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Status Updates posted by trotski24

  1. AHHHHH LotC is 12th!!!!

    1. trotski24


      Oh people of Aegis VOTE!

  2. Finally Finished my VA.

  3. Finally made a new Villain application

  4. Going to give up on VA for a while and develop a religious fanatic.

    1. Arbrek the Ancient

      Arbrek the Ancient

      As Nosor? Remember, we worship Gotrek as well as the Paragons.

    2. Brent


      What's a Paragon? ._.

  5. Happy new year!

    1. trotski24


      ...damn that was fast

  6. Hello,

    Erm do I know you?

  7. I hate having a cold.

  8. I have had loads of chocolate today thoguth you might want to know :P

    1. trotski24


      God I'm bad with spelling.

  9. I need a good 1.1 texture pack!

  10. Merry Christmas everyone nly a few hours to go still Christmas day!

  11. Now we are 14th vote! vote!

  12. Ok I give up i'm returning to skyrim!

  13. Ok I give up the server is constantly maxed and sometimes over maxed.

    1. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      time to raise the player cap back to 300

  14. Ok randomly friending people and commenting cuz I'm bored.

  15. Posted 14 January 2012 - 05:52 PM 10 days since I posted my VA.

    1. hypercrit


      Depends on the VAT member I think, but I know pallino and Monkey are 3 days.

  16. Server is up now

    1. Dretus


      And down again

    2. trotski24


      And up again and then down again

    3. trotski24


      And up again and then 2 minutes later down.

  17. This all seems so long ago but I'll occasionally be wandering around.

  18. This all seems so long ago but I'll occasionally be wandering around.

    1. Volutional


      Oh.. it's you.

      *traps in Aperture*

    2. Skippy


      :D Welcome back

  19. Very, very bored.

    1. ShadowoKing
    2. trotski24


      I need good game to play!

  20. Voting!

    1. trotski24


      opps already voted today.

      Y WE 9# PLACE AEGIS!?!??!?!

  21. Wandering round Aegis in single player is really freaky.

    1. ThanksChris


      Does it really freaking take five hours to download?

    2. trotski24


      I have no idea I just let it tick over whilst rping and then at the end it was done.

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