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Status Replies posted by HuskyPuppy

  1. Still need 2 Human/Elf Halfling kids :P one Male one Female if your interested message me

  2. I need someone to talk to... :(

  3. I need someone to talk to... :(

  4. Back to my search for magic.... this mission seems endless...

  5. Thisi s why Panda took up drawing... Those sever crashes. She just needs a new legit request now... :

  6. Panda just got back from her thing... It was so much fun, when I got up there a random man from the audeince came up with Panda... He must have been a professional actor because he was so cool!

  7. Panda just got back from her thing... It was so much fun, when I got up there a random man from the audeince came up with Panda... He must have been a professional actor because he was so cool!

  8. Hmm trying to think what my next character should be.

  9. Whats that website where you can quickly take a screenshot and it uploads it right away and gives you a link?

  10. Panda is so tired, but no where to sleep... The fireworks were so awesome... Panda wore these glaasses that turned the fireworks into RAINBOW SEXPLOSIONS!!

  11. :P waiting to know the date..

  12. :P waiting to know the date..

  13. >Cranks AMP to high volume. >Plays a Chord. >Street gets blackout. > :X

  14. Hey Guys, I'll Be Back Soon :) I'll be posting my appeal on the 3rd so root for me!.

  15. Woohoo done with testing :D

  16. Woohoo done with testing :D

  17. Do people on here Hate me?

  18. Do people on here Hate me?

  19. Good names for a claymore.

  20. I need more forum friends, I feel lonely :P

  21. Happy Birthday to me :P

  22. Time to work on a buttload of signature requests!

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