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Status Replies posted by HuskyPuppy

  1. Its funny when in Arethor half of the people go out of their way to protect me cause im a kid and run a mad doctor out of the city :D

  2. Its funny when in Arethor half of the people go out of their way to protect me cause im a kid and run a mad doctor out of the city :D

  3. Got my first reputation :3 Only 99 to go to 100 :3

  4. Where'd all the good people go? I've been changing TS channels, I don't see them on the server anymore. Where'd all the good people go? We got heaps and heaps of what we sow.

  5. I kinda wana do a slave RP :P

  6. not sure if I want to play the borderlands 3 day free trial thingy.....

  7. Hmm.. Which Cities are active around 6.00 - 10Pm?

  8. Woot! Haha I was accepted!! I'm on the best roleplay server it the minecraft universe!!!

  9. Hmm Time for a status game...... I'm thinking of a kind of bird... GUESS NOW


  11. I need new people to stalk on the forums... Any ideas? :>

  12. People of Lotc, I need a favor from you. CRITICISM what can i do to improve this app http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/57085-huskys-app-team-app/page__p__444654#entry444654

  13. Can I be Fancy Fedora.

  14. Lornas :( why you want ban?


  16. Praying to Notch that I am Accepted

  17. I want to do something creative, ideas?

  18. Need more orcs on the Application Team - any orcs interested apply!

  19. Hmm, i feel like saying something random..... HUSKY NIUGGETS

  20. I need another character to portray..... any suggestions?

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