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Status Updates posted by NoraDraft

  1. Leaving here for a bit to focus on a different server. You can still contact me here on the forums and such. I'll be around. ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bircalin


      Enjoy yourself! Best wishes to you on your time there, Nora.

    3. Bircalin


      Enjoy yourself! Best wishes to you on your time there, Nora.

    4. ayresalex
  2. Not disappearing, just taking a break a couple of days. Been sleeping A LOT recently. Will be back when I'm back to "myself" again.

  3. Why so tired? Why sleep? Play LoTC instead! They have cookies! *passes out on keyboard forcing oneself to play*

    1. Shorsand


      Yeah! And who needs school, or work, when you can just play LotC!

  4. Why so moody!? Stop it! Cheer up! RP! HAVE FUN! *Talking to self in mirror*

    1. Bircalin


      Sometimes, putting on a fake smile for a few seconds can help lift your mood ^^ Try it! Think happy thoughts too, spice it up a little gurl!

  5. Wode is my favorite person of the day. Thank you for being so amazing!

    1. Eleatic


      Favorite person of the day




    2. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      shush Tavari, nobody loves you

    3. shiftnative


      She is a deary, isn't she <3

  6. OOC: So yeah... I vanished from LotC... No word... No varning... And yeah... Stuff happened and well... It's been about 16 months and... I know this won't suffice, at all, but I'm sorry. Thank you for the good times I used to spend with you all. I don't expect any forgiveness, but I hope you've all had a great life in my absence and will continue to do so. Too little, too late... Farewell.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. VonEbs


      Well, more than likely, no more than a handful of people are left from 16 months ago. I have found this to be a very accepting community, and despite our fualts, we always love to see old faces return.

    3. NoraDraft


      ...not expect anything from me as well. I might disappear again. Sorry...

    4. Kaiser


      No need for sarrow, friend

      Love the siner, hate the sin

  7. Wow... I would never imagine so many would show for my wedding. I'm soo beat now from it. *Laughs* Thank you all for being a part of this day!

    1. Amethain


      You're most welcome!

    2. Arrinth
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