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Status Replies posted by HuskyPuppy

  1. I can fly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!((not really dont try that at home omgthtwudbesobad))

  2. Character ideas? Thinking of creating a gardener.

  3. Character ideas? Thinking of creating a gardener.

  4. Was a priest at a wedding, twas good fun.

  5. *saw an app he really wanted to reply to but is not an AT * :c

  6. Applying soon!~

  7. 4th VA posted and I have enough references. Wish me luck ^_^

  8. *wounders what the verdict on his va will be*

  9. *wounders what the verdict on his va will be*

  10. I need more friends, I only have like 97, and I want to beat Native.

  11. Got my hair did the other day ... will have to post a pic on the sy thread sometime...

  12. Big one year lotc aniversery day post coming toimorrow~

  13. Does anyone know some popular city's for mages to dwell in.I want to rp one and really want to find a teacher once i get accepted.

  14. The heart, is gone.

  15. Officially retired as App Team

  16. is it just me or do you think we need more ways to gain money :c

  17. Who like my new signature.

  18. A-Team assemble! some eager applicants awaitin' ! :>

  19. Oh hey guys, it's my 1 year anniversary on LotC! :)

  20. One Year LoTc Birthday on the 20th :3

  21. Lore writer... i need..

  22. So...I've been thinking about starting a Tekkit server and posting videos on da Youtubes. I can't record though, so here's a proposition. If you can provide the recording software, I can provide the server.

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