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Status Updates posted by imjoebaker

  1. OMG server duwn why is that

  2. People of Tumblr ( All 3 of you ) Let's hook up -imjoebaker.tumblr.com/

  3. People of Tumblr ( All 3 of you ) Let's hook up -imjoebaker.tumblr.com/

  4. Portfolio building like a boss with excision on. Editing at the speed of light.

  5. RP'in with a huge crows always results in rushed and sloppy RP. I struggle to maintain grammar and speed. :/

    1. Badass Imperial Guard

      Badass Imperial Guard

      That's why I stay away from big events

    2. Swgrclan


      Was good role-play



  6. Server is back up. Can I hear a Hu-rahh!

  7. Server's down and It's 2:am. That's a sign. G'night!

  8. So I now live under the rule of the Oren Kingdom.. this will be a barrel of laughs.

    1. Swgrclan


      There will be quite a few

      barrels, I assure you.

    2. Lym


      Wishing you the best of luck, you'll need it.

    3. Kaiser


      The barrels will be filled with nobal bodys :/

  9. So the servers look live yet nobody can get on. What shindiggery is this?

  10. So your characters parents were killed by bandits? You must be new here.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lym



    3. Jorgen Reimer

      Jorgen Reimer

      Orc Undead Bandits who were eating Halfings during the massacre of your parents, who were wizards*

    4. EmeraldStag


      WHile you magically got the skills to be witty, smart and stronger then anyone else ever?

  11. Somehow I get in-trusted with looking after a child, which I let fall into a mine and eventually fall into lava. "If she get's hurt I will kill you slowly" Was the last thing her father said to me. .... Oh sugar.

    1. legoman144
    2. imjoebaker


      Saved by the broadcast! Oh yea.

  12. Tengen has a new groove.

  13. Tengen has grown out his dyed hair.. I wonder what his true colour is?

  14. Tengen needs to catch a bat... Any ideas?

    1. The 5'th Friar~

      The 5'th Friar~

      Get a butterfly net. And go into a Cave. Easy-peasy!

  15. Tengen's issues are so mundane :') Disapproves of his job, his suited career is out of reach and he wishes for a family to call his own.. = 6 months of slow role-play to get there. GAME ON! :)

  16. Thank you friar5 for my new profile avatar.

  17. That awkward moment when you mistake a hobbit for a child.

    1. Everman111


      Ouch....I am sure there is a two hundred year difference.

  18. That moment when someone leaves a glaring typo :"L "After getting several scratches on my hands I got some porn" teehee

  19. The blacklist is good, but remember that if you witness poor RP, try to inform and help them before auto-banning them. Everyone makes mistakes and this used to be a big issue in the past.

    1. mmat


      I think the immediate blacklists are more for people being intentionally toxic, rather than simply new and poor RPers, you're right though. Education first.

    2. Samler


      So it's no contest to blacklist the most people?

    3. KarmaDelta


      Im sure it will be.

  20. The growth of my Treestead has started and it is already filled with elves.. how did this happen? 0_0

  21. The lack of status updates today is rather disturbing.

  22. The world regrows itself. I'd like to see the lore on that.

  23. Thinking about how I should alter my character for the new world.

    1. Dat Pugsy

      Dat Pugsy

      Make him a dark elf

    2. imjoebaker


      Do you know much of my character already?

  24. Thought i'd show my face. Malinor seems empty. Hm.

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