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Status Replies posted by HuskyPuppy

  1. Debating on quitting LoTc...

  2. Writing lore, oh writing lore there is nothing that I adore more then writing lore.

  3. Writing lore, oh writing lore there is nothing that I adore more then writing lore.

  4. http://gyazo.com/1a1fbdf1c118d46bcea501325043eca4 - Been building a monastery. How does it look so far?
  5. Who accepted you onto The Lord of the Craft? For me, it was Volutional and Roze.

  6. Since we're friends, LOTC, you can call me Smith

  7. Hello community! I need a place to find skins so I can register. Hope I see all of you soon!

  8. Since we're friends, LOTC, you can call me Smith

  9. *secretly still is VAT, just with more sparkles*

  10. Finish the sentence: "I started to swing my sword at him when he..."

  11. Artists are needed... pl0x

  12. Turns out someone brought a laptop ^_^, now I install everything :D

  13. Turns out someone brought a laptop ^_^, now I install everything :D

  14. I wounder if we could break the record for most comments on a single status :o

  15. I wounder if we could break the record for most comments on a single status :o

  16. I wounder if we could break the record for most comments on a single status :o

  17. I wounder if we could break the record for most comments on a single status :o

  18. I wounder if we could break the record for most comments on a single status :o

  19. I wounder if we could break the record for most comments on a single status :o

  20. I wounder if we could break the record for most comments on a single status :o

  21. I wounder if we could break the record for most comments on a single status :o

  22. Afternoon Lotc.

  23. Oh, so Arik, you have a batman avatar? Welcome to my hit list *Writes down "Song Druid Arik"*

  24. You know that little saying on your profile, like Mine says Diamond miner? Some people have unique ones how do I do that :O

  25. Lym needs a heart in his name =3

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