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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by Boomack21

  1. Due to my location, this came a little late for me, but... FIRST DAY OF SUMMER YA ~(O_O)~

  2. Today is a tragic day... Many familiar faces will be forever gone and some will have left with unfulfilled expectations...

  3. Well since I got banned for reasons I still dont know im going to work on my town lore

  4. almost at 8k views :v

  5. When you like a girl IG and she breaks your heart, do what I do; Send thugs after her to mericlessly beat her, torture her, and kill her. ;)

  6. Guys, I'm following Jtheo here, I'm leaving as well

  7. What should my next character be?

  8. I think I'm growing a tad serious again. I haven't laughed for a while... Someone, lighten my mood...

  9. Boxxy in Auv's livestream. ._.

  10. LOL. People are STILL -1'ing Derick. What trolls.

  11. Team Boomernos ASSEMBLE!!!

  12. Whats that website where you can quickly take a screenshot and it uploads it right away and gives you a link?

  13. Williewonka01, I will never forget yoooouuuu

  14. I'm done for a bit. Bai Bai LoTC~!

  15. i cant get on the servert but i regestered? how come

  16. I need a fallback character for a week or two before I write the sequel, Ideas??

  17. Going to apply for a job at "Adventography" a photography company not too far from my house - let's see how this goes ~

  18. Got some new Swag

  19. How do I vote for this server

  20. Congratulations to Alan, who has recently betrayed the ranks of the FMs. May we smite your soul and burn thy body and mind. -Cue maniacal giggling.-

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