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Everything posted by Ctc9592

  1. 6/10 I can't remember where but I have seen you.
  2. 9.9/10 I have never not seen you.
  3. 6/10 I swear I have seen you before...
  4. Server down? Or is it me?

    1. SodaiKamikaze


      Its the same way for me..

    2. Rorek_Stonesmith
  5. Jory sits down in his room at his desk and begins to write a letter to all Horen Guard members. "To all Horen Guard Members In at the end of this elven week(Friday) we will be holding a training session in the bunker, if you do not know it location then we will meet in the Abresi Tavern. We will be departing the Tavern at 7:30 PM (EST) at heading to begin the training sessions. I hope to see you all there. -Captain Jory Castell" Jory then sends the messages out by birds.
  6. Jory walks through Abresi seeing less and less murders and rapes and nods to the Watchman "It be a good job you do" he continues to walk through Abresi to the Tavern where he enjoys a nice meal.
  7. ((Due to another unforseen happening I won't be on till around 5 PM Eastern Standard Time or possibly a little later. I do apologize that I was not able to RP too much with you guys but I will try my best when I get back. This message is from my phone btw -Ctc)) ((Also those who haven't given me their Skype names send it to me via email. And those who haven't accepted the request do because we have a Skype group so we can stay in touch more easily))
  8. ((Will just gave me it so I did not know I will put your name as the creator))
  9. Jory reads over the application and nods he stamps the Horen Seal on it and sends a letter back "Meet at the Inn in Abresi we'll talk more there"
  10. Jory sends a message back "Please fill out your military experience so we can know how best to place you" A second message is sent saying "we will discuss it in a meeting meet me at the Inn in Abresi."
  11. "Well currently we need some sets of Iron Armor how much would 4-5 sets cost?"
  12. Jory reads the note and then sends it back with another note "What are Blacksmiths good at? Making Arms and Armor that is the business I want.."
  13. *A note is left at the Grand Hammer Blacksmith in Abresi* I, Jory Castell wishes to speak to the leader(s) of this Blacksmith Guild for negotiation of deals for future business.
  14. Jory reads through is application, he takes a moment before stamping the Horen seal he received from William and writes another letter in response. "Please meet me at the Inn in Abresi I will take you to our base once we meet"
  15. The Horen Guard The men and womens have but one duty in service of the Horen Guard are to defend the holdings and people of House Horen. They are trained to be elite soldiers that are up to par to defend the Lord and his family. They shall not fail, they shall not falter for they are the Horen Guard they live and breathe to serve with unyielding loyalty and determination. They currently take resident in the Glorious County of Furnestock. Ranks Captain of the Guard - Leader of the Horen Guard Lieutenant - Men that help the Captain of the Guard do his work. Second in Commands. Guardsman - The main fighters of the Horen Guard. Recruit: Those with little to no military experience. They will train till the Captain of the Guard deems you competent to be a Guardsman. Members Captain of the Guard: Ctc9592(Jory Castell) Lieutenant(s): Triplewing(Markrein Ginorov) Guardsman: Luke_Giordan0 (Clifton Cartwright), Googlesearch (Geoturgist), Phoenixlord918 (Brandon Taves), Mellowmatthew (Joseph Moss) Recruit(s): Until House Horen is able to establish a steady stream of Minas the pay for your guard work will be in food, equipment and housing. New: House Horen is able to provided 25 Minas per Elven Week. Duties In Times of Peace You are to protect the holdings of House Horen along with the people that are in it whether it is from beast or man. You are to defend the Lords and Ladies of House Horen with your very lives You are to be the guards of the representatives of House Horen In Times of War You must fight for House Horen. You must defend its people and holdings from the enemy. Rules Rule One: House Horen and the land it owns is what you protect. Anyone outside this is not your duty to help but you are permitted to help if it does not strain relationships with any other group or goes against a superior's order. Rule Two: You will respect the men that lead this guardforce, other guards and the people you protect Rule Three: Do not harm or kill other members of the Horen Guard. Rule Four: You may not give orders to a member of House Horen, unless you are given permission by the current Patriarch/Lord of the House, or if the Horen you address is apart of the Guard and is a rank lower then you. Uniform Guardsman Uniform ((Made by Toxzero)) Recruit Uniform Oath I_____, swear to uphold my duty to defend House Horen and its people. I will not falter in my duties to the House. I will not betray my brothers in any way or form and I will uphold this oath till the day I die. Application OOC Username: What is your Skype name?: IC Name: Age: Race: Military Experience:(This will determine if you start as a Guardsman or a Recruit) Preferred Weapon: Oath: Approved by Lord William Horen
  16. ((That so? Well I wish you luck on this and may good fortunes favor your guild...))
  17. ((I am not going to be mean but I will tell you what is wrong with your guild. I know you want to be King and have Grand Dukes and Barons but you can't unless you own a actually Kingdom which I don't think you do so you can't just name yourself King. The fell’s wer founded by King Andermendin Grandfell. They hath a rich history in knowledge adventure and literature. In terms of knowledge the fells have a grand library with over one hundred and twenty copies of manuals and magic books which are kept in a secure vault. {Don’t ye be gettin any idea’s lad’s Yermaker couldn’t get in that vault} And with regards to Adventure the fell guild hosts weekly Quests whether it be finding lost lands er exploring old kingdoms the fell’s have et all. This is what you said for what I assume is your history and if they have a rich history in knowledge adventure and literature then write out a rich history not just say it. Next you say you have a Grand Library with over 120 of manuals and magic books which are in a secret vault for one what are the manuals about and two unless you do have a grand library with 120 books then you couldn't really have based on that this guild seems not very professional and more of a newcomer attempt at a guild be more real with what you have. I am not saying explain every inch of land you own but if you have a base then say you have one not make up a Library with books on Magic and manuals. You used Hath and Thy and Thou while I can't tell you to not use these I can tell you that I don't seen any people using that kind of talk. Now on to Ranks Ranking amongst the fell’s is based on ey monarchy the 4 classes er .. You say this but then there are only 3 "Noble" Classes and with the Magi you can have these but most mages are apart of some Guild or wandering wizards like Gandalf What I can say is that you should rethink what you want to be and be more realistic. If you have any questions please PM and if you need help Rping or understanding what I said then please also PM the questions for that too))
  18. As Wakagashira of the White Tiger Organization I welcome you and urge you to report to Kais Ishikawa or myself, Ryuu Shimazu.
  19. Shimazu Ryuunosuke finishes some of the parts of the Dojo ((Wait....Marcus was trying to do a Offensive Alliance?!?!?))
  20. ((The White Tigers felt you as no threat you were more a annoyance then an archenemy :D))
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