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Status Replies posted by HuskyPuppy


  2. On the road again, I can wait to be Ion the road again, having the most epic hang over ever, I can wait to be on the road again~*sings*

  3. Attending my first RP wedding as a guest XD~

  4. How do i get a GM or FM to update my vip status on fourms

  5. Anyone wana play a 6 Year old girl?

  6. Anyone wana play a 6 Year old girl?

  7. Anyone wana play a 6 Year old girl?

  8. Well DawnDusk11 you scared the 'ell outa me....

  9. Well DawnDusk11 you scared the 'ell outa me....

  10. Happy fourth of July, LoTC :]

  11. Whats 4th of July ._.

  12. Whats 4th of July ._.

  13. So whats with the drama over someone called Austin? o,o

  14. Project Wandering Skin is a go!

  15. Alright, project Wandering Skin is up! I can't wait to start making skins for he newer players. This is going to be great! We also have some great deals for "veteran" players also. I would recommend you check it out and give feedback, thanks!

  16. Likely quitting. Not gunna do a big flashy post if I do, if I quit this is my goodbye, if I don't its a useless status. Just a forewarning, I don't like leaving posts and I would complain too much so I am not making one.

  17. Likely quitting. Not gunna do a big flashy post if I do, if I quit this is my goodbye, if I don't its a useless status. Just a forewarning, I don't like leaving posts and I would complain too much so I am not making one.

  18. Wow just had a quick read of my app from back in september, all ii am going to say is it was possibly the worst app of them all.

  19. Gota ask, do you have to make a new app when making a second character?

  20. What do people want to see in a town for rp ? eg gambling houses ? anything that people want? tell me !

  21. anyone good with 32x32 Texture making? :o

  22. Holy mashed potatos with bacon gravy several-thousand views!! Panda feels stalked, loved, and creeped out, and a little bit fluffy.

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