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Status Updates posted by Artisane

  1. If you wish to create and roleplay with a new character, how will I go about doing so?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. danic


      New name new skin new age and you're good to go.

    3. Artisane


      Is it that simple as to just changing my name and skin?

    4. Artisane


      Thank you Danic~

  2. Is somthing going wrong with Tekkit servers?

  3. Walked to the dock, calmly replied to an Orc three times, before him asking me to charge at him and kill him with my axe, Axemastery 75, turns out he had 100 wrestling, not even my axe could cut through his fists :P

    1. Artisane


      And lost my life savings :P

    2. Artisane


      That's the way the cookie crumbles apparently xD

    3. Mini Mordie - Mafia
  4. Hey guys, ive had a mind fart... who is the time druid on the forums called ???

    1. Artisane


      Well he is the Time Druid ingame, but I don't know his forum name

    2. Arkelos


      I think he got banned.

    3. Artisane
  5. "Drikk starts trying to stuff his pockets with emeralds after not succeeding in putting the emeralds into his bank, Drikk now has over 9 stacks of emeralds in his pockets."

  6. For some odd reason I can not change my skin... I am stuck with the default mine craft skin... I go through the stages of changing the skin and getting the confirmation message but... no changed skin... :L

  7. I think when Vaq did that live stream... Somebody got pissed...

  8. What happened to player of the week?

  9. I killed a cultist... I feel special.

  10. Wtf just happen at Skravia...

    1. CTap


      I dont know, your there. What happend?

    2. Artisane


      Well I was teaching my pet Wolf and Ocelot how to speak at my shop and then bandits came out of know-where and butchered my pets... Them sick minded ...., :( then I got killed and lost 1.2k

  11. How is everyone today?

    1. Mucky


      Good. I answered Big Whoop Wanna Fight about it?

    2. Artisane


      It was rhetorical... everything on this comment is Rhetorical!!! So I cant reply sorry.

  12. How is everyone today?

  13. Learning from the Druid

  14. Feeling good after the Skravian victory

  15. Still wondering what the whole deal is on the problem with making bridges, gates... ect, I have been told its broken then told it was removed, then told it was replaced :/

  16. Wondering when the boat to Skravia will open un-anchor...

    1. lemontide331


      I don't see why they even keep closing it

    2. Artisane



    3. Artisane


      Thank you Barry for unanchoring it ^^

  17. Aegis...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Aelvus


      ... was pretty cool

    3. Spinzir


      ... Was the most amazing thing.

    4. Artisane


      It wont be forgotten :/

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