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Status Updates posted by SDJFDSJNFDSLKJVNDFBN

  1. And then there were 6.

  2. What is Game of Thrones? Worth watching?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. shiftnative


      *sunglasses fall from the heavens and onto MediocreGamer's face.*

    3. 0000


      Hey shift, my brother.

    4. Dasaro


      Uh... watched last nights episode with my dad... showed a naked chick with a dragon on her shoulder; my dad got pissed :3

  3. Really? Restart Aborted? ._.

  4. Raid attack on Ascella just got served....

    1. V0idsoldier


      Uhg, pardon that, we got powergamed to hell, people say they want pvp, then beg for no pvp when they start dying, people rolling away in full armor, lots of crap. Its k though.

  5. OHHH YEAH! 69 Reputation!



      Ok who made it 70?! D:<

    2. Raptorious


      want me to change that >:]

    3. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)

      IMA MAKE 70 NAOW! do same to meh posts.

  6. This attack is atop a foundation of lies. Please, I call out to you! Come to the aid of Seventis! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/48704-the-mandarins-march/

  7. The hollow lies here wont stand. The allies with Seventis will triumph for we stand true and united. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/48704-the-mandarins-march/

    1. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)

      Aye! We will defeat them sire!

  8. I lost all my tiems and 13,000 minas because of this lightning. This is so frustrating...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cresaran


      I lost 100 minas and loads of items forom Dericks killer chimney

    3. Cresaran


      I lost 100 minas and loads of items forom Dericks killer chimney

    4. Samson (Derick)
  9. Off to school! Ill sneak on during computers like always! :3

    1. Dasaro


      Ahhh you and I always get on the computers at school... good times fooling our teachers... good times :P

  10. Anyone want to check out my Fictional Narrative? It's a Zombie Apocalypse Story! Thanks! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/48515-zombie-story/#entry365794

  11. *A message hands on the wall of a shop* Need an army to join with good pay? Need a sense of belonging and strength? Join the Seventis Military! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/48393-the-seventis-military/

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