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Status Updates posted by imjoebaker

  1. Time to update my emblem.

    1. legoman144


      Bout time you came back.

    2. imjoebaker


      Haha, so to leave you hanging for so long! You play a new character these days?

  2. Unconcious.... with the knox and the perfectionist standing around.. I'm shitting bricks. http://i.imgur.com/oXRKA.png

  3. Uncovered a secret door within the dungeons of Aemon and Daemon.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. imjoebaker


      Find me in game, I have evidence that would differ.

    3. legoman144


      You shouldent have told Now they sealed it up with bedrock :/

    4. imjoebaker


      Oh i didn't realise it was wrong of us to find it. That's a shame It was a good adventure.

  4. Updating Mork's and Abreal's skins with alot of improvisation.

    1. Eledyr


      There skins arent that bas xD

    2. imjoebaker


      Bad? They asked me for some slight modifications you should still easily recognise them both.

    3. Eledyr


      Ah ok fine xD

  5. We are not alone. Pointless info, I just graduated from Hallam.

  6. Welcome to LotC filled with exciting role-play such as:

    1. imjoebaker


      Waiting for gates to open,

      waiting for gates to close,

      waiting for someone with keys to a gate,

      paying tolls to get past gates,

      refused entry passed a gate.

      Am I right?

    2. Dyrr


      you mean exciting pvp***

    3. Mankaar


      Not wearing pants.

  7. What's this about an Dwarf / Orc war? Oh wait, I do not care. I am an Elf. Hahaha.

  8. When the server goes down everyone screams "DDOS" is it not possible a plugin just overloaded ect..ect..?

  9. Who hates public transport... YOU DO! Help an Elf out and answer these 7 multiple choice Q's - http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/SMDNKWP

    1. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      I walk to work.

    2. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Stop lying, Gaius, everyone knows you ride a unicycle.

    3. Isha Wik

      Isha Wik

      Ahaha, filled it out...probably doesn't apply at all, being in BC etc with our different modes of transport XP

  10. Who would want to DDOS a MC server.. even better why?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skippy


      Google is your friend.

    3. imjoebaker


      ^ Skippy I think you got softly trolled by Jerano.

    4. Skippy


      I think otherwise.

  11. Wish lotc was more active at this time of day, all the good RP happens 1:00am for me.

  12. Yea sorry about that. Like I had said earlier, I had a headache and was incredibly tired. I should have elf'd up and just gone relic hunting with you!

  13. You bastard :P

  14. You had other business to attend to - You were needed elsewhere? It was late for me and so I went to sleep. Zzz.

  15. You think Inv Tweak would ease my OCD. No, it makes it worse. It's just not "right"

    1. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      I know. If I knew exactly how to tweak it's sorting, I'd have spent a week doing so.

    2. imjoebaker


      Things should be organised by there sort and use. Not item ID. Things should also be spread out into categories such as food or tools... bath what is the use :P.

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