~;

  3. Remember kids, Procrastination always comes back and bites you in the ass. Hard. That's why I still procrastinate.


  5. Looks at top 20 posters for today.. O.o What.. The hell.. Have I been doing...

  6. FM's can you please move the thread I made in the screenshot section to the graphic section of the forums. I didnt see any other place. Sorry. Thanks!

  7. dawn dead... wow

  8. Feelin' good.

  9. http://www.livestream.com/auvreaeath So, I get on this server, within 25 Minutes, become the Co_Owner, Let's Lordofthe craft it? ;)
  10. Well, time to go watch the Hunger Games.. I hope simon doesn't think this one isn't for my age either.

  11. The wind blew my tree down onto my roof. Right into my room's window T_T

  12. What's on your mind?

  13. Made cinnamon apple pie with real vanilla bean ice cream and whipped cream. All hand made ( Except the ice cream eff dat)

    1. Boomack21


      So Neko... When were you

      planning on inviting me over?

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  14. Walking Dead Fans: What exactly did we just see?

  15. Computers Broke, PS3 Time, MW3 or Battlefield3 anyone?

  16. Playing Mass Effect 3 and it is simply... beautiful...

  17. Walking Dead starts back up tonight! zombie time!

  18. Looks like 50 cent's gonna lose a mil

  19. I need more podcast topics! It can be about anything IRL. I need lots! (School & SOPA are on the list)

  20. Just got back from my friend Jacob's barmistvah. BOY does my stomach hurt. ^_^

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