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Everything posted by Zarkan80

  1. Happy bday merica

  2. MC Name: zarkan80 Skype: zarkan80 (Should be one form Boston MA I agree to server rules I acknowledge the Masked Masters CAN and WIll kick you out for breaking server rules or exhibit poor RP Link to VA: (Note: Currently pending at this time)http://www.lordofthe...on/#entry810861 Rp Name: Zal'Kortham Age: 29 Race: Orc Bio: Abandoned as a new-born, adopted by humans but exiled from cities because of thieving, spent years wandering around, worked for a crime lord doing small task, fled for several reasons Talents/Skills: Good fighter w/Sword, dagger and especially axes, small skill is pickpocketing Loyalties: None Moral Boundaries: Will never harm a child.
  3. Halo 4 is boss

    1. tnoy23


      Typically, yea

    2. MonkeyCoffee


      You're a tad late. :p

    3. Shorsand
  4. Something that could be added to this, if hit with an arrow, you could /roll 10 and emote where you've been hit, could be done by the shooter or the person that has been shot
  5. #ExtendedBanCanSuckMyBalls

    1. gingernut97



  6. Ah makes sense, thought that would be somebodies answer to this lol
  7. ((I had a good idea for an event earlier today while I was reading the lore pages today, maybe a group of adventures could return to Asulon to see the results of the the Undead, finding the land destroyed and desolated, they return. But one of them becomes corrupted and secretly begins to build a cult based around the Undead lore etc. It would be a good event around the rebuilding, discovery and destruction of the new Undead cult thanks for taking your time to read this.))
  8. I dunno science......

  9. I dunno, science

  10. ((So we need a magic app? If so, do we have to get permission from the guild to put it down as the teacher OOC))
  11. ((To join the guild, we need an accepted magic app and anything else))
  12. Being Banned Sucks So Bored

    1. LeRenardNoir


      Maybe Its Time To Move On, Hm?

  13. Dear fudge, I have been accepted!!! I will contact you in game like you asked. From, Zarkan80/ Evensly Backbreaker.
  14. Ok thank you so much! I toast to the chance I will be under your command!
  15. Wait do you guys accept any race? Cause im an elf.
  16. Hello.... My mine craft username is zarkan80 .... I have just applied for the server and i'm hoping to be accepted. I was wondering, if I am accepted can I join your group/ clan/ guild? My in game info is below Name Evensly Backbreaker Race elf Age 16 Username Zarkan80
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